Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by WGM

  1. Pete,


    That was hysterical. I have 2 of the darlings myself. My oldest is 8 and is a black n white siamese mix. The youngest (my little idiot) is a brown n gray tabby and a year old. I think her momma dropped her on her head during delivery. Lili is NOT wrapped too tight; she's told repeatedly she's fortunate that she's so darn cute. Crystal the oldest was with me before the stroke and we have quite a special bond. They both keep me occupied while my daughter (a teen) is at school.


    Never a dull moment when one has critters. Crystal tries her version of acupuncture on my affected arm but I feel it just can't my arm out of the way on its own .


    One purebred Siamese named OC ( stands for Other Cat), a Balinese named Hairy It and Sue...the psychotic matriarch of our felines. They consisted of 3 of the four living things I saw and talked to for a year. Not counting doctors.