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my 2011 birthday



I had a nice day on my birthday yesterday. It was just a nice relaxing day because we decided to celebrate saturday, tomorrow. We are going to watch our favorite shows (recorded earlier) and movies, then for dinner we are having take out, no cooking yay. I love cooking but its nice to get a break once in a while. My son Dan called yesterday to wish me a Happy Birthday. I am so happy he thought of it. Plus he is taking me out to dinner tonight. I am excited because I will meet his new girlfriend tonight too. Hows that for a nice birthday. I could not have asked for anything better.


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belated happy Birthday, hope you have great time on your birthday with your son & his girlfriend. you have great caring son. have lot of fun with love of your life on saturday.



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happybday.gif wishing you the happy birthday you deserve. so glad dan called. hopefully you're out celebrating while i'm typing this. let us knowYou-Rock.gifblessings lynn
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Happy Birthday MC. glad you son remembered to call and wish you Happy birthday. Nice he is taking you out and bringing his new girlfriend for you to meet. Let us know the scoop on the girlfriend. Lets enjoy a drink to celebrate :cocktail:

Jeanniebean :cocktail:(Hugs)

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