Wesley H.

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Wesley H.

  1. Wesley H.
    Sooner or later the time comes when I have to stretch my boundaries a little further. Today was one of those days. After doing more than just a short drive last night, Deb asked me at 5:00 AM this morning how I felt about driving myself to work. Needless to say; I was all for it, but as I was going through the front door; she asked if I would feel better about it if she rode with me. I really didn
  2. Wesley H.
    Anyone that has been following my blog knows that Deb and I have been together almost 20 year now. We have been married for 16 years and we totally in love with each other. She has done so much over the years that she deserves something real special. When we got married, I was knee deep in a major overhaul contract; so I took off for a day to get married and went back to wok the next day. We never had a real honeymoon of any type and I can
  3. Wesley H.
    talk about a real bummer;
    i spent most of my lunch break writing today's entry. When I finished it, I copied it to my flash drive. When I got home to retrieve it post it, the file had corrupted and would not open. Thankfully, it is still on my work computer, so let's try this again tomorrow. :throw:
  4. Wesley H.
    I never left the house today. I have been inside all day. I slept in late today. When I did finally get up, I went into the kitchen, poured some coffee beans into the grinder and made a pot of coffee. Sabrina had already called from school wanting to come home. She took a fall at the ice rink yesterday and her knee is swollen and sore. Deb went to pick her up and stop for donuts on the way home. I was really craving a donut this morning. I don
  5. Wesley H.
    Sunday morning began with the alarm clock piercing the silence of the bedroom. I slid out of bed and stumbled my way to the dresser where the clock sat crowing like a barnyard rooster. I took a quick look at the clock and noticed it was 5:00 AM and still pitch black dark. Now, it
  6. Wesley H.
    Today I had the unenviable pleasure of learning new software. That was never real difficult before my stroke. I must have clicked around all over the place trying to figure out how to pull up different types of reports. By the end of the day I had become relatively familiar with the program. Bu the true test of what I learned will be tomorrow when I once again try to pull up a report showing me what consumable items were issued out of the stockroom for the USS GERMANTOWN contract. Obtaining that particular report had me stumped the biggest part of the morning. I finally figured it out after lunch, but as I said the test will be how long it takes me to do it tomorrow. I don
  7. Wesley H.
    Good Afternoon Friends, Family, and Fans;
    Today marks another lesson in not giving up on your dreams. When it seems that our dreams are all we have left; nothing feels better than a taste of realization. I woke up this morning and remembered it was the end of the month. Since it was also Saturday I knew the pool guy was due to come today to do the pool maintenance and it was his pay day. I slipped out of bed and too a peek out the window and saw that he was already on the job. So I went and got the checkbook and pulled on a pair of jeans while Deb made out the check. I took the check and slid open the sliding glass door and stepped onto the back porch. I said
  8. Wesley H.
    Greetings Friends and Family,
    i'm taking the day off today as it's getting harder to put words together after a long day at work, However, I finally got around to posting Tour photos. They didn't turn out as well as I hasd hoped for, but they're pictures nonetheless! Enjoy! And don't ya know; after posting photos I just had to ride my bike up and down the street again!
  9. Wesley H.
    Good evening friends. There's not going to be much here tonight. After spending the entire day up on Palomar Mountain just to get glimpse of Lance Armstrong on one of the hardest climbs in Southern California, I am exhausted. But what a great day! I have waited over 6 years to see a professional peloton of elite world class bike riders in a stage race. It was beyond my expectations. I'll provide more details tomorrow, but right now I just want to sleep.
    Good Night
  10. Wesley H.
    Thank you all for the wake up call you gave me yesterday! After reading and re-reading your comments from my entry; I went and stood in the corner for an hour. Now it