Pat's Blog

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Believe it or not, this is my first foray into Blog-dom. (it's especially ironic considering that I founded the very first local ISP in this part of the state some 15 years ago....)


Anyway, I've been trying to establish a pet photography business around here and got a little sidetracked some 6 months ago. It's still a little hard to manage the camera and get the timing right with my right hand not quite up to snuff. It's also a little hard to get down on the ground for the low angle shots I like to play with... Thought I'd share a couple of today's shots just for the heck of it...




Wishbone's almost 10 years old and is a lemon colored dalmatian that came to us a couple of years ago when his former owners did some things that triggered behavior problems and didn't have the patience or desire to fix the situation. His favorite activities are sleeping, eating and going to school (he really enjoys his weekly lessons with all of his friends at "Mutterly Love").





This is Jester. He's 3 years old and may have been a bird in a former life (he's the inspiration for the name "Flying Spots Photography"). His favorite activities include playing, snuggling and flying.


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hey Pat:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I use to call it my blogworld, but blogdom sounds better. loved all your pet pictures, I know there r lot of pet lovers in our blogdom so wil get lot of response on your amazing photography & great models. Personally for me bloging on this site has proved very therupetic for my soul.



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glad you found the blog-dom. love the pictures. hopefully you can take some soon that don't have snow in the picturebouncesmile.gifblessings mlp lynn

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Welcome Pat to the blogworld here on Strokenet. I ventured into blogging here in 2005, like you tentatively at first but now the people here are just a great part of my life.


I will enjoy reading your blogs and getting to know you better.



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Welcome Pat, Great pictures, hope your business aspirations go well. One of my goals this year is to get a dog, if I can talk my wife into it that is, maybe, with the right gift, I can work a deal on Valentines day.


Looking forward to your next set of photos, Mike (cargiver to Bernie (brain bleed April 2010).

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:welcome:Pat to Strokenet blog world. I was hesitant starting my blog but with the encouragement from Asha and MC

talking to them in chat, I took the plunge. With the passion you have in photography you'll manage to find a way

to get down for those low pictures and handle your camera. I had a golden retriever for 10 years, but now it's

hard enough to take care of myself. I enjoy other peoples dogs and their pictures.

I look forward to your postings and getting to know you.


Jeanniebean :cocktail:survivor 2001, age56, from Atlanta, GA schematic leftside

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