
Stroke Survivor - male
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About gerrylee

  • Birthday 09/22/1956

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    I had a stroke in 1998 while I was driving my 18 wheeler down the hi-way. I managed to get through all that and woke up over a week later in some hospital bed. people say it must have been scarry to have a stroke while driving�.i wasn�t scared at all�.i was trying to figure out what was happening�.but I�ll bet the people in the cars around me were plenty scared 
    I was completely paralyzed and unable to speak or make a sound� forward��.shortly after my stroke my xwife took our three kids and left and married someone else�..i spent a long time in rehab�.i�ve lived on my own for years and do everything myself, and I like doing it�..i tire quicker than I use to�..i don�t have full range of motion in my limbs, but that�s not a problem�..i will never have the full strength in my muscles I had before my stroke, but that�s no problem either. I garden, I do all my housework and laundry, and I workout pretty much every day, I�ve always liked to workout. In the winter I love to shovel snow, and it�s a good thing too because we get about 5-6 feet of snow in the winter where I live. I had a part time job driving a get away car for bank robberies, but the price of gas went too hi so my job went obsolete and I got laid off
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