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Third week of May 2011



I have one more shot to go in my right knee. So far my knees are pain free.





I was sized for a customized knee brace called “OAcitive “. Osteoarthritis Knee


Brace. I received my brace and was shown how it is to be put on. It's like


having a robotic leg with it on. The knee brace is to help keep my knee


in alignment. I wore it out of the doctors office, have to break it in. But,


wearing it outside in the heat (90 degrees) is hot.





We have come upon a Mennonite Church in our area. Last Sunday Carl and


I went to their service. The community is small. They have turned their land


into a farm. They sell shares of the farm, you buy a share like $700.00 for


30 weeks of produce that they grow. They have half shares, which means


you pick up every other week = 15weeks. We bought half share for the two


of us. I think that will be plenty. We asked to break the payments over 4


months. The head person Ceci ok'd the payment plan. It's going to be tough4


but I'm getting veggies I need to be eating.





Ceci needs help harvesting and packaging the produce was announced in church.


Carl and I volunteered. Wednesday we spent four hours, first harvesting snap


beans. Then we come inside and filled plastic bags with 1lb. Of beans. Their


was already a lot harvested that needed to be prepared for market, so we spent the rest


of the time preparing, beets, green onions, parsnips, 3 different kinds of greens


for market. Thursday is market day so nothing is happening at the farm. Friday


once again we prepare for Saturday market day. While we are preparing for market


day we put aside the shares portions. The shares pick up at the markets, either


Thursday or Saturday.





These people are so loving, kind and giving. This Sunday Carl went to service


without me because a limb from our dead tree hit our satellite dish and knocked


it off. And I was waiting for the tech to fix it.




When Carl returned home with a dozen of fresh eggs and a jar of strawberries


preserves from Pastor John and his wife. Carl is flourishing in his speech. I


notice he is talking much more and more clearly. This is a blessing. These


people accept Carl for who they see. For they do not know the old Carl.





Carl was getting all kinds of advice from Ceci on why his radishes only had


great tops but no bottoms. Root veggies need more of potash in the ground.


We have great heads of cabbage, summer squash and tomatoes growing in


our garden. We could use some rain for I hate having to pay a high water bill.








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Jeannie, I do so love your blog! A rural church with it's own farm sounds so good and the Mennonite people are so loving and kind. I have salt and pepper set that are a little Mennonite couple in their Sunday best. It was given to my uncle from the people he bought his veggies from to give to me when he came to visit us in the mid 90's.


I can picture you and Carl volunteering and helping with the produce. I am so glad you are both able to do this, it is a blessing to you and you are a blessing to others!



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thanks for update on your life. It feels like you guys have found great community. volunteering is great thing to do. I feel you receive more than you give when you are volunteering at the temple or church.



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How great to be able to get farm fresh produce! Your blog made me smile and think of warm summer days in the garden. I'm glad you got your leg brace and it's working well for you.


Blessings to you and Carl.


Mary Jo

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I'm happy to hear your knee is getting better. I have a friend who will be having knee surgery next month. My knees give me trouble every now and then and I think "oh no, don't give out on me yet!"


The volunteering you are doing with your spouse is great with getting summer fresh veggies to boot. There is nothing like a home grown tomatoe. My mouth is watering. :dribble:



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The Mennonites sound like a wonderful group of people. The garden idea is great. Helping with the garden and vegetables is great.

This will be a great outlet For carl.


This is wonderful blessing.


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