Little Jo

Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by Little Jo

  1. Well ifound out that i all so have Bipola . An i dont thinl i can dell with eny thing els right at this time . Ifill like the world is come down on me . Every thing is going rong at this time .Dont know what to do . All i wont to do is cry . I know i have a lot to be thankfull for . Every thing i seem to do is not right . that what every one at my house is saying to me . I gess im haveing a bad day an i dont know whitch way to go .






    Little jo.

  2. Subi99 I know what you are going throught my so call friends an some of my faimly says the same thing to me .So you are not by your self even if i say eny thing about stroke they get up an leave . SO i thank we have some where to go when we wont to talk about it .So if you fell that you won't to talk about it I would love to talk to eny one that would leasion to me . So please you can talk to me if you can . So you have a friend here if you ever need one ok .







    Little jo :thumbsu:

  3. About 85% of my time is spent alone. I do have three dogs, and even though they're great to have around, our conversations are one-sided. I'm able to use this PC, and I came upon the following website which (I think) has some decent ideas.



    Susan :type:

    tHANKS YOUso much for the site . Ihave been kooking for something like this for a long time . Ihave been at home alot sences Randy is working alot . GOD BLESS YOU

    lITTLE jo

  4. Hello MY NAME IS Jo .AN I WAS THE SAME WAY but i didn't have they one to come to see me .but my husband an my god child an one of my friends that i grew up knowing . I thought so loney Idon't have meny friends that i can call my friends . Went to a subport goup when i was in the hospitial .But not sense iv came home we don't get know one over . they wont Randy to come i just stay home most of the time . un less we got to go in to town. Don't talk to much people .becouse they think im weerd. SOim at home a lot . People ask Randy how im doing but they don't come . So i read a lot an do a lot of resurch on strokes an things like that. Icrochet a lot when im in the mood to. :yadayada: Iknow i cant just be happy all the time BUT SOME TIME WE JUST HAVE TO LET IT OUT . Im better now sense . i found this site . I STAY on here or i go to myspaces or i go to pogo an play games there . All i do know is IVgot god on my side an he has been a good friend to me . AN AS long as i have him cant .know body hurt me . Be kind to one anouther . God bless us .


