Little Jo

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Little Jo

  1. Rachel T hank for writing and welcomeing me home . IT made me fell good. God Bless everyone happy fourth of july to all my friends.
  2. THANKS Asha for wellcomeing me home it makes people fell better when someone welcome them home .GOD BLESS YOU
  3. Hello iv been in the hospital for my heart . And i had a blood transfushion .I had been lousing blood an my doctor put me in the hospital .They have been runny test after test on me an all they can fine out is that im a dibet 2 an a stroke survivor an a nemic . SO iv really got to becarfull .I just thank God im home again. But with all that going on i stell have time for my friends . Iv got to take my blood every morning an night be couse im a debit2 an i am a nemic to so i haft to starteating the right food . :nuhuh: more god food for a while . But thats ok iv stell got my health . I didn't take my crocheting to the hospital so iv got to start getting bessy on that . I love to do crocheting eny way it gives me something to do . After i get my house clean i set in my reclin chair an do my crocheting .See yal later bye for now: LITTLEJO
  4. Rachel I home for now . iv got a bad heart iv had it all my life .Iv been in an out of hospial for a while . the doctors are saying im ok for right now . they Had to give me blood 3 pints of it a mounth a go . they have been running test after test on me for a long time they found out that i was a debit 2 an anemic .And a stroke survivor .They could not belive i was stell ticking.

  5. hello im on now have had trouble with my msn bot hope it is ok now .

  6. Happy birthday Litione .An have a good day littlejo

  7. Little Jo

    Fred hard at work !

    HELLO Fred i have nit talk to in a long time .Did you ever get your new scooter is hope so. Iv got to whereim not useing my four prong cane im walking on my on now . im going to the store with Randy that is my husband name .We wen't to north carelinaover the summer wentto see the trees an mounts it was so pretty i would like to move their.Hope you are well an doing good . Got to go talk to you later you take care of the flowers . your friend on stroke on stroke net work . Love always little jo1
  8. Little Jo

    The 3 of us

    this is little jo Bill that was a good pitc of all three of you.
  9. Hello i think your cross stiching is very good . Iuse to cross stich a lot but sinces my stroke i have not even tryed . All i do is crochet names and baby blankes .i have a friend that is having a baby girl so im making some girl baby blankes . the baby is to be born in november hope i get throw making the by then. SO if you don't see me on you will know what im doing nice metting you hope to be able to talk with you again Sincerly JO lIVELY STROKE Survivor
  10. Happyhappy birthday may you have a great day

  11. Hello an good morning my name is Littlejo but i go by JO . Im a stroke survivor to Ihad my strke about around feb 13 2008 . IMhere if u need a friend to len on if you wont to talk . would like it if i could put you on my friends list .

    Sincerely JO

  12. Hello Cristy my name is littlejo im a stroke survivor i say your name on stroke .net thought you mite need a friend . i would like to put you on my friends list if it is ok . Have i nice day .

  13. HELLO my name is little jo. chaerokee INDIAN .just say your name on here an thought i would say hello . I had a brain stroke .About Three years ago .Was paralysis all over right side and left side .But i work on it for a long time an i finally got my ligs to where i can walk again . Iwalk real slow but im walking normol again . I have trouble spelling words a lot . But im working on it now . I nevergive up im not a quiter im a survivor . Sencerely Your Friend littlejo
  14. Hello my name is JO but my name on here is littlejo just wont to say good morning and TO have a great day

  15. hello to every one

  16. Little Jo

    Nick Horton

    Hello Nick i have had three min strokes a then i had this one this one took the cake . Ihad this one about February 15 -2008was paralysis on my right sideairm an leg have a drop foot to . BUT now im walking on my own walk about 1 mile a day and riding my exerisebike when it is good day have all my felling back in my hand an arm an leg . Went to the fair last night walk all over the fair with my cain . when i got home i was pooped so i gess i got me exersise for the week . im gald you are doing so good . keep the good work up . HAVE A GOOD DAY AN MY GOD BLESS YOU. little jo
  17. Little Jo

    Dean Reinke

    Hello dean. Im sorry to hear about your stroke glad you are better . IV had three mine strokes an to small hart att . IM not good on my spelling as i wonces was . so for the spelling words. MY last stroke i had was about 1. 1/2 year ago . i was paralized on my right side with the grace of god an a lot on work om my half an a lot of rehab iv just about got it all back .The stroke leaft me with a drop foot but i make out wiht it . I got some wood tools one year for christmas . An was doing good with it . on tell i had my first stroke . Then my husband took it away from me ..I stell have it all but every time i go to the shed i see it . Just won'ted to touch basses with u . Hope every thing goes well with u . Bye for now take care of your self an keep doing every thing u won't to do in life . God bless you .
  18. Hello i just got back from the doctor office an we got the test back every thing came back ok . THE DOCTOR said that their was nothing in their an i told him wev been knowing that tell me something new . he said ok every thing is ok i just had a short stroke in my brain burt there is nothing to worry about . : :cheer: But now iv got a rash all over my body so i ask him about that an . AN the doctor look at it an did some test on that an said that it could be that im alarget to eny thing so i have to wach what i eat for a while . an he said it could be some of my med so he told me to let him know if it dont go a way in a week to come back an he ois going to do some more test to fine out what is going on with my body . I said to him it is going whack o he just laught at that . ME and vickie that is my goodfriend our going to go to texas where i was born to see is i can rember eny thing there the doctor sems to think it mite triger something that i rember so we are going some time this summer vac . we are driveing there it will take twogood days to get there an two day back so we are going to stay there a month . then me an RANDY are going to go to the mountians . that is my best place i love to go . SO ill be bessy this summer ill see you all when i get back ok .
  19. Hello my name is Jo. An im a stroke serviver . Iv had three miney strokes in bout 8 year a go and two heart attacks an now this stroke .AND god has saw me threw it all .he has open up my eyes to see that life is ok . but im a better person now .I HAVE THINGS TO BETHANKFUL FOR. I have good friends an family here.SO I THANK GOD for every day of my life . I have i husband that saw me threw it all . and he is my life. And i have a godchild her name is Tori she is my angel . I think God sent her to me becouse i can't have kids so i thank God for her.IM so happy An bless . Im 53 years old an will soon be 54 lol December16 of this month . An Christmas is all most here . An i cant wate hehe .I love to crochet And read an go to the mountians An go camping an fishing .. read religious BOOKS.. An i love people. i belive that their is a perpus for every thing in life An i just go with it.
  20. Great job Jennie , I love flowers. THEY are pretty keep sendind them to us . little JO

  22. ALLENhappy easter don't knoqw when i can get back in chat room my thing that we go to for chat will not work don't know what is rong . please have some one called me at home an talk me throught it so i can go to the chat room please . Dont know what happen .im not good with compuers .lol Love little jo

  23. tHANKS YOUso much for the site . Ihave been kooking for something like this for a long time . Ihave been at home alot sences Randy is working alot . GOD BLESS YOU lITTLE jo