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Start of Lent, Disconnect, Weather and other things



Have I mentioned, lately, tha Sam is the absolute most wonderful husband in the whole world? Well, he is.


Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. Sam asked if I wanted to go to church services last evening, then he made the "executive decision" that we would play it by how I felt after work. Well, I decided that I did want to go, so Sam rushed home in terrible traffic, changed out of scrubs into a grey shirt and matching slacks (when he wears something more than just jeans and a t-shirt, he looks amazing!), and off we wnt to church. The close-in lot was full as we arrived very close to the start of services, so Sam dropped me near the door and then parked the car. I waited for him and we went into the santuary together. There was a small crowd, maybe 20-30 people. Sam squeezed my hand reassuringly as we made our way to our typical seats, near the front, 3 rows back on teh right side. Both of Sam's parents are in the chior and smiled at us when we took our seats.


Service was solem, and all about true introspection and true repentance, typical for the start of Lent. Then there was the "passing of God's peace," the part where we all stand up and move through the church exchanging handshakes, hugs, and the peace and blessing of the Lord.


I remained in my seat. Sam stood, but didn't leave the pew. He was, I realized, effectively "playing blocker" for me, making it difficult for anyone to get close enough to hug me, while still being polite. If anyone questioned anything, he politely told them I was just tired. So, handshakes and handclasps only for me during the peace, something I could handle better than all the hugging and moving in close quarters. As everyone settled back into their seats, he huged me and asked if that was better. I smiled, said that was better and squeezed his hand.


Service continued, the administering of the ashes, communion, absolution of the pentitant, finally the dismissal. Sam, who was seated on my left, toward the aisle, waited until everyone else had passed us before stepping out, then letting me out. We were very nearly the last people to leave the sanctuary, save the priest and Sam's parents who had all waited for us. It was third degree time.


Sam explained that all the physical contact from hugging and being in crowds was a little too much for me still, plus my balance is still not great, so I can fall easily, and that by the evening time, I'm tired, which makes it worse. Ok, then my mother-in-law decided that she would stay with me on Sunday morning services, from when the chior comes down into the congregation for the sermon, through the passing of God's peace, and then go back to the chior, that way I have her to "play blocker" on Sunday mornings. Rev. E said that I can always stay seated and she can bring communion to me, instead of me walking up to the rail, if that is easier for me. I thanked them and told them I would play walking up to the rail for communion by ear.


Back home again amd Sam told me to go ahead and get comfortable in bed. He'd make dinner and bring it to me. My energy had kind of faded during the church service and I looked "droopy" as he put it. Sounded good to me, so I did what I was told. Sam made soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Logan helped and all 3 of ate them on the bed in my room. To be honest, I kind of liked that. Just me, sam and my "Little man," the knickname I gave Logan, the youngest of the 3 kids, when he was small. After dinner, I went ahead and went to sleep.


Then the storms rolled in. At about 4 this morning, the cats started throwing themselves against the bedroom door, waking me up. They were so insistant that I thought hthey would hurt themselves, so I got up and let them in.....all 5! Now, Nikki, our tuxedo cat, does not like Oni, our big long haired cat, or Vivi, the youngest cat whgo is currently in heat and pestering him (Nikki and Oni, the 2 males are fixed). Cally is the "old lady" of the group at 13 years old, and typically does not leave her comfy spot on the couch. However, NONE of the cats likes thunder.


With thunderstorms rolling in, lightning flashing and thunder rolling for more than a minute at a time, all 5 cats had decided that they could call a truce long enough to be let into the bedroom and hide in bed with "mommy and daddy." All 5 of htem were on the bed and tucking themselves inbetween and on top of Sam and me, once I got back into bed, to ride out the thunder. Doh.gif


Now, we have a queen sized bed. But 5 cats, Sam and me all in it at one time is still a few more bodies than there is comfortable room for. Sam woke up fussing about being pushed to the edge of the bed. When he was actually awake, I told him the cats had swarmed us because of the thunder. He looked around at all of them, said "oh my god, all 5!" and layed back down. He went back to sleep, snoring. I laid there with cats all over the bed, awake until the alarm went off.Neeeedsleeep.gif


The weather is still rainy and more thunder is expected, so we left the bed unmade, left my pajamas on the bed, and left the bedroom door open for the cats when we left the house for work this morning. I expect the cats will continue their truce and hide in our bed, at least until the storms pass.wink_anim.gif


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you have amazing husband & extended family who looks after you & loves you so much. your grilledcheese sandwich & soup making me hungry now lol.



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