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Slow But Steady Wins the Race

AZ Leah


Time for an update. My spinal stenosis pain is miraculously still gone (I hope for good) plus I am off my regular doses of pain meds. The doctors said this just doesn’t happen! No doubt guardian angel is at work! So except for neuropathy in my hands and feet which I’ve had since the stroke, I’m pain free for the first time in a looong time. My husband says I look better and my eyes and mind are clearer. :bouncing_off_wall:


Now I have to deal with COPD. :yeahrite: I think it is from being on a ventilator for so long after my stroke which was acerbated when I fell and broke some ribs which punctured my lung. This resulted in “restricted pulmonary lung”. I’ve had a full lung function test and have a RX for an inhaler with albuterol. Don’t know how well this is working yet; I don’t want to use it as often as they say I can because the albuterol causes me to be shaky.


Meanwhile, I am continuing with 1# weights for my arms. :Clap-Hands: My trainer gave me the exercises, 5 of them, and I’m up to 12 reps. 3 set too times a week. I hope to be up to 2# weights within a couple weeks. My trainer recommended a physical therapist who she has known a long time. I have an appt. tomorrow with him tomorrow. He will evaluate me and advise me what leg exercises, abs, etc. I can do so we don’t “wake up” my stenosis.


I still have faith that I will be back to driving before too long especially because “with faith, all things are possible.”

Bye for now, Leah :hiya:


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