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My New Mantra



Live fully: laugh loudly, cry honestly, sleep deeply, eat hartily and love unconditionally


I've added it to the end of a few forum posts, lately, or some version of that, anyhow. It occures to me that those are words I have really taken to heart lately. That keeps me fighting past the fear, when it rears its ugly head, moving forward, and looking for the beauty and pleasure in every day, even the ones where Sam and I seem to be constantly on different pages.


I'm not sure where those words first came from. They sort of popped out in a post I made on one of the forums, I think. But they stayed with me (which is a little unusual considering I can't remember what I ate for breakfast, or if I ate breakfast most days) and I've carried them around in my head for maybe a week or 2 now. That has to mean something.


So I'm taking those words on as my new mantra, my words to live by, and my reminder that life is stoo precious to squander by being afraid.


Now, if I could just figure out how to change my signature...............


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beautiful Mantra ;o)Love it and Im glad it stayed with you it's a keeper ohmy.gif) when I was still in inpatient rehab. my mantra was Ory, cry as much as you need to but laugh mre than you cry ;o) I did that and it worked. my smile was the first thing to return to nearly 100% normal. I think it was all the laughing I did and still do ohmy.gif)

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My mother and my sister were in the hospitala with me every day. We are a sarcastic bunch with a very dry sense of humor. The tow of them about fell out of their chairs when my sister made some remark and I tried, very ernestly, to blow a 1-sided raspberry at her. That was when they stoped being quite so afraid and started realizing that there was improvement.


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I loved your mantra & going to make it mine too, I am still working on love unconditionally, I still have trouble with that from time to time, but I atleast know who I love the most in my whole life. click on my profile & you will se how to add things in your signature & so on.



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