Wesley H.

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by Wesley H.

  1. Donna,

    I can totally relate to your situation as Deb has been out of town for a week. Happily, she will be home in 3 hours. I have been at home this past week with Pete (the dog) and my 17 year old daughter, Sabrina. However, I must say that although I have truely missed Deb; Sabrina has really stepped up and has been wonderful to be around...quite a change from the normal teen aged behavior. So, the is still that wonderful child inside, it just needs the incentive to emerge.


    Lots of luck to you,


    Wesley H.

  2. Enjoying the photos. There's nothing like the ocean, warm sand, and a beautiful blue sky.... I am so happy you and Deb had such a fun and relaxing time. It is good to be away from home for awhile to clear the mind and enjoy the warmth and beauty of a different environment.


    We have never done an all inclusive resort trip such as Sandals. Would you recommend it based on this experience?


    Thanks for sharing and look forward to more of your vacation photos. Glad your mom and sister and brother-in-law visited with you. What a great several weeks you have had!



    The all inclusive is very convenient; all is pre-paid.Eat and drink all you want; in.cludes gratuities

  3. Karen,


    Walk away and don't look back or go back. All through my school days I was bullied. All it ever accomplished was to instill a burning hate that took years to wipre away. People like that are just not worth the space you give them in your head rent free, Move on. Ther are thousands of forums; find one that fits. Glad t6o see you blogging. Good luck


  4. Thanks for the kind words. I will not drop off the world. I have, in a brief time, come to truly love this site and the wonderful people who populate this little world. Thanks for understanding...by no longer being consumed by what occurred in my life, I now feel as though I need to move forward with life and spend less time sitting in front of the computer.



  5. Well the fall did not produce any broken parts so did you tell at least one person you got bumped with the door from the other side and got coffee all over you since no one witness the fall? That way you keep your pride about going back to work this soon.


    Next time if you get to the door kinda wait for someone and they can catch the door for you. Those are the doors you wish swing both ways so you could back into it still holding your cup in the good hand.


    Be careful on the job! :huh:





    There was no one near the door for me to wait for, as I would normally do. Also, I can't back into the door, either. It opens towards me; so I have to position my hand on the handle and pull it open. It's either that or place the cup on the floor, use my good hand to open the door, block it open with my foot, then bend over to pick up the cup. I'd rather take my chances with the bum hand.



  6. Yea. What kind of high end bikes did you ride. One of my sons never has less than two His current is an incredible Honda hes had Harleys and Ducati and Triumphs and His love the Norton We all ride ATVs I am done with that as I went off I turned part of my Tibia Fiba into a relacement erector set. I guess you could say I learned slow down and read the Terrain . I will ride on the whatever it is - Way big go kart thing or the ATV for four occasionaly now. I am a passenger. Although my grandaughter got an ATV for Christmas I might could ride HA HA !! Mostly going Boating is a challange enough for me. I am content to manage to get in then ride. I m addicted to the wind in my hair. I Still cannot do the Jet skis Like you say our Toys change. I just got done doing my therapy putty and exercises from a StrokeNet poster. I love getting down on the floor with my grandaughter and playing blocks and we put shapes into the right hole. She wins every time...... shes 19 months . Congrats on getting to go back to work. That is wonderful. Karen




    When I referred to

  7. and the mice? hummmmmm. If it makes you feel any better bubby, it is below 30 and we are expecting "the worst weather event in the last decade". The are calling for ice and snow up to 1 inch of ice and up to 6 inches of snow. Talk to me about warm weather again....PLEASE!!!



    There is a warming trend later this week and by Friday be back close to 80 degrees; and THERE WERE NO MICE;IT WAS SIZED FOR BARBIE :D



  8. I, too, have a killer dog. He's a Chihuahua / Pug mix. Like your daughter's, he was also on doggie death row and about 24 hours from termination. He was apparrently abused by men; as to this day, he does not receive strange men readily. Women are accepted rather quickly.He was nurtured back to health and is now a member of the family. When the heater core went out in my truck I consulted the repair manual. After reading the replacement procedure; I happily wrote the check! Not only are the designers sadists; but in their spare time they design freeway systems in Southern California.

  9. Hey there; Song Bird,


    Sounds like ya got yer feathers ruffled! Be a little easier on yourself. Celebrate your accomplishments! You have overcome your deficits to the point that you CAN return to school. You obviously have a dream you're going after; keep that in focus. Know and understand that the world has more jerks than it has saviors. When you let people bother you that much, you allow them free space in your head.Your space is valuable; so if you're not collecting rent on the space , don't give it. If life were easy; we would all be millionaires.

  10. Bart,


    I read your blog daily and you're doing well. I see pain and hope and great intentions in your entries.Keep hanging in there! So far as you blog getting lost after two hours; here's what I do.. I create my daily entry as a WORD document and "save" it to my deskytop. I do periodic "saves" as I write it then when done I copy and paste it into the website.


    Wesley H.