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Everything posted by smallory

  1. smallory

    Another ski trip

    From the album: Mallory Gallery

    Seven Springs Ski Resort
  2. smallory

    Snow skiing

    From the album: Mallory Gallery

    Ski Roundtop
  3. hosted by Jean Riva 9 pm est Chat Class Room Purpose: Fellowship with other survivor and caregivers dealing with speech issues
  4. smallory


    Kim, I hate to say this but that is definitely fodder material for guys of any age! Most of us men would be immature about that.
  5. Topic - Constraint Induced Therapy Time - 5:30 pm EST Guest Speaker - Jennifer H. Nolan-Sariego, Ph.D. Chat Room - Auditorium, room only holds 50 members The way it works is that the Guest Speaker enters the Auditorium chat room and will talk to you about their topic. You then submit your questions. The speaker receives your questions and then types their answer. The question and answer will then be submitted to the room so that the whole room benefits from the question and answer.
  6. hosted by Jean Riva 9 pm est Chat room Private 1
  7. smallory

    eating binge

    I'm just glad that Michael didn't ask you to let out a big fart!
  8. Becky, stroke is frustrating for me 50% of the time but the other 50 I'm usually keeping myself extremely busy so I don't have time to think of it. I was already in my career when my stroke happened. I don't know about you but it can drive you crazy that you spent all the time to make yourself successful, you feel like you are suceeding, and everything is yanked away from you! I had everything going for me and then almost nothing! I think you are lucky, in a way, that you did not have something like that happen to you. It's a shame to have everything going for you at 36 and then, boom, you've had a stroke. At the same time, I understand your dilemna. I have kids your age and they cannot get out of the house enough. It's natural to want to be out on your own. I guess there is no perfect age for having a stroke. Stroke just sucks and I think that's what you are saying. I know of a scripture that gets me through my rough times and maybe it will help you, too! It makes perfect sense and if you can grasp it you will get through your rough times, I promise you! So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2Cor 4:18
  9. smallory

    Lost the Baby :(

    Sorry to hear about that, Tania. I know you and your husband were excited about it. I think most things happen for a good reason. We are both Christians so hopefully you know what I mean. You guys definitely don't know why God let this happen but it was His plan and sometime in the future your family will reap the benefits. You are one of the sweetest people I know and I know you aren't just a sweetheart to me so my guess is that everyone must be feeling for you right about now!
  10. Kim, I think you are funny. Since you are my friend I would have to affectionately call you one of my knucklehead friends. I cannot believe you actually wrote 100 things. I thought you were kidding! Cool idea, though! Now I really know you as a friend!
  11. smallory

    Janice the Grouch

    Janice, I know you are a very nice person. You are always welcome to vent here or in posts. Please understand that you do not have to be PC and I don't want you to be. Your opinions are welcome but we have to look at the big picture and take the appropriate action, whatever it might be. I can assure you that there is no conspiracy to upset you. I would appreciate it if you reconsider about not posting. Your posts are always going to be welcome at The Stroke Network.
  12. Subject: Living up to your full potential Time and Date: 8:30 pm EST on February 28 Guest Speaker
  13. hosted by Jean Riva 9 pm est Chat Classroom
  14. Kim, you are so funny! I feel like I know you from reading your Blogs. Actually, the fact that you are annoyed so much reminds me of how my wife must think about me, I annoy her on purpose and as much as I can. Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your Blogs!
  15. Subject: Dealing with the hand you are dealt Time and Date: 8:30 pm EST on January 31 Guest Speaker - Katie Adamson Chat Room - Auditorium, room only holds 50 members The way it works is that the Guest Speaker enters the Auditorium chat room and will talk to you about their topic. You then submit your questions. The speaker receives your questions and then types their answer. The question and answer will then be submitted to the room so that the whole room benefits from the question and answer.
  16. hosted by Jean Riva 9 pm est Chat Classroom
  17. A National Forum Focusing on How Hospitals Can Leverage State-of-the-Art OR Technology and Design Innovations for more Competitive and Advanced Surgical Services and Facilities Go to for more information.
  18. smallory


    scarey or what
  19. Great suggestions, Jean! Those are fantastic tips and will make using the message board a cinch for everyone!
  20. He will have his 11th stint inserted in the femoral artery. It is 70% blocked. God speed! **angel**
  21. Functional Tone Machine
  22. smallory

    Awesome location!

    Wrong time and place to be.
  23. smallory


    Literally, I mean, cheese.
  24. smallory

    Love spot!

    You really have to love somebody to do this.