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Rolling along



MY rolator came Thursday. We picked it up from the UPS depot (they never deliver to our house at a time when any of us are home, sowe have it held for pick up) and brought it home. I put it together without Sam's help. I figured if I was going to use the darm thing much of my day, I was going to tackle it from the getgo. It really wasn't all that difficult to do.*beep*.gif


Friday morning, I went to work with it. It does make things easier in teh break room because I can carry items in the little basket, or sitting on the bench. That meant I needed less help. Garion came to pick me up on Friday afternoon. Normally, when 4:00 rolls around, I'm done, pretty much for the evening. Well, Friday, I was still feeling like I had some energy, so I didn't mind when Garion asked if we could stop off at Walmart. He wanted me to show him what the stain/oder remover we use when the cats go outside of the litter box, because our house does not have the typical scent that says "a cat person lives here." It's the only stuff that we have found that really works and works well.


Fast forward about 45 minutes to wghen we got to the house. I was a little tired, but not bad. Garion hung around for a little while, then went on his way. I settled down on the chase lounge to doze before Sam got home from work.


Friday is pay day for Sam every week and me every other week. We both got paid last Friday, which means doing the "big shopping" at the membership club. Normally I will put it off until Satureday or Sunday, because I am too tired to do it on Friday. This time, I didn't. Sam puttered around the house for about an hour, then we went to do the big shopping. An hour or so later, when we were leaving the membership club, I was starting to get that "wiped out" feeling. Back home around 9:00, I was finally "done for," and Sam put me to bed.


So, using the "rollie," as I have decided it is called, gave me another 5 hours I wouldn't have had of active time on Friday. That doesn't suck. Clap-Hands.gif


Saturday was just time at home day, which was fine. Sunday, we had dinner with my parents, played a game of Majhong, then several games of spades and got home later than expected. Today, I'm a little tired from getting to bed after 2 am, but I'm not the kind of tired that I have been. Maybe I pushed too hard to get around just with teh cane.blush.gif


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LY, Good for you. Did you take the rolaid into Wal-mart? Are you able to transport it yourself?

I maybe need to check this roller out.

remembertolaugh, Jeaniebean :cocktail:

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Yes, I did take it into Walmart and I am able to fold it and put it in the car on my own. The one I have is an ultralight rolator made by Medline.

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Sounds like you are moving right along, maybe that's just what you needed for a big lift in energy? I rely on my scooter to move me around town, I drive but can't walk very far or long, I get pretty tired. I got bad knees too and replacements may be not so far away now.


I wish you well working and getting out more with energy left at days end! :big_grin:

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Guest lwisman


Good for you. I have been trying to get people interested in rollators for years. I purchased my first in 1998, It immediately made me more self reliant. I wore the first one out -- after 11 years. I now have two, one for outside and one for inside.


If anyone is thinking about one, I would suggest doing research. They are different weights (light making it easy to take in and out of a car, heavy more stable), different size wheels (I suggest large for more stability).


A tray is great if you have a difficult time carrying things -- especially liquids. A seat is great if you take walks, you don't have to plan you walk around where the park benches are. A cup holder is great if, like me, you drink water all day one.



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