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Pool Closed



I was out all day running around doing this and that of course

with Carl. Had lunch out

at a Chinese restaurant, it was

inexpensive and good. Then we stopped

at the nursery Carl

needed some organic fertilizer and I found

nothing. But, looking for my Mexican

Sunflower seeds. So Carl stopped at

our True Value Hardware store and low

and behold they had

my seeds. :Clap-Hands:Stopped at the coffee house,

have a cup of Joe and chat with friends.

After all that in a day, and I was to lazy

to go exercise this morning at the Y it's

time to go now.

I hit the whirlpool first, so to ease the pain

in my knees. It was so peaceful until I

their was a ruckus in the pool. The lifeguards

are emptying the pool. I really didn't think


about it at the time. Next I head towards the

pool and that's

when the lifeguard stopped me and informed

me that the pool

is CLOSED. UGH:ranting:I asked why. Answer:

a four year old pooped in the pool. State

law states pool has to be closed and vacuumed.

so I was told. No exercise for me tonight.

When I got home I was courtesy what the

CDC states. I found that when fecal in form

stool, remove stool, close pool and the

chlorine will clean over a 24hr. period. But

if it was a diarrhea,

now the pool should be closed for a week

because the fecal matter germs is exposed.

Now that I've found the information from

the CDC I will inquire about what kind of

fecal the incidental matter was.

I'm glad to learn about what is to happen

when a incident happen as such.



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Interesting. The Y closed the pool on Monday. I was going to take William in and found out the pool would be closed for 45 min. I have no idea why. THen i said to myself. Just use the shower. WEll the shower that i like to us...Had the seat in the shower broken. I hope they fix it by Wed. The other shower was sort of broken. i could not shut off the spigot.


I should have just brought Wm home and give him a shower.


I love the hot tub. I may go tonight



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Interesting. The Y closed the pool on Monday. I was going to take William in and found out the pool would be closed for 45 min. I have no idea why. THen i said to myself. Just use the shower. WEll the shower that i like to us...Had the seat in the shower broken. I hope they fix it by Wed. The other shower was sort of broken. i could not shut off the spigot.


I should have just brought Wm home and give him a shower.


I love the hot tub. I may go tonight



Ruth, It's your right to know why the pool was closed, your a paying member. You need to

report that the shower spigot and seats are broken. They have comment slips at the front desk

to write it down and deposit it in the comment box. I've done it several times to get things fixed. The front desk person usually cant' help and doesn't want to.(not getting paid to do that).

At my Y they take the written complaints serious. otherwise I write another one until it's fixed. I love the Y, they keep is so clean and smelling not like a sweaty locker room.

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