Steven Sanchez



My name is Steven Sanchez. I suffered my stroke at the age of 34. I was a seasonal UPS driver trying to become a full time employee. I worked my bottom off trying to prove to the big shots I could do the job. I would take on loads that were not in my route to prove I was the one for the job. It started to happen during the second to last pickup of the day. I loaded my truck and felt strange. My left arm went numb. As I dug in my pocket for my keys I realized that I was not able to feel them, that scared me I thought I was having a heart attack. I had heard that when your left side goes numb it might be a heart attack. I was able to find the keys with my other hand. I drove off to my last stop. When I arrived there I noticed the back of my truck was open, which you should never do. That scared me even more.


As I was loading the truck I felt strange again. I told the guy that was helping me. He told me to sit down and he would load the truck. He then asked if I wanted some water. I told him yes and he gave me a bottle of water. I tried to grab it with my left hand but I was not able to hold it, it kept falling. Again I told him I did not feel well and I asked if I could use the phone to call my supervisor. He told me where the phone was.


I called my supervisor and told him I was not feeling well. He told me to finish loading the truck and come in. I said ok. My legs felt weak walking back to my truck. I tried to keep up my strength to finish but couldn

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Steven: I'm fairly new to this site & just read your impressive BIO & I don't know if thats the right word...what an experience! I hope things have progressed for you since you wrote it.


I just experiences 4 Grand Mal seizures & am on anti-convulsant medication. I had my stroke - a bleed- the AM after Thanksgiving Day.


Stress seems to be a common denominator for all of us. isn't it?


Good luck in your future.


Marilyn (Jasco)


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Steve,You look good,you have a beautiful wife and god on your side.I'm 5 years into this thing it gets better it just takes time.File for your disability againthrough social security.I have gotten it for 4 years,I didn't apply at first but about a year or so later I did and they made it retro active I got a check in the mail for $10,000 I couldn't believe it all the pay from the time I'd had my stroke to that date.Stroke is the leading cause for disability,they can't turn you down,try again.I'm in California you get it for 4 years then they review you here,I just had my review at the beginning of the year and was approved for another year atleast.I have worked part-time on asnd off you can make up to $850.00 a month and still collect.There are social workers that can help you with these proceedures too.You hang in,work hard on yourself,mentally and physically it will fall in place.I finally realized my life won't be the same as before but it will be the life I make now and that helped me alot.I have a profile posted if you want to read it but I was a right brain stroker too,no movement on my left side either and buddy I'm walking 2 miles or so twice a week,not bad for a girl who use to not be able to make it to the bathroom on my own.Take care you'll get there. Laree Martz (43 at stroke)Just turned 49.

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