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More stuff for me to deal with



I went to the skin cancer doc today after going to my internist, then to my dermatologist to see about this thing on my outer nostril. It had not formed a scab or bled lately and all you could see was a small reddish area between my nostril and cheek. I thought he can cut that off and I'm good. Well it was a bigger area than I thought (about 1/3") that he is going to take off. Thank goodness it is not the melanoma type cancer. I will have to see a plastic surgeon now and arrange to schedule the post surgery for repair. This is my price to pay for laying out in the sun as a teenager years ago. I'm not too afraid of the surgery (well not yet). It's just having to get someone to stay with Larry for 1/2 a day very early in the morning and probably during the week. I hope I can schedule our good caregiver Jim.

Larry said he was sorry I had to go through this. Then he said "Medicare will probably not pay for all of this so I guess the rest will come out of my pocket". LOL Thanks Larry. :huh:

It has finally stopped raining here for the afternoon but rain coming for the next few days again. I hope everyone has a happy and blessed Easter. :)



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Julie, there always seems to be something to rain on our parade. Larry has the same attitude as Ray - everything comes out of "his" pocket (mostly it is out of my savings!)


Hope you get fixed up with the right carer for Larry so you can go ahead with the surgery with a peaceful mind.



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