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a little shaky start



made it to florida after a little shakey start. let's just say my husband loves, loves trap shooting and loads his own bullets and shells.hunter.gif he was doing that the morning of flight. walking without cane, i touch table he was using for balance. guess who gets stop at security after scan?told not to touch anyone or anything while they got head of security.i felt like an outcast.sisters told not to touch meand me not to touch anybody or weird.

after being checked again, they finally said i had tested positive for explosivesblowup.gif after telling them about husband they seemed to relax some as they brought me to the private room for more screening.cheese1.gif anyone who truly knows my sisters and i would not be surprised by this; .nor by the fact that when we arrived in florida they were having a major wildfire 20 mis. away. it burned 17,000 acres.feeling jinxed we're just happy we can still go places together. i will say you have to have a snense of humor to get by.

our time in florida was wonderful. sunshine and 70's everyday.not a snowflake in sight.spent most time sitting by ocean reading and eating. hate having to come back to reality. 15 degrees here with another 1-3 ins. of snow tonight. ick. brother showed us best places for homemade ice cream.clap.gif now that i'm home, i'll proably have to step on that scale.crying.gif trip home uneventful except that they tore sisters new luggage, from scotland; . they said it was normal wear and tear. only 2nd time she used it.arrive home , husband waiting near curb and afraid of getting ticket like last time. he loads luggage too quickly and without really looking slams down handle on sisters luggage thinking it was mine. didn't see button to lower handle. CRACK, there goes handledoh.gif . oh well, it already was torn. i tell you it's the whole family.amazing we're allowed to go anywhere without giving notice we're coming. we did have a wonderful timejust sorry about suitcase.missed you guys and i have a lot of reading and updating to go through. blessings lynn


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Our son Trevor once got stopped in 'Sydney when a sniffer dog smelt something on him. He had been cleaning out public housing flats, all kinds of rubbish piled high and who knows what it all contained. When he took off his shoes and the dog sniffed just him he was clean.


Funny old world eh?



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I'm so glad you were able to make it here to Florida! I'm also glad you made it home before this front moved in so you didn't have to deal with the thunderstorms.


My family deals with always being the ones who get stopped and checked every time we go somewhere too. I like to think of it as an "elite club of the most die-hard travelers!" biggrin2.gif Let's face it, we put up with all sorts of things and we still travel!


Glad you had a good time!!goodjob.gif

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welcome back, I am glad you had great time in florida other than some hicups while travelling. glad you are focusing on good times & ignoring some bumps along the journey.



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I am so glad that you got some well deserved R&R. I am really not looking forward to the airport. I have put off that type of travel since William has had his stroke. It would be a nightmare for me.



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