Wesley H.

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Wesley H.

  1. Wesley H.
    One of my greatest fears was realized today. I lost my balance and fell at work this morning. I had gone down the hallway to get a cup of coffee. On the way back, I had my coffee cup in my good right hand and reached out to open the door with my partially working left hand. As I reached for the door handle, I lost my balance and fell to the floor spilling coffee all over myself. I lay sprawled out on the floor for few seconds assessing my condition. Nothing broken, nothing really hurt, other than my confidence. Being as prideful as I am, I felt fortunate that no one saw me and I was able to get back up fairly easily. However, it is quite apparent that my new sport coat needs to go to the dry cleaners. I need to remember that nothing is routine anymore. I
  2. Wesley H.
    Hello friends and family,
    Thank you for the kind words in your comments after my bike ride on Saturday. I appreciate the support you give me and the inspiration and motivation to do more. It flatters me when some folks say my recovery, to date, is an inspiration and motivation to them. I never viewed myself in that manner. I
  3. Wesley H.
    Oh Boy, am I tired today. The kid across the street had a birthday party this afternoon and we were all over there. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and had cake. I just got home and I'm totally worn out. Therefore this entry will be short so I can go to bed.
    I see that my daughter in San Francisco has joined this site so she can keep tabs on dear ol' Dad! Today has been a day where I am a bit angry about what happned to me. The batroom sink has a drip in the drain and I am not able to fix it. so Deb is trying to take care of it. I got down on the floor to look at it and had a hard time getting back up.
    That's enough for today ... I'm so tired.
  4. Wesley H.
    It has only taken 5 1/2 months , but a MAJOR MILESTONE has been achieved!!! I RODE MY BIKE TODAY!! :happydance:
    For the record; it wasn't 25 miles. It was just up and down the street; but WHO CARES!!! Of course, I'm not neady to hop in the shower and shave my legs then pull on the spandex, but in time all things are possible.
    Determination is the key to recovery!! Set your goals and pursue them vigorously...DON'T EVER QUIT TRYING !!! :beer:
  5. Wesley H.
    This morning I had a Management Team meeting to attend. When I returned to my office, I noticed a sheet of paper on my desk... It was a page that was photocopied from Popular Mechanics magazine regarding a virtual rehabilitation program for stroke victims that is being developed in Britain.
    Now, before you get as angry as I did,
  6. Wesley H.
    First of all; I would like to acknowledge those of you who daily read this ongoing digest of my thoughts and babble; and let you know that I truly appreciate your comments. I am beginning to feel as though I know each of you and I value your friendship. I look forward each day to see what you have had to say regarding my gibberish from the previous day. Thank you for taking the time to drop in to see if I
  7. Wesley H.
    Well, the first week of being back on full time employment is in the bag! It was not really too difficult. Today we did a demo run of our recently acquired 1,000 ton press brake and edge roller. All results were satisfactory. However, about half way through the operational test; one of the Maintenance Mechanics hand signaled me that my pants were unzipped! Oh, the pain! Obviously my zipper had been down since I left the house this morning. I guess I need to make up a checklist and tape it to the front door to remind myself each day to make sure I have accounted for the
  8. Wesley H.
    I have decided to take a rest day from this daily task of finger-pecking the keyboard using,at the very most, two fingers and grill hamburgers in the back yard. Will be back tomorrow :yukyukyuk:
  9. Wesley H.
    Yesterday afternoon, while I was stacking my blocks, I was thinking about how much my toys have changed since my stroke. While only 6 months ago I was riding expensive, high end road bikes, today I
  10. Wesley H.
    To say that nothing occupies my mind that has the potential to cause me to worry would be a lie. Of course, there are things I worry about! I guess the key to peace of mind is determining how much space and time to allow them to have in my head.
    Still being relatively young; at 54 years old, I have at least another 10 years before I can seriously consider retirement. Now, I have been working for the same company for 26 years and have always felt secure in my employment. I have been able to provide for my family, and we have a comfortable lifestyle. The income I provide is sufficient to allow my wife to stay at home and not need to work. Here in Southern California, that
  11. Wesley H.
    As mentioned yesterday, I went to see my primary physician this morning. I was hoping for better responses than I received. He had no objection to me returning to full time work. He stated that it would not harm me physically; but to try it for week and see how I feel.
    As for driving; he didn