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Nice day to sit outside and enjoy the weather



Larry's son, wife and our granddaughter, Rachel (4 yrs) came over for lunch today. We had pizza and salad and Larry actually ate about 4-5 pieces and a salad. Rachel played with these bendable things that come in all colors. Her mom and dad also played with them and said this keeps Rachel busy for hours. We persuaded Larry to go outside on the patio and Rachel entertained us with her dancing. It was about 80 degrees! :hot: We all got some vitamin D. I had a nice lunch with my friends last Thursday. We had not been able to get together for several months. It's nice to be able to talk to friends and unload. Friday Larry's friend from his carpool and workdays came with his wife. We had not seen his friend much since Larry came home. It's funny how friends will come to the hospital when Larry is half out of it or tired but when home - they disappear. I wish he would have more visitors now! Larry has been going to his independent exercise program at the outpatient rehab center. He works on several machines, does some stretching and works at the parallel bars doing backward walking, side stepping and stepping up on blocks. :happydance: He works much harder at the center than at home so it is worth the time and cost (which is reasonable). There was a floral spray toward the back of the center last week and I asked about it. They said one of their patients had passed away. They said since the therapists were like family, they brought it to them as a tribute to their help.

I thought to myself that they are like family in as much as they have helped us over the last year.




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Julie: what a terrific day. Hate to tell you this honey, but we have some more weather coming! Isn't it amazing what some sun and warmth can do? Plus the added benefits of family.


When Bruce stroked, it was like someone yelled "Party!" His roommates came immediately from NM and CA, and of course my sister. They ran defense for me for days. Where are these people now?


Doesn't matter. Like you I was able to have dinner with my friends on Friday. Had a blast and just a few hours off from stroke, without having errands to do.


I am so happy you had time with your friends and moreso, that Larry enjoyed his visits. While we caregivers relish our own time, nothing makes us happier than to see our person happy and smiling. Good week, Debbie

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Yes the price is reasonable if our patients will work hard. It sounds like Larry works really hard. that is so good.

Yes the weather is great here to.



I hope the home INR worked out well.

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Julie, Good for Larry going outside get some fresh air and sunshine. It's so enjoyable to have a little one around to entertain adults.:happydance::happydance:

remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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