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Everything posted by smallory

  1. Welcome to the forums parkera92 :)

  2. Welcome to the forums YellowChevy :)

  3. Happy Birthday bealsie2!

  4. Happy Birthday fking!

  5. Welcome to the forums FrankLemanski :)

  6. Welcome to the forums Z0A9 :)

    1. ksmith


      glad you replied to a topic that you felt strongly about. If you should have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with me.

  7. Welcome to the forums StevenM :)

  8. Welcome to the forums mjthomas :)

  9. Welcome to the forums debra413 :)

  10. Welcome to the forums strokeat27 :)

  11. Welcome to the forums henriksan :)

    1. ksmith


      if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

  12. Happy Birthday linbark!

  13. Welcome to the forums cenjen :)

  14. Welcome to the forums barbarac27 :)

  15. Welcome to the forums lmctrouble :)

  16. Welcome to the forums Carrie4me :)

  17. Welcome to the forums mjansen :)

  18. Welcome to the forums klee53112003 :)

  19. Welcome to the forums puppytoes :)

  20. Welcome to the forums JoBeena :)

    1. JoBeena


      Belated Thanks!!!  Jumping in a few years late!:sleepy:

  21. Welcome to the forums ksc :)

  22. Welcome to the forums jbird06410 :)

  23. Welcome to the forums Akmom3 :)

  24. Welcome to the forums manheim :)