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Feeling A lil Depressed !!!



Well lately for the last week or so i have been feeling a lil depressed ,, or under the weather ,,... Im tried of feeling tired all the time,,, im afraid to go back to work because my brain doesnt work the same as it use to ,... And at times i have to remind my mom nd my wife that i had a STROKE ,, i some times hate my self ,, after the stroke i am not the same it *beep* me off.... My short term memory is shout,,... I still cant believe myself that i had a STROKE..... But im lucky that my family have been very supportive of me they dont understand completely what i am going thou nd that ok because i am not excepting them to .... They as well as me wish this had not had happen but it did..... I use to be on the go all the time working working ,, .. Can do anything ,, nd now i have to watch what i do nd how heavy i can lift nd playing with my son i have to watch that as well ,,.. Life just sux right now !!!!!! Im happy im alive dont get me wrong !!!!! I wish my cards were dealt differently is all.....Who knowns why anyone as a stroke ...... Im sure there is a really good freaking reason why this happen..........


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Daf: there are all sorts of reasons people stroke. My people never hesitate to remind me that Bruce smoked! Yes, thank you, I need that thrown in my face all the time. It is what it is!


You are in a blue phase. Remembering what you once were and what you now have become.


My Bruce has also seemed over-tired this past week. But then I remembered talking to him last week. Seems he does his work and pool, but sometimes I think it is just because I insist. With the new volunteering at our Animal Haven, he finds something that finally give him pure joy and excitement. I asked him to please think about that and offer suggestions as to other things that may offer those same emotions. I think he is finally seeing that there are positives and with a little thought and planning, more could be found. That stress of thinking things through and trying to find answers has worn him out.


You are watching Spring and all the life and possibilities that always brings. You may be looking into yourself for those things that will bring you happiness and future goals. Do not dwell on the past. Look objectively as to what you can now do and how that can be woven into some new projects that you may just enjoy! Thinking of and praying for you, Debbie

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:rolleyes: You know, once you fully understand the way a stroke makes all of us feel we can adjust mostly with our meds. Then we do what we can day and night to cope with being the new person. Losing part of our brain is a very big loss cause it controls our body movements so if it's gone we are gone too!


It's been my experience that depression sets in when we want to do something we can no longer do with our brain missing. If we accept that fact, in my case I said oh well, I'll do what I can and leave the rest alone. I don't take pills for that cause, I really don't get depressed. I have accepted my stroke and what I can no longer do good or a little.


In your case you say you can't believe you had a stroke...Right there is the problem! You feel, you think you should be doing all of what you were doing before the stroke and you get depressed! Tell yourself you had a stroke and can no longer do what you did years ago! It's mind over matter, no mind no matter and the buck stops right there. But low and behold, one day we will get better and feel real good about it every day! Trust me on that. :big_grin:

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I agree 100% with Fred. first & foremost realize this bad things happens to everyone good or bad people. As a human being no one is spared from pain in life. when you feel bad about your condition just look around & you will find people far worse off than you & still making most out of their life. The day I realize only control I have is how I react to any situation in life was most liberating one for me, so sooner you realize that better you will feel about your life, as I say to everyone who will listen happiness is a choice, so choose it. I understand some days are stuggle, but realizing this shall pass too also brings lot of comfort. Also start gratitude journal & write atleast 5 things you are greatful in a day. remember unless you have seen dark days how wil you ever appreciate good days, so enjoy the journey.


hope you feel better soon.



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I forgot to tell you, I went to work at Walmart as a Greeter and was allowed to use my scooter for the three years I was there and that was two years after my stroke. There is a way to feel better about yourself daily and I think one way is to communicate with people daily. That way you don't feel shut in or out of life, it's all around you daily.


I try to laugh daily that's my therapy, you can't cry when you are laughing just like you can't be mad when you are having sex, at least I can't! :big_grin: Try reading the jokes I post on most days and tell me what you think by making your comment there, OK? Do that for me Please! :happydance:

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Daf, I think we all wish for a do-over button. My stroke is from an undetermined cause. My body had the equivalent of a perfect storm scenario, And me, a healthy, active 47 year old woman was living in a different world the next day after it hit. For myself, I see no greater reasons for my stroke... I can pull out good things from this experience in terms of life's learning and educating others to be more understanding and aware of societies more vulnerable people. That's a positive thing in general for the world...but... not a reason I had a stroke. Whatever reasons you pull out of this, or none, don't change the reality that you, me, and others here have become one of those things that happen to other people. A cautionary tale.. And really, it couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch than you'll find around here. :)


I hope next week is brighter for you and sucks less than this one.


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I forgot to tell you, I went to work at Walmart as a Greeter and was allowed to use my scooter for the three years I was there and that was two years after my stroke. There is a way to feel better about yourself daily and I think one way is to communicate with people daily. That way you don't feel shut in or out of life, it's all around you daily.


I try to laugh daily that's my therapy, you can't cry when you are laughing just like you can't be mad when you are having sex, at least I can't! :big_grin: Try reading the jokes I post on most days and tell me what you think by making your comment there, OK? Do that for me Please! :happydance:

you are very funny thank you for making me laugh its appreciate it ...
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Doreen, I agree with Asha, Fred said it right.

Just to add I have a montra that I repeat to myself when I'm in a ugly mood. I am a worthy loving expression of God. You are not a body, you are spirit. and I'll leave you with my closing. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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Daf: there are all sorts of reasons people stroke. My people never hesitate to remind me that Bruce smoked! Yes, thank you, I need that thrown in my face all the time. It is what it is!


You are in a blue phase. Remembering what you once were and what you now have become.


My Bruce has also seemed over-tired this past week. But then I remembered talking to him last week. Seems he does his work and pool, but sometimes I think it is just because I insist. With the new volunteering at our Animal Haven, he finds something that finally give him pure joy and excitement. I asked him to please think about that and offer suggestions as to other things that may offer those same emotions. I think he is finally seeing that there are positives and with a little thought and planning, more could be found. That stress of thinking things through and trying to find answers has worn him out.


You are watching Spring and all the life and possibilities that always brings. You may be looking into yourself for those things that will bring you happiness and future goals. Do not dwell on the past. Look objectively as to what you can now do and how that can be woven into some new projects that you may just enjoy! Thinking of and praying for you, Debbie

Thank you i think i have not dealt with know i had a stroke ,, it is still hard for me to think that i had a stroke ,, it is hard for me to imagine that i had one because i walk fine but its my speech that kills me nd the tiredness ,,.. but i am get thou it the best way i know how ,,.... thanks for listening ...
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