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I may not be dancing, but I'm a going' to the ball!



Our church hosts the Lincoln-Douglas charity ball every year. The proceeds of which go to Corner Stone Kids, a private school/Day care for low income families in Tampa. We go almost every year.


Last year, we skipped the ball beause Sam was recovering from testicular cancer surgery. FYI- a year later, he is cancer free and back to teaching Tai Chi.


This year was nebulous for us. We weren't sure if I was going to be able to go, let alone want to go. Sam's parents bought our tickets any way, "just in case," and Wednesday night, his mom called to see if we felt up to going or not. I told her I would talk it over with Sam and call her back.


It took all of about 5 minutes for us to decide that we did want to go, and though I would probably skip the "pramanade" and not do a whole lot of dancing, I really did want to go ahead and go anyway. So I called his mom back and told her to count us in, then called my mom to make sure my parents had the time and place for tomorrow night too. We are all going, Sam's parents, my parents, Sam's sister and a date, Sam and me, and Uncle Charles and Aunt Larry. A full table of 10! It sould be a great evening and I am starting to get excited about it. bouncesmile.gif


I chose to go ahead and go because I thought Sam and I both needed it. We need an evening to dress up, go out and be with friends and family, without focusing on teh challenges of every-day life and my recovery. I'd have dragged him to it last year had he not been on so many poiods for pain.


I've been walking and have started a light weights program to improve my right side. I'm feeling more like myself, and the Lincoln-Douglas is one heck of a party, one that should not be missed!yay.gif


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you made great decision. go & dance like no one is watching. It does not matter what others think. as long as you are with family & friends it will turn out to be great party. I am sure you are going to have grand time at the event.



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Get out on the floor, you can shake something of yours! :happydance:


If you don't you are gonna feel bad on the way back home!! :rolleyes: :cocktail: Have a cocktail and get with it! :roflmao: Even if you are laying down just start kicking your feet! :rolleyes:

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You made the right decision. You will have so much fun.

Yes, you deserve a good time.


Let us know how the ball went.



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Asha, I can read the envy in your post. Time to get planning some dancing of your own!


Lydi, as they say "dance as if no-one is watching" and have a great time.



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