Little Jo

Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Little Jo

  1. Little Jo

    Sharon Zuccolotto

    Hello Sharon MY NAME IS JO i go by Little Jo here . I had my first mini stroke at the age 35 i thought i was to young to have a stroke . BUT i don't think i was .IV had two more sences then . I was told when i had my first one i had a bad heart . DIDN'T KNOW I WAS BORN WITH MY HEART SIDE WAYS sted of it beeing like every one elses .An i have a bad lial in the heart to . I had my last one FEBUARY28 OF 2008 . SO it is comming up soon an it will be a year . Hope you are doing ok now . I was paralized on this one on my right side an got a drop foot so i have to wear a brace on my righr foot . GOT Good news today i don't haft to have a wheelcheir eny more got reed of it . SO you see every thing happens for a reason . GOD don't give us more than we can take he is always their to help us through every thing .
  2. Donna i got good news . i got my afo fix an i can wear it again . An they said i was inproveing better than they thought i would . sorry i was not able to be in chat room a lot but they have me in therpy monday wed an thurdays at 1:oo my time . thought Uwqould like to know that . this makes me fill so good . i wont to just jump for joyyyyyyyyyyyyy .JO
  3. Little Jo

    Time moves on....

    Donna wish you all the best on the test you are haveing done . TELL EVERY ONE that im praying for you . god bless you for being a good friend to me . i fell that iv none you for ever hope every thing goes well . God bless and take care JO
  4. Little Jo


    Amen ; I fell the same way . JO
  5. Little Jo

    It's SOO Hot

    HI VICKIE i know what u are going threw i live in georgia an it is december an i swetting all the time in the middle of the winter . We went to the mail over the weekend . and on the way to the truck i started to sweat like as if it was in the middle of the summer don't know if it is the stroke are what . Take care JO
  6. Hello MY NAME IS Jo .AN I WAS THE SAME WAY but i didn't have they one to come to see me .but my husband an my god child an one of my friends that i grew up knowing . I thought so loney Idon't have meny friends that i can call my friends . Went to a subport goup when i was in the hospitial .But not sense iv came home we don't get know one over . they wont Randy to come i just stay home most of the time . un less we got to go in to town. Don't talk to much people .becouse they think im weerd. SOim at home a lot . People ask Randy how im doing but they don't come . So i read a lot an do a lot of resurch on strokes an things like that. Icrochet a lot when im in the mood to. :yadayada: Iknow i cant just be happy all the time BUT SOME TIME WE JUST HAVE TO LET IT OUT . Im better now sense . i found this site . I STAY on here or i go to myspaces or i go to pogo an play games there . All i do know is IVgot god on my side an he has been a good friend to me . AN AS long as i have him cant .know body hurt me . Be kind to one anouther . God bless us . JO
  7. Little Jo


    Hello my name is Jo and i had my stroke not to long ago of this year is i had itaround Febuary 18th -2008 .Im a stroke survivor . i I came across this web site looking for stroke subport around tow month ago . and it is the best thing that has happen to me . i have made mor friends here than i have out here . They really know how to help people . And they know how to hel us get threw what we are going threw. And i thank God for gideing me here . I live in Georgia and my husband was born in Nufeland Canida. . It is so nice their lol . i have never seen a mooss . an we went fishing at a lake where his auint an uncle live an i got my life scaird out of me LOLLL. MOOSE . A CAME AT ME AN A COUSEN of his while we where at the lake . an we told me not to move so i didnt . a went behine a tree an just stood there un tell he left . Iwas never so scard in my life as i was them . when we got back i said ill just stay a the caben un tell we left to come home . llol . BUT back to cooking it takes me 1 hour to pell some potatoes a things like that . . So dont fell bad iam like that to so you arnt by you self . Nice talking to you ....... JO
  8. HELLO i just was reading you blog an i thought it was great . Ito have a cold .Hope you get reed of your cold .Have a nice christmas .
  9. December2 2008 I have had four miney strokes an i get scared every time i have one im 53years old but iv learn to just go with it . and i wake up i know that god is going to take care of me . Iknow i was put on this earth to do somthing good .for eny one that need help he is with me every time i get a stroke i get this filling that every thing is going to be ok IT HAS BEEN 5 months since i had my last one an .i can do eny thing i seat my mine to do if i dont giveup I WON'T TO BE ABLE TO see my god child grow up . that is my golw . i gess i just love life it self . . JO