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Left Carotid now clear



Exactly 1 week ago, I went in to get the blockage (plaque) removed from my left carotid artery. The blockage was 80% or greater. Surgery was successful. I was in the ICU for 2 days, then another half day in a regular room. so far, so GOOD. Can feel the incision beginning to heal. The only problems are sleeping and I can't really talk. I guess the breathing tube and surgery took a little toll on my throat. This is another first for me.


Not sure how long the throat will be irritated but it's good practice for keeping my mouth shut!


I thank my Guardian Angel and the God another one for seeing me through this.


Until later, Wayne


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Wayne: such a relief to have to over and done, and successful. Congratulations to you and your family! figure a good week to 10 days on the throat-very common. Hopefully you will notice improvement soonest. Debbie

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Good for you Wayne. question tho, How did they go in and clean that area? I'm curious. Never heard it being done before. remembertolaugh,

Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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:congrats: on your successful surgery. your guardian angels were there for you & that will get you through this throat healing too.



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just wanted you to know another person is thankful you made out so well. another obstacle conquered. we really are a strong and courageous lot. blessings and continue good results lynn



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Good for you Wayne. question tho, How did they go in and clean that area? I'm curious. Never heard it being done before. remembertolaugh,

Jeanniebean :cocktail:




The surgery required an incision in the neck, opening up the carotid artery, removing the blockage, then stitching it back up. I was in intensive care because the blood pressure needs to be closely monitored. Stay home for about 2 weeks, then back to normal, and then NO heavy lifting for a few months.


The cut is about 4 inches. Pretty nasty looking - like Frankenstein nasty....


Hope that answered your question. Thanks for caring, Wayne :party:

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