Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by WGM

  1. WGM

    Happy Anniversary WGM!

  2. WGM

    Happy Anniversary WGM!

  3. WGM

    Happy Anniversary WGM!

  4. Hi. Don't be bashful. This site is very user friendly!

  5. The doctor told me no caffeine. I can
  6. WGM

    Hi there! Don't be bashful.

  7. WGM

    Point of View

    One purebred Siamese named OC ( stands for Other Cat), a Balinese named Hairy It and Sue...the psychotic matriarch of our felines. They consisted of 3 of the four living things I saw and talked to for a year. Not counting doctors.
  8. WGM

    Point of View

    *grin* Oh, you have no idea how much trouble it has gotten me into with doctors who take things literally.
  9. LOL FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH I HAVE THREE CATS...AND IN ALL SERIOUSNESS I LOVE THE LITTLE @###@&*^% I have a suspicion that my point of view has changed since my stroke. I am not sure, but I think so. For example take viewpoints on...say... cats. I am sure you will find it hard to believe, but at one time I actually did not like them. Now I find them vastly amusing. As to point of view, perhaps an example would be in order. You take two big rocks, two cats and a roll of duct tape. The better half calls it evil. I call it book ends and look on it as theraputic rehabilitation. Just as I find it okay that the cat figured out, that if quiet, it can sharpen its claws on my left leg for quite a while before I notice. Just as I, myself, figured out a cat cannot tell the difference between a toy mouse and say...a tube of superglue. Did you know that superglue doesn't stick to carpets, but when their hairless little paw pads hit linoleum...well, it's a shame cats are not equipped with air bags. But enough rant for now. Next time we will discuss the genetic heritage of the people who want to strap a sharp fork to a hand you cannot control. BYOB (bring your own benzodiazapine) Pete
  10. WGM

    Under The Radar

    The kind that doesn't sell well! No, seriously...Fusion genre, horror and humor. I thank you all for the welcome and will go do a quick bio hazard, I mean bio, on the intro threads.
  11. Ah, a newbie to the board and just setting things up. As such this is - likely - going to go unread, but then again I have nothing better to do at the moment. Who am I? What am I? Just a two year survivor and a writer. My goals? To stay a survivor and improve my one handed typing. And try to find others who are writing about strokes.
  12. WGM

    Pics from the Past

    Random photos from the before stroke world.
  13. WGM


    From the album: Pics from the Past

  14. WGM


    From the album: Pics from the Past

  15. Morning! Will ipdate profile as soon as I figure it out. Oh joy. 54, brain stem 24NOV06. What can I say? Left side shot and now figuring out what I want to be when I grow up...again.