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Never done a blog before so I will be jounalizing my post stroke life



Post stroke--font has to be bigger so I can see it better. I even had to get reading glasses so I could read the newspaper.


Well this post stroke journey is very interesting to be. I am a social worker, by profession, I help others, I make referrals for people to get help into their homes, to help with personal care, disabilities, their children. Being on the other side, needing to have other help me has been very difficult for me. I was especially disappointed with my office (its a social worker office so you would think care/compassion/helpfulness), NOPE! that's not what I found; I found that I was replaced (I am aware that the work needed to be done while I was out sick, but I was totally replaced). My office was cleaned out of every personal item that was in there and locked away in storage. I wasn't able to come back to work full time so I was not allowed to be a supervisor. I had to have reasonable accommodations to have a part time jobs--luckily something I like to do and have good contact with clients and families. And I know that I am lucky to be able to work at all. But it has been very difficult to go back to work. My co workers are nice but don't know what to do/think about me. Do I remember things? Do I remember them?

I feel like the stroke stole my idendity. I can't be a social worker supervisor, I am not strong even now (physically or emotionally), the brain surgeon cut off all of my long blond hair (and its coming in now but short and I am not a short hair person.). I can find a new me, I have done it before, but I don't know what/who that new me will be. I don't know who it is that I want to be...


I want to keep my compassion for others, but not be quite so emotional, crying at the drop of a hat. And I want to continue to do something meaningful with my life. I was thinking that I am almost one year post stroke and 'should' be doing things at a 'certain'self-imposed level, but from reading the forums and blogs, the recovery goes on for years and years. I can prepare myself for that, I am a life long learner so I will just learn more about stroke recovery. I will need to find some more good sites about the lifelong stroke recovery information.


The blog feels good to write; I have been journalizing for several months now. but blogging feels good too. See you on the next blog. Maybe I will have a topic to write about instead of just rambling on for a while. Blogging is very freeing. I like it.



Brainbleed 5-9-10




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Marcie, there are people here who have had their stroke early in life. If you post a question on lifelong stroke recovery some of them will surely answer.


I am a long time caregiver eleven years now, my husband Ray has had five strokes. Like you he lost his supervisor's job after six months off after the 1990 stroke. But he worked for 81/2 years and then had strokes 2 and 3 four weeks apart in 1999, which retired us both, me to look after him.


Welcome to Blogworld. As my blog says I use my blog to try and sort life out.



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Marcie, that reminds me of the saying, "You never know when you might be on the other side of the fence." I bet you never dreamed of having a stroke and having to be helped yourself?


We are glad you are feeling much better and getting the hang of things in life that was changed real fast. I've paid attention to the things God controls seems to happen in a matter of seconds and when we survive it's a true blessing in my mind.


In most cases it takes years for man to get things back in order. Look at earthquakes and strokes, recovery is slow at best. You found out just like I did, that we too are replaceable. Another person can do the same job, perhaps not as good as we did or thought we did but are in the slot nevertheless.


That's when I knew it was time for me to retire and sit down thanking God for the health I still got. After 22 years military, 10 years postal service and 9 years in my own business, it was time to quit!


Shortly after I sold my business the bowling center was robbed, it could have been me killed or hurt seriously if I didn't hand over the money. All of that makes me endure the life I got now with my wife and family. I can laugh every day, take my meds, eat, praise God and live my life and you will too!


Thanks for blogging and all the best to you! :big_grin: :cocktail:

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hi Marcie:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging, I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed n my left side & prematurely retired me from the job I loved. I had my whole identity as a human being was so wrapped with my job & job title. It was very hard pill to swallow. It was very hard to come in terms with myself that I was not indispensable. Though with the support of my family & strokenetwork I have created new normal for me & I love the person I have become post stroke.



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I feel so much the same way that you do. I lost my identity and am trying to find the post-stroke me too. I deal with co-workers who run the gambit from wonderfully supportive to down right ignorant and hurtful. AND, I blog asa a way to deal with my feelings and my life post-stroke.


Welcome to Stroke Net, welcome to the blogs and please know that we are all here to help and support each other!

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