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A fun and productive week



Weather report this week was very good. I told all the caregivers I wanted Bruce back on schedule and working.


Monday we again had a snowstorm here. I had been asking Bruce to shave for weeks. Leo gives a great shave and beard trim, but no go. So since we were stuck in I suggested a shave and shower. Bruce had dinner plans with his friends from work on Tuesday and I wanted a shower in preparation for that.


I find, like a lot of caregivers here, that Bruce prefers to do most things with me. The pool, shower are our intimate times. We take what we can get. Here we have talked the past few weeks how much longer it takes for us to give showers as opposed to the paid caregivers. We work in Tee shirts because we and our BR's get soaked. Yet our paid caregivers do it in half the time, fully dressed and have half the clean up. At home it is not an issue. However long it takes is fine. At the pool, as long as no one is waiting for the co-ed shower, we take our time. Bruce's hair is very fine and very oily. His shampoo must be a good one and he must be thoroughly rinsed. Seems only I have recognizd that. He is mine afterall.


Tuesday Debi and Carol came for dinner. I was able to do the box store run and they are here to help unload and unpack. For that I am truly thankful.


Wednesday was work. Bruce continues to find this difficult and frustrating. I just remind him that it will take time and hard work. Thursday morning Bruce says I don't want to go to work and I really don't want to go to the pool. We had a day in and my sister and niece arrived early. Our niece was on vacation this week and NH was expecting a big storm on Friday, so they arrived on Thursday. They were able to spell off the paid caregiver, giving me some free time.


Friday morning Mary Beth started sauce for dinner and Jen arrived. I had left for work an hour earlier because Mary Beth and Melissa can handle everything. Mary said Bruce and Jen were off for the pool within 15 minutes. Mary Beth and Melissa left for my brother's shortly thereafter. We all arrived home by 2 pm and Bruce was exhausted, so went to bed early. We cancelled Carl's Friday visit and all went to bed early.


On Saturday, Bruce's college roommates arrived for the day. I went off to work and Mary Beth and Melissa went to my brother's for the day. Mary, Melissa and I were able to have a nice dinner out, thanks to the boys and then Bruce went off to bed and we all enjoyed AMC's tribute to the Oscar's by watching some great movies.


Everyone left this morning and Bruce and I spent the day quietly doing laundry and just hanging out.


Cognitively, Bruce was incredible this week. Contributing to the conversation, less TV, taking time to find his words without quitting. This is always true of his visits with Bob and Tom. Bruce insisted we close the BR door when it was just Mary and I, but when it was Bob and Tom discussing sports, literature, history; Bruce wanted the door open. I am hoping in time he will just get up and join in.


Best news of the week-maybe month-after Bruce's Estim at 4pm on his arm, he was rubbing his arm. I said what's wrong, figuring I had put the leads on wrong and he said No, it just feels off and then proceeded to move his right arm to the arm rest. The arm went back to his lap by itself. But Bruce was able to move it to the arm rest two more times. Yahoo! We have been watching a survivor in rehab working his arm-hand for hours every single day for six months. I have full knowledge about how long and hard this road is. But good for him and it is a start. The one thing Bruce does do is work his hand every single day, so maybe this will all gel soon.


All in all, a very good week.


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Debbie :forgive_me?: well done you!!!!


:yay: Yay for Bruce also!!!


You are right it is the long haul, the repetitions over a six months period that does the trick. Ray will give up in a week, you keep Bruce going and one day that arm will move through a whole range of motions.


I wish I had Mary Beth, would you like to swap sisters? LOL.



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Debbie I'm so happy you had a nice weekend with everyone. Also, that arm movement is another reason to celebrate his hard work. :Clap-Hands:

Hugs to Bruce.



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Wow, I am impressed. Tell Bruce, I am envious ...his arm moved. E-stim. I need to start using that again. William doesn't like it very much.


Shaving....is a matter of argument with William and I. I like to use the manual blade and William likes the electric. The electris is not close enough and the blade hurts his face.


William would rather I gave him his shower...But, it is so much work.


You have a wonderful sister.



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