harriet rankin

Stroke Caregiver - female
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About harriet rankin

  • Birthday 08/21/1952

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  • Interests
    Interests are my family, particularly my grandkids, knitting, crocheting, reading, fishing, music- mostly country- computers, picture taking (I'm not good enough to call it photography) gardening... just the usual Grandma stuff.
  • How did you find us?
    Google Search

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Member (3/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary harriet rankin!

  2. Happy Anniversary harriet rankin!

  3. Happy Birthday harriet rankin!

  4. Hi Harriet,

    My sister also supported me when I needed it.

    It's a sibling thing, he's lucky to have you in his corner.

  5. :congrats: Now that's my brother!!
  6. I'm remembering Down By The River................ and Southern Man
  7. Checking in to make sure all is well with you. Read this blog and your previous and it sounds like the days are ticking along for you at the new normal... slow and steady, but definitely in the right direction. Take care of yourself around that pool, ride when you feel like it to keep building those muscles, and let me know how the fingers handle the Fender. Just remembering you playing guitar brings back a lot of happy memories.
  8. harriet rankin


    We all love our wonderful Mom!
  9. harriet rankin


    Mom's right about the bra, ya know.
  10. harriet rankin


    That incident just goes to prove that no one can possibly know what anyone else is going through, physically, mentally, or emotionally. I am grateful that you've improved to the point that people can't tell from casual observation that there is anything wrong with you. I wish it was in my power to fix all the "little things" that are really such big things, but we all know that only time will tell how close you get to total recovery. I know you-- You'll never quit working towards that big goal. I admire your determination and the strength of your character. As for that right hand thing... I'd be in serious trouble.. especially considering the fact that I'm 100% left handed! Love you!!!
  11. TY for your support by signing in.

    Hope we beat last year's record.

    Hugs, Jan

  12. Sigh.... how wonderful!
  13. Definitely not a fun shopping trip! I'm wondering if you extended the middle finger of your right hand to flip off the left? After reading this, I guarantee those cards are gonna be the most special ever simply because of the effort it took. Love you bunches!!!
  14. harriet rankin


    Fact is, those thin plastic bags can give anyone a hard time- me included. I think I've used that same trick before to get one opened. I really don't know if I would have been stubborn enough to fight with it that long, but maybe it's a family trait and I would have. Who knows? I'm proud of you for toughing it out. Maybe next time will be easier. I hope so for your sake--- and I still hate Bob!