Wesley H.

Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by Wesley H.

  1. Wesley H.
    The inner me is the me that still resides in my head. The inner me speaks clearly and articulates quite well. The inner me can still raise his voice and yell when necessary. When I am thinking to myself I don
  2. Wesley H.
    So, last night I dropped into the Support Chat room. I have been dropping in on these rooms lately just to see what goes on. I tell you, it dizzying! A one point there were probably four separate conversations going on and I had to backtrack and skip over lines simply to follow along. It
  3. Wesley H.
    Alright; ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls; Strokers and Strokettes; let me attempt to clarify some things. I write this blog daily and say the things that I think about and experience in my recovery. I don
  4. Wesley H.
    Can anyone tell me why it is that I can lay in bed in the mornings and actually open and close the evil hand, stretch my fingers at will; but as soon as I get up, it
  5. Wesley H.
    1. I am 54 years old.
    2. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters
    3. I am the second oldest of 4 children
    4. My Mom and Dad loved each other
    5. They were married for almost 57 years
    6. My Dad passed away last July
    7. I am married to Debbie
    8. I love my wife
    9. We have been together for 20 years
    10. I have 3 daughters and 1 dog
    11. Deb an I have 3 grandchildren
    12. I live in San Diego, CA.
    13. My Dad was in the Navy
    14. My Dad retired in 1973
    15. My family moved to Kentucky
    16. I stayed in San Diego
    17. I am a Senior Manager in a shipyard.
    18. I have held the same job for the past 26 years
    19. I have worked in the same industry for 36 years
    20. I have done many interesting things in my life
    21. I was a skydiver for about 10 years; with over 400 jumps
    22. Deb made 5 parachute jumps
    23. I have owned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle
    24. I love bicycling
    25. I own 2 high performance road bikes
    26. I have ridden my bikes over 17,000 miles
    27. I believe long bike rides soothe the nerves
    28. I wear spandex shorts and shave my legs
    29. I believe I
  6. Wesley H.
    I have a bit of free time this morning before the Chargers take on the Steelers in Pittsburg.
    So I want to take this opportunity to state how thankful I am to have stumbled across this website! I never imagined that there were so many others out there dealing with and experiencing some of the same things I cope with myself. This site provides me with the support, information, inspiration, and humor that only other survivors can truly understand and appreciate.
    This blog provides me space to write down the things going on in my life and in my mind. It allows my family members, thousands of mile away, to keep up with my life in a manner we never had before. Sure, there were emails and phone calls
  7. Wesley H.
    Prior to my stroke, I worked my butt off. Rise at 4:00AM, out the door to work by 5:00. At my desk working away by 5:30. Usually have my lunch at my desk and keep on working. I would try to be home by 4:00PM as there were things to do there, also. First thing when I got home was my bike ride. That was my unwind time. During the week it was usually a 20 mile ride; which I would knock out in about an hour and fifteen minutes. Afterwards; there was dinner to make and the kitchen to clean up. Cooking was something I loved to do. You see, if you
  8. Wesley H.
    I was laying in bed this morning, wide awake in the pre-dawn darkness listening to the familiar and comforting sounds of home. I heard the rumble of water pipes as my teen aged daughter turned on her shower, announcing to me that she was up and getting ready for school. My wife lay close to me resting her head on my shoulder, her arm extending across my chest. I laid there just listening to the rhythmic breathing of her deep sleep. I reached my arm across her feeling around for Pete, the dog. He was lying next to her with his back pressed hard against hers, obtaining the physical contact with her that he craves. His head rested atop the pillow as he snored softly; dreaming whatever it is that contented dogs dream about.
    This is my favorite time of day. A new day is awakening with all of its challenges and opportunities for success. This time of day is magical for me. It
  9. Wesley H.
    Today is a pretty decent day. I walked through the shipyard this morning with the GM to survey the status of a number of facility projects that are wrapping up nicely. He was pleased, so that pleases me!
    I spoke with my Mom last night and told her about this site and noticed this morning that she is now a member. Now that I know Mom is reading my blog I
  10. Wesley H.
    This is my first attempt at blogging and I'm not sure what I'm doing but here it goes..
    "Good riddance to 2008!"
    What a lousy year, let me recap:
    March 2008: Had to fly to Kentucky...Dad in hospital and not doing well. Dad had Pacemaker put in and sent home. My family and I spent about a week there and then went back home.
    May 2008: Wife ill with tonsillitis. they will need to come out; but not yet as the swelling needs to come down.
    July 2008: Dad back in hospital; fly back to Kentucky to be at his bedside, was there when he passed on. Stayed for funeral; then back home to San Diego.
    July 2008: Went to a home improvement store to pick up some items for a home project and debit card was denied for purchase. I found out that I had been a victim (not survivor in this instsnce)of identity theft and hackers had spent $1700 out of my checking account! It took a full month to get that mess straightened outand get reimbursed the stolen money.
    August 2008: My wife gets her tonsils removed and she stays medicated and in bed.
    August 2008: Sister-in-law came out from Kentucky to spend a week with us. This was a great time! However, on the day after she left to go home my wife and I took an afternoon bike ride. She blew out a tire on a turn and went down hard. Called 911 and ambulace took her to hosiptal where it was determined she had separated her shoulder.
    One week later: My stroke!
    September 2008: I am back home from hospital, my left side doesn't work...no arm or hand control and minimal leg control. Friends over for dinner. As my wife is walking them back to their car she trips and falls face first into the concrete driveway. All I can do is look at her lie there as I don't have the strenghth to help her get up.
    Our friends help her up and there is a lot of blood on the ground...back to the E.R. where she gets checked out and get a CT scan. She is going to need stitches, but there is no serious damage,. As the doctor is giving her a shot into the cut cut next to her eye, I pass out and end up in the bed next to her.
    October 2008: My truck decides it's time to have significant costly repairs. Dog gets hospitailzed due to diabetes and vets are not cheap! Dog gets diabetes back under control and gets to come home
    Remainder of year relatively uneventful!
    Lets hope that 2009 is better.