
Stroke Survivor - male
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About imfrcd

  • Birthday 04/29/1953

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  1. Happy Anniversary imfrcd!

  2. Happy Anniversary imfrcd!

  3. Happy Anniversary imfrcd!

  4. Thanks for the visit. I was on dilanton, now on topirimate and keppra. Crazy keeps me from going insane. hemmoragic lost left side hbd

  5. Happy Birthday imfrcd!

  6. Happy Anniversary imfrcd!

  7. "no matter where you go, there you are" Buckaroo Banzai

  8. oh, no, not me again................. LSL The best thing you did is be honest with yourself, take it one munite, (see how it is,) one minute at a time I got family who think I got nothing else to do, when getting out of bed is the start of a good day. Find, and keep people who will support you. If it's just us, so be it, use the message board, my email is on my profile. Prayer is good if it helps you. I personally have used mine when the Good Guy saved my daughter. The important thing is that we truly understand. oh yea, a smile works too.
  9. imfrcd


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