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Thoughts about getting stronger and how to get stronger



I have had the privilege of using opportunities given to me to get myself fitter asnd stronger.

I was an announcer at swimming competition meets until the time of my stroke. Last weekend I was invited back to be an announcer since my stroke in sept of last year. I had to learn how to speak again....i.e. to learn how to shape my mouth to form words and when I get fatigued the left hand side of my mouth droops and saliva runs down the edge of my mouth. The opportunity of announcing came with a price. The timings were 7.30am -11.45am then 3.30pm-8.00pm. Now you can imagine that I had to make allowances for fatigue at this time. The first session was a learning curve when anything that could go wrong went wrong...from holding the microphone too close to getting used to being given quick instructions and complete the announcing task right away.


The warm up for my mouth I learned was to exercise my jaw from side to side to get my mouth ready to pronounce the names of the swimmers. Then I had to learn how to use the tape deck so that the music for the swimming finals was ready to be played at the drop of a hat as well as taking instruction at the same time.:goodjob:, I am totally exhausted now but I DID IT I can speak clearly, and to top it off, a swimmer commented on how she enjoyed my dialogue and that I was her favourite announcer.:yukyukyuk:I am stronger for it. I even had to plan my visits to the toilet while I was announcing.


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Moses, this is some achievement. You should be proud of what you have done. Coming back from a stroke to doing a stresssful job where quick thinking is needed is great.




Also welcome to blogworld :Good-Luck: and :You-Rock:



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welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am glad you are able to go back to your job as an annoucer at swim meet. I am sure it has to be challeging to attempt after stroke. I am glad you tried & succeeded. I know this more you do it, easier t wil become as time goes on.



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Moses, this is some achievement. You should be proud of what you have done. Coming back from a stroke to doing a stresssful job where quick thinking is needed is great.




Also welcome to blogworld :Good-Luck: and :You-Rock:



THank you for being so encouraging. Any other thoughts for getting fitter?


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welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am glad you are able to go back to your job as an annoucer at swim meet. I am sure it has to be challeging to attempt after stroke. I am glad you tried & succeeded. I know this more you do it, easier t wil become as time goes on.



Thank you for being so encouraging

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