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Everything posted by smallory

  1. Welcome to the forums Carmenq :)

  2. Happy Birthday kitkat!

  3. Happy Birthday ken27!

  4. Welcome to the forums SandyCaregiver :)

  5. Happy Birthday hostged!

  6. Happy Birthday shaylerobins!

  7. Happy Birthday Hostsarah!

  8. Welcome to the forums MikeTest :)

  9. Happy Birthday Earl!

  10. Happy Birthday 9spot!

  11. Happy Birthday Patrice1971!

    1. Patrice1971


      TY Smallory!!!! A good day, my sister is awake & alive, on my birthday, woot woot :)


  12. Happy Birthday Denny!

  13. Happy Birthday Craig_G!

  14. Today marks a very important day in my life. My stroke happened 18 years ago, today. I have definitely blessed. I could not have made it this far without the love and support of my many friends, family and most of all, God.

  15. Happy Birthday grim!

  16. Happy Birthday cory!

  17. Happy Birthday ksaul!

  18. Happy Birthday doreen payne!

  19. Welcome to the forums robinjoy :)

  20. Happy Birthday CagedBird!

  21. Welcome to the forums heathermroberts :)

  22. Welcome to the forums ScotDeerie :)

  23. Happy Birthday yvonne5914!

  24. Happy Birthday Indigo!

  25. Welcome to the forums Patrice1971 :)

    1. Patrice1971


      Thank-You Smallory!! I have a question, when I log in here, it says NO Permission...I can't write or do anything on here except here :( I emailed the administrator yesterday but have not heard as to how to fix my account? I would appreciate any help! Thanks!

    2. Patrice1971


      I am able to do some things now, I am happy :) Have a super day!