Little Jo

Stroke Survivor - female
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About Little Jo

  • Birthday 12/16/1954

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  1. Happy Anniversary Little Jo!

  2. Happy Anniversary Little Jo!

  3. Happy Anniversary Little Jo!

  4. Traying to get to the chat room

  5. Little Jo

    Been a While!

    Hello Cat glad to here from you .Take care an get well Little Jo
  6. Well ifound out that i all so have Bipola . An i dont thinl i can dell with eny thing els right at this time . Ifill like the world is come down on me . Every thing is going rong at this time .Dont know what to do . All i wont to do is cry . I know i have a lot to be thankfull for . Every thing i seem to do is not right . that what every one at my house is saying to me . I gess im haveing a bad day an i dont know whitch way to go . Little jo.
  7. Source: Stroke doctor specialty? I agre They never said that to me eather . An now iv got BIPOLAR. I had not went to see her inabout a mounth couse Ihave had eye surg on both eyes . hope my inc pays moust ov it ..An i dont get eny money from eny where . We have tryed to get help . but they say trhat my husband make's to much money . Which is a joke .He works for the city an you know they dont get much money after oaying the doctors on him an me he has dibets an so do i . an i have to go to three doctors a month. That is what makes me so mad .
  8. Subi99 I know what you are going throught my so call friends an some of my faimly says the same thing to me .So you are not by your self even if i say eny thing about stroke they get up an leave . SO i thank we have some where to go when we wont to talk about it .So if you fell that you won't to talk about it I would love to talk to eny one that would leasion to me . So please you can talk to me if you can . So you have a friend here if you ever need one ok . Little jo :thumbsu:
  9. Sandy my name is Estella . Hope he gets better.
  10. Hi Nacy im glad Beth is ok . When im trying to mop my floor some time i forget that it is wet an down i go . but i set there for a min thin i try to get up after i bless my self out . Oh by the way you can kssp the snow their haha. take care love you . Estella
  11. I just love this song . .IF i could fine music to briing my spirt up when im down an put them on my computer i would love it . But i love coumtry music a lot .
  12. Little Jo


    Ken it sounds like you know what you won't Iknow how you fill When i had my last stroke i had no felling in my legs our in my fet our my hands i got home thirp but it did not do eny good tell i made my self get so mad that i told my self that i was not going to let eny stroke get the best out of me ..So i got up one morring an told my self GETup and i did grinding my teieth Iwot mad at my self an made my self do what ever it took for me to be abble it walk by my self so i work out for seven mouth then one day i said to mty self ok im fgoing to put the walker down an i did i was talking baby steps put i was so proud of my self didnt have no help for 12 weeks i work out but now im walking all by me self . Soi know it can happen IF THEY wont it to . it hard but i did it .
  13. Little Jo

    12 years

    Happy Biirthday Katrina . I wood like to do the same thing thatyou wont to do. Help people .
  14. Hello to all sorry i havent been on for a long time . But iv been in the hospitial .The stroke i had in Feb15 2008 .Got a good hold on me this time .HAD t o have blood trans Two times an had newmonna 2 times an this year had to have cATARACT sURGERY in both eyes an my DIBEhas been going crazy but outher than that im doing very good . The lourd God has bless me an Help me get threw all of it.Ifell like a new persion again .SOi gust thought i wood let everyone know that im at home seet home . :mp3: :thumbsu: .
  15. Hello Holly my name is jo but i go by little jo . Glad you found us . yes i was paralysis all over but iv got a lot ov mine back. HAD mine in 2-14th -2008 .Im so thank full for God HELP. Hes the one that help me get threw it . Glad you found us . Little jo.