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Everything posted by smallory

  1. Happy Birthday pdxpaul!

    1. pdxpaul


      Thanks Steve - a somewhat belated reply! very best to you too.


  2. Happy Birthday merichsen!

  3. Welcome to the forums ts4759 :)

  4. Welcome to the forums JamesWaldrep :)

  5. Welcome to the forums landresen :)

  6. Welcome to the forums Joyceeb4 :)

  7. Welcome to the forums wendyt32 :)

  8. Welcome to the forums Mamaof4 :)

  9. Welcome to the forums Lizabethmckibben :)

  10. Welcome to the forums DonaldSeibert :)

  11. Happy Birthday englishlady!

  12. Happy Birthday Ziusudra!

  13. Happy Birthday CathySapp!

  14. Welcome to the forums abdulsamiawan :)

  15. Welcome to the forums kfawcett :)

  16. Welcome to the forums cq81540 :)

  17. Welcome to the forums cq81540 :)

  18. Happy Birthday larissa54!

  19. Happy Birthday xtlarry!

  20. Welcome to the forums shamar :)

  21. Welcome to the forums strokeinjapan :)

  22. Happy Birthday staceyloraine!

  23. Happy Birthday nancyl!

  24. Welcome to the forums cjean :)

  25. Welcome to the forums shaybutter :)