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valentines day and yes we are celibrating



well i just wanted you to know that valentines is coming and my friend jack who i have known for a very long time in fact when i had my stroke jack had one as well and now i found that we were in the same hospital at g.f.stongand he has a cargiver who is jacks wife her name is marilyn, any way jack is celibrating his 10 year anniversary by going out on val;entines day and he ask me even though it"s not 10 years for me only nine to go out to dinner with my long time friend so of coarse i accepted as you know how i love a good party so my wife and jacks wife and me will be going out on saturday to a chinese resturant and to celibrate jacks 10 yea anniversary, and i should tell you that i have been tring to get jack to sigh up to stroke net but he is very bust as he volentees being president for the stroke club so he is a very busy man, and a very nice man but jack and his wife marilyn have remained friends for over 10 years now we always go out for lunch and for breakfast and of coarse when jacks 10year anniversary comes up i was ask to come and of coarse i said oh boy you bet a party and it just happens to be on valentines day, so may i say to all of you a very happy valentines to all of you and thank you jack for the invite,


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Yes Lenny, it is good to have good friends and I agree with the others - have a Happy St Valentine's Day and party to your heart's content.


Sue. :forgive_me?:

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