Little Jo

Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Little Jo

  1. Ken it sounds like you know what you won't Iknow how you fill When i had my last stroke i had no felling in my legs our in my fet our my hands i got home thirp but it did not do eny good tell i made my self get so mad that i told my self that i was not going to let eny stroke get the best out of me ..So i got up one morring an told my self GETup and i did grinding my teieth Iwot mad at my self an made my self do what ever it took for me to be abble it walk by my self so i work out for seven mouth then one day i said to mty self ok im fgoing to put the walker down an i did i was talking baby steps put i was so proud of my self didnt have no help for 12 weeks i work out but now im walking all by me self . Soi know it can happen IF THEY wont it to . it hard but i did it .

  2. I did the same but i didnt go to no gym . I did mine at home when i came


    home form rehab i was in a walker . . I said to my self that i was Going to

    to walk again it took me the rest of that year to be able to put the walker down

    an walk baby steps fpr about six weeks doing that an then i took the walker away an just start walking io got the uses of my right came back An now im on my own . it fells go to think i could do this 0on my own . Now i clean my house by myself . anvacum by myself an every thing to . God has bless me .


    Little jo

  3. Im going throught the same thing but iv been with stroke net four 4 years . an i just love it .I just got home from the hospital the outher day from depression . Idid not know that it some yimes comes with some strokes . BUT im doing better now . they put me on some med that will help me get thought it .SOthat is why i have not been on strokenet for a while. I FILL like i can do eny thing i wont to .

  4. Fred im gratefull to be here an a life an to clim that mountain .Ischemic stroke a bout five years a go i was paralysed in bouth hands an legs . I stayed in houspital for tow week an then wen"t to rebhab got some felling back while i was their . but not a hole lot. stayed their four a bout a month . then got to come home. They gave me QUID CAIN to use but stell could not stand up on my own . So a friend came over to see me and to help me to get dress the next day home and i ask her if she would help me out by helping me to walk a gain an she stayed right by my side tell i learn to walk on my on . an with Gods help i did it all by my self i ask God an my prayer was ansurd . So im walking on my own now with no cane just when i go out . on the town . It took me to get mad at my self but i did it an now im a liveing pruf that if you wont it bad you can do it . all eny body has to do is pray to jesus . An ask mim to help you to do it with a lot of work to get you their .


    Little Jo.

  5. hey Jo:


    welcome back, oh wow I am glad you are home now & healing in comfortable home environment. with diabetes you should start being careful on what you eat. I feel best give you can give to yourself & your family & friends is taking good care of oneself.




    THANKS Asha for wellcomeing me home it makes people fell better when someone welcome them home .GOD BLESS YOU

  6. HI martha my name is JO i jo by little jo on strokenet but u can call me JO .


    I to have problems wth my writing sences i had my stroke 2 years ago 2-14 2008 . Iam a stroke servivor to i don't have eny cids but i do have a god child she is the love of mine an my husban's life she is 9/a hafe years old she helps me out a lot to . Glad to meet you hope to see u in our chat room some time .




  7. Well have a good trip and stay in Texas. If you and Randy have a moment call me when you get to Texas, I gave you my number in my email back to you a couple days ago.


    Have fun in the mountains! iHELLO fking i cant finr your number that u gave me so you will have to give it to me again ok .


  8. Donna i got good news . i got my afo fix an i can wear it again . An they said i was inproveing better than they thought i would . sorry i was not able to be in chat room a lot but they have me in therpy monday wed an thurdays at 1:oo my time . thought Uwqould like to know that . this makes me fill so good . i wont to just jump for joyyyyyyyyyyyyy .JO

  9. Merry Christmas to you as well Jo. May you have a better 2009 as well.
    merry christmas TO YOU SIS . iv been trying to email you but it wont let me so im going to have to get you to walk me throught it . vickie dont understand what is rong eather if there is eny way you can get me help i would like it please . . ohohoho I forgot to let you know that im going to start thep monday on my right foot when you you have a chances email me becouse i have know way of getting intouch with you ok .




  10. HI VICKIE i know what u are going threw i live in georgia an it is december an i swetting all the time in the middle of the winter . We went to the mail over the weekend . and on the way to the truck i started to sweat like as if it was in the middle of the summer don't know if it is the stroke are what . Take





  11. Hello my name is Jo and i had my stroke not to long ago of this year is i had itaround Febuary 18th -2008 .Im a stroke survivor . i I came across this web site looking for stroke subport around tow month ago . and it is the best thing that has happen to me . i have made mor friends here than i have out here . They really know how to help people . And they know how to hel us get threw what we are going threw. And i thank God for gideing me here . I live in Georgia and my husband was born in Nufeland Canida. . It is so nice their lol . i have never seen a mooss . an we went fishing at a lake where his auint an uncle live an i got my life scaird out of me LOLLL. MOOSE . A CAME AT ME AN A COUSEN of his while we where at the lake . an we told me not to move so i didnt . a went behine a tree an just stood there un tell he left . Iwas never so scard in my life as i was them . when we got back i said ill just stay a the caben un tell we left to come home . llol . BUT back to cooking it takes me 1 hour to pell some potatoes a things like that . . So dont fell bad iam like that to so you arnt by you self . Nice talking to you ....... JO

  12. December2 2008 I have had four miney strokes an i get scared every time i have one im 53years old but iv learn to just go with it . and i wake up i know that god is going to take care of me . Iknow i was put on this earth to do somthing good .for eny one that need help he is with me every time i get a stroke i get this filling that every thing is going to be ok

    IT HAS BEEN 5 months since i had my last one an .i can do eny thing i seat my mine to do if i dont giveup I WON'T TO BE ABLE TO see my god child grow up . that is my golw . i gess i just love life it self .


