Craig Mattice

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Everything posted by Craig Mattice

  1. Happy Anniversary Craig Mattice!

  2. Happy Anniversary Craig Mattice!

  3. Living Life On My Terms - No Excuses No Regrets

  4. Craig Mattice

    My Home Office Redo After 12 Years!

    The office theme was Mickey Mouse for 12 years. I've changed, things have changed, must of grown out of Mickey Mouse. I made a major change to brilliant colors, Caribbean Island theme and Scarlet Macaw parrots. I don't have a "Man Cave." I have a "MAN ISLAND!"
  5. My wife and I are both very reserved, introverted, shy, quiet, and low key type of people. Never wishing to make a scene. These are some pics from our 36th anniversary. A long weekend escape to Virginia Beach, VA, our favorite vacation spot. I hope they don't bore you. Don't let your life disable your living!
  6. I've been weening off psych meds over the last 8 months and am down to 20mg of Paxil a day. I don't feel depressed at all and believe I'm really enjoying life and all it has to offer even under the current circumstances. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnea for about two years now and religiously use a CPAP machine every time I sleep or nap. I just love the quality of sleep it brings to me. I will follow up with my PCP about this sleeping challenge. He is an excellent physician and both my wife and I see him. He is the best personal doctor I've ever had and I've had some great docs in my time. I too have medical experience and background by being involved in organ transplantation for five years on top of my own medical experiences with my health and being a large GI practice Administrator. The education in this area sure has paid off. Thank you for your responses and information. I appreciate your taking the time to read and respond to my posts.
  7. I was having a discussion with a new friend on mine who lives in New Zealand, who suffered a severe brain hemorrhage, and how brain strokes affect you mentally. Is it just me or did anyone else not get any education about your mental and psychological challenges resulting post stroke? I've been dealing with a great deal of stress in handling the care of my elderly parent's mental and physical challenges getting them from the hospital to the rehab center to an assisted living community. This on top or working on my recovery from a near fatal brain stem stroke in mid December of last year. This situation has totally destroyed my circadian rhythm and I now suffer from insomnia and sleep deprivation. I may get two to three hours of sleep then up at 1 or 2am, awake for many hours, crash for 3 to 4 hours hard and it starts all over again. I'm taking an over the counter patented nonpharmaceutical sleep aid strip and the effects don't really last that long. I'm hoping, now that my parents are officially in a very nice professional assisted living community, the stress will abate and I will get back into my rhythm. What were you told about post stroke psych and mental challenges to expect? I'm in the dark on this one.