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okay as you know i posted in the message board titled just a question, so i thought that i would elaborite a little more in a blog rater than in a post from when i starteed to how far i have come other wise the then and now now the only then that i now am not able to do is run marothon which i did before and i am still tring , don"t ever give up then had a stroke, then came home in a wheelcair then us to transfer myself into the car by using a cardbord and standing on the cardboard to spin in order to transfer myself into a car now i just walk and swing my legs ito the carthen i couldn"t shower or dress by myself so now i use to sleep while wearing my shoes on as i could"nt put on my left shoes but now i can shoewr and dress by my self and i now sleep in my barefeet finally oh and no more wheel chair then i use to not be able to make my own appointments becaus i had a hard time remembering hat tim i had to leavein order to get on time i ad a veryy difficult with time and numbers now i make appoitmnts all of the tme and i am now respoonsible for picking p my grandson at school all of the time and i now juggle my times by going to physioterpy massage therapy and stroke club and pic up my gradson and time is not an issue like it use to be then i us to be an emotional rollercaster basket case now i am able to unction quite welli am still struggling with time zones buut i am sure that wit ime no pun intended i will get this to figure out as well now don"t getr me wrong i still have a long way to go but now i am content to where i am no=w no i am not running a marothon yet that is i m still working on endurance bt at least i ave come tis far and i still am working on my left arm and finger but i am close my shoulder works y elow orks and i can move my thumb little finger and ring finger however i can"t seem to move my index finger and that finger is what s kep me from bein able to open up my palm but as i say i am still a work in progress,and most importantly i have a grat family life with alot of support and i really enjoy being a father and a dad and a gandfther so all in all it has been a ood life i will still be orking on runnifg a marathon and after that who knos but i know one things for sure i am very happy with the then and the now , its a good life aftr all the strokes i still have goals and i still have freams and the most important part of my life i am still a husband and a fther ad a grandfather and my life is still ahead full speed ahead lookout for the then and the now don"t evergive up


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such a wonderful blog, thanks for sharing your journey. I love the way you have accepted your new normal & making best out of your current situation. I also feel the same way. life is still great post stroke just little different.welI l I never thought I would retire at 34, but now that I m retired. I am enjoying my retirement as mother & wife



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such a wonderful blog, thanks for sharing your journey. I love the way you have accepted your new normal & making best out of your current situation. I also feel the same way. life is still great post stroke just little different.welI l I never thought I would retire at 34, but now that I m retired. I am enjoying my retirement as mother & wife



and asha knowing you and knowing how munch family means to you i am sure that you are soing a wonderful job of bing a mother and a wife and i am glad that you have found how good life and family can bring to you you desrve it asha your friend lenny

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Lenny, You've done so well and worked so hard at your rehab, you should be very proud of yourself. Being a husband, father, and grandfather are all the most important jobs you could have.


My best to you.



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Lenny, You've done so well and worked so hard at your rehab, you should be very proud of yourself. Being a husband, father, and grandfather are all the most important jobs you could have.


My best to you.



oh mary joe thank you for your kind words to me and i do take my job as bing a fathrt husbsnd and grandfater and that is why i am so cpmfortable living with my stroke as, i can still do the job that i love doing all thebest to you mary joe

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