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Blog Entries posted by HostBruce

  1. HostBruce
    I found out seveal months ago that I have an Aneurysm in my Aorta. It's kind of tricky were it is at. I think I found out about it in January of this year. They are going to wait about five months from then to operate on me. They showed it to me in a scan of me and it's going down into my lower extermites. At any rate I am not that worried about it. They are going to show my case to several Drs and brain storm it among themselfs. It's funny how diffrent things affect us and how we react to them. I'll keep you guys posted on my progess in a few months.
  2. HostBruce
    I was in the hospital last week from Wednesday till late Sat. afternoon. I had a urinay track infection. My temp. shot up for two days before they had me on the right med's. I came home late Sat. night, only before my penis stoped bleeding. I had a cather in and when they removed the cather I started to bleed. Oh well since I have been home it's not as bad. Yea!!
    Bruce Schwentker
  3. HostBruce
    My wife just told me she won't come here to post how I'm doing while I'm in the hospital. Sorry about that. I will just have to find a way to get the word out to you some other way!! Maybe I can call one of you while in the hospital.
  4. HostBruce
    Hi Everyone,
    This will be my last Chat session for awhile. I go in on Sunday for my surgery on Monday for my Anerism that in my Aorta. I will miss the chat session very much. I'll be back chatting as soon as I can. Until then happy chatting!
    Bruce Schwentker
  5. HostBruce
    My sugery is planned for September 13, 2010. I'll go into the hospital on the 12th. Other than this I don't know very much. At least I know when the sugery is planned for. I'll keep you all posted on my porgress.
  6. HostBruce
    I went for my Aneurysm update this morning. I met with a new Dr. Farber. He expalined to me my driffrent obtians. He gave me sevel things to consider. The sure way to repair it would be to go in and due the repair that would cause me to be in the hospital 12 to 13 days. There are some obtions that would be less invasive but I would have several more oporations down the road. Oh well I'll let you know what I decide.
    Bruce Schwentker
  7. HostBruce
    Since my Botox injection I have found that I can use my arm a little more. I have gotten some more exercises and things to do to increase my use. I also have some exercies to do with my legs too. There is one thing I'm suppose to do with my wife but I haven't gotten around to doing it. I will at sopme point. :santa:
  8. HostBruce
    I had a Botox injection last Friday. The Dr's injected me three or four time. They did my upper arm first and then did my lower arm next. They did the lower arm about three times. The hope is that that with the injections my arm and hand will move more smoothly. The injections really did not hurt that much. I was amaized that they didn't hurt that much. I just hope that the injections work and do there job.
  9. HostBruce
    My wife and I went to Nashville, TN over the weekend. We had a wonderful time while there. We arrived and went down to the car rental place and was told that they were going to charge us $350.00. We didn't have that. So the agent told us that National didn't do that. We went to National and got a car for $68.00. We were pleased about that. So then we drove to the motel and took a detour the wrong way, but got back on the right path way. We got to the motel checked in and got our room. We the got up with our friends John and Geniveve Reed. We ate at Logan's a restaurant that serves everything from ribs, to steaks, to shrimps. And they serve peanuts!!! It was a neet experience eating. The next day Geniveve and I went to our Association meeting. Susie and John went back to the motel and did their own thing. Susie came and picked us up for lunch and we went to Wendy's. After lunch she took us back to our meeting. The afternoon session was just as exciting as the morning. At 4:15 the meeting was over and I called Susie and she came and picked us up. We got back to the motel we rested for awhile and then we went back to Logan's for dinner again. The next day Susie and I got up and took our showers and got dressed. We were suppose to meet John and Geniveve for breakfast but they didn't make it. We went to McDonalds for breakfast. After that we got some gas in the car and then we drove to the Church and went to Church. Then we went to the Airport to turn in the car and wait for our plane to take off. Then we got back to Raleigh/Durham Airport. Our son picked us up and drove us home. Our cat Yutani was glad to see us!!!!
  10. HostBruce
    This is my first Blog so bear with me. I'd like to say the people I have met here are great!! I had a Left Thrombotic Stroke on Dec. 10, 2006. It affected the Right side. I have no use of my right hand and have been amazed at what I can do with my left hand. On June 6, 2008 I got my driver license back. It was a happy day for me. To get my freedom back was grate. :laughbounce: I must say the people here are great and helpful. I like Stroke Net very much.