
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    I need to check in. I have been lax. We have been doing well. William is still doing his therapy in the water. He does 5 days of the week with our caretaker and I do Saturdays. The three dogs are such a joy. They really pick up William's spirits. If he is confused the dogs seems to calm him down and he gets less confused. HE starts to think of the dogs rather than his problems. I am still working and I enjoy it. It is nice to have the freedom to leave home and go to work.
    We have settled into a routine. The only thing that I insist on is water therapy. Wm can do what ever else he wants. We did go out to see the movie "The War Room". Wm understood and enjoyed that movie. Our most recent fad is having popcorn. But, I am still insisting that wm try to eat an apple a day. Wm has really lot a lot of weight. Just a diet change that he made himself. He blood pressure meds have really been cut down.
    A TV program on sugar...made him decide that sugar is not his friend. But, that is good. I do end up taking wm out to eat a lot. This is a fun outing and Wm enjoys eating and seeing the world outside our house.
    Wm is sleeping in bed. I need to go and wake him up. Otherwise he will be up at midnight 1AM or 2AM. That is hard on me since I get up at 4AM to get to work at 6AM.
    Miss you all.
  2. ruthpill
    This was the first vacation that I have taken in 6 years. Since William had his stroke. I took off Monday morning and came back Wed niight. It was short and it was exciting. My advice is do not travel Spriirt airlines. They were 2 hours late and mine should have been at 6AM. I was at our international airport for 5 1/2 hours. I had to check in on line. Well. little did I know. I had a purse and a backpack. So I checked one carry on and Then I chose my seat. Well I really did not have to do either one of those. That cost me. You can leave those blank and get a sear assinged. My purse would have fit into the back pack. This is one of the barebones airlines. These extra costs made it the same as the regular airlines.
    I did have a very busy itinerary in LA. Very little sleep. I made rounds with my son at the hospital every morning at 5AM since I was up. THEN OUT to breakfast and meeting friends and seeing the sights. We even wen on a 5 mile hike on the beach, It was a good thing that I am in shape and then dinner with friends every evening. They all wondered why I was only staying for 3 days. Fortunately the caretaker did a great job. She misplaced his phone so that He would not phone me continuously. It was fun. But with the 5-1.2 wait at the airport. I was glad that William did not go. That would have been painful.
    It was fun. I came home and continued by vacation by taking William to the theater to see SanAndreas and Tomorrowland..He was very happy that I made it home.
  3. ruthpill
    I have had Thurs. Friday. Sat and sun and Monday off from work. My caretaker took some time off and I took off from my job to take over her shift.
    Thurs. we went to the pool and did our therapy. We had breakfast afterwards. I ordered wm huevos rancheros. He loved it. Then I had to do some shopping and went to the accountant. Wm enjoyed talking to his old friend and then I took the dogs to the dog park and wm finally go home. He had a good day. Friday we got up and went to the pool and got our therapy done early. We went out to breakfast and then wm went home md had a rest . We met a friend for dinner early at 3 pm. I walked the dogs
    Sat we got up and made it to the pool and did our exercise early. Made it out to breakfast william came home and went to bed to recuperate. I took the dogs to the dog park. One of mine refused to leave. I finally left her there. I had fried and tried and she ran away from me. So I went home and checked on william and went for a swim. I told william that he had to come with me so that I could pick Suzie q up at the dog park. She was waiting there at the gate ready to go his time. She was so bad . She was the only one at the park because it had rained. I hope that she does not do that again.
    Today is Sunday. William got up early and needed to go to the restroom. He had sweated so much that I suggested a shower and then I could change the sheets and he would feel better. He did not argue with me and consented to a shower. It started to be really wet and windy outside. Got William to the recliner and he fed the dogs a snack and had his meds. He then wanted to go back to bed. No church today since it is wet he watched one of the Sunday preachers. I have walked the dogs twice and I gave them a bath last night.
    Today should be quite. I am cooking a pot of beans and some rice.
    Of course the laundry and house to clean.
    Good news I am finally going to leave the house for three days. The caretaker will stay with william while I go to la to visit my son. Just a short trip because I did not want to leave william too long. I leave Monday am and return we'd night.
    Let's see how it goes
  4. ruthpill
    My time is gone. No time for anything. My crazy job wants us to work an extra 20 hours a week. That is really crimping my lifestyle. Mycaretaker is doing the pool workout with William. That gives me time to do my own workout after work. So my day starts at 3am. I am up and walk the dogs. I get ready for work and get there a little after 4 am. This is part of the Ot. I am scheduled for 6:30am. I do Medicare prescription insurance prior authorization. I stay until 3pm. I get home and go to the pool for me them walk the dogs and get dinner and visit with william and hit the bed by 8pm.
    I stress to william that he needs to continue his swimming pool exercises. He usually does this daily. I do miss the network. I miss the daily check in, but the dogs are like having three little babies.
    They are really good for William. I can hear him visiting with the dogs all the time. The time they take is worth it.
    My psoriasis really flared up in November. I got a cold or allergies that took two months to get uver. So I took myself off my Enbrel. I had a shingles shot during that time. But my is really bad. But hopefully in a couple of months it will be better. I look like I have leprosy. Luckily we have a pretty mild winter in Houston. But William still hates cold weather.
    I got crazy and started crotcheting and knitting hats and scarves, My dogs really wanted to bother me because they wanted to play.
    I am still enjoying my job (minus the over time) and the dogs are fun. I am trying to teach the dogs to sit and shake hands. My neighbor is teaching me how to do this.
    No trips. Actually I have started back to short ones. William said that he wanted to go with the church group on a short bus trip to an port two hours away. It went well. Out next one will be to a live theater production, I just noticed that circque de solil will be here in February. I need to get tickets because it will be very close and they have good handicap access. They haven't been here for the last two years. Houston is large and sometimes they are here but not right in our back yard area. I only go if they are at this location.
    I do miss you all. I love reading your blogs
  5. ruthpill
    My neighbor passed away today. I am taking care of her two dogs. One will be picked up the grand-daughter and wm and I will take over the one that iAd bought for her. All of the dogs related really well to one another. I guess what is one more. .? Or we shall see. It makes me sad to think of Ann being gone but she was ready, really bad Copd. It was William that said that we would be happy to take care of Suzie Q. Luckily I have the weekend off. Wish me luck.
    I need to tell you all about my weight loads program. I got this new job two years Ago and gained 40 pounds. I finally told myself that this is ridiculous. At this rate I will be waddling thru life. The first of August. ..I started exercising again. Serious exercise. An hour and a half at the gym. I pump at that hear rate and I did not drink sweet drinks. Water is my beverage of choice. So far I have lost ten pounds. This month at work we have a weight loss challenge starting and I joined a team of five co workers. This will be fun. I will continue my strategy.
    The cap fell off of my tooth Friday. That means that all Labor Day weekend. Soup and melon for me. I did make it into a different dentist on Friday. Bad news the cap had a hole and I have major decay on that tooth. Two options. Gum surgery to put in a post and implant. Or a po atrial. This is the last molar that I have on that side.
    A bridge is not possible. Right now I am leaning towards the idea of the partial.
    I will do some research and decide by Tuesday.
    Have a wonderful Labor Day.
    I am hoping to make it to the pool today. 8am. William refused to go on sat and sun is his day off. Last night he told wm that he would go.
  6. ruthpill
    Tie ring is the term that means that you want copayment reduction on your medicine.Most people do not even know that they can request a copayment reduction
    1. The drug must be on the forulary.
    2. It cannot be on the highest tier or specialty tier. Most plans have 4 tiers.
    3. In order for the request to be considered there has to be at one drug on the tier below that it canbecompared to. this is where it gets complicated if there are many drugs on the tier below then each of the has to be addressed.
    4. I would suggest that you call the insurance-company and find out all of the details. This is a time consuming process. The easier you can make it for your doctor the better.
    5. Ask if tiering is eligible and what drugs need to be addressed. Give this information to your doctor.
    6. Non formulary drugs can be approved for insurance coverage. The are not eligible for tiering. But they will be cheaper than paying cash
  7. ruthpill
    I have been AWOL. Time has just slipped by.time doe not slow down as you age. My days are crazy. I get up at 5 a. Walk the dogs and then get ready for work. I leave the house at 5:30 a. I get to work at 6a. I do not start until 7 . I use this time to eat breakfast, text the caregiver with instructions for the day, and read for fun. This allows me time for myself and I do not get stuck in traffic. This job is the easiest job that I have ever had. I work in a call center and process Medicare part d determinations. This means that I sit all day. I am not tired at the WMD of the day. I get off at 3:30 and meet William at the therapeutic pool. The care taker brings him over. I usually get there at 4p. We do our 45 min of work and then hit the showers. We are usually on the road by 5:45. We get home around 6 ish. I fix William dinner and get all of the wet swim stuff put into the house. Walk the dogs two more times and it is time for bed.
    It just does not seem like enough time. Monday I has the day off because I had an appt for my psoriasis. It seem that we shall try Humira. I was on Enbrel. The same day William had an appt with the urologist. I took wm to that appt. I wanted to talk to the urologist. Wm had a turp done 5 years ago. The tissue grows back. I have scheduled a laser treatment to remove some of the tissue. This will reduce the symptoms of urgency, retention. Frequency and the irritation of me being notified so his need to pee at night. This is a simple outpatient procedure. Scheduled for the 24. I told wm that it was funny all of the patients were older men. Probably with the same problem that he had. This is the opposite of a gynecologists office. All women.
    Today is church. Indeed to get wm up.
    William wanted a nutribullet. I got him one for Christmas. This Ida wonderful way to get his fruits and veggies into his diet. He has said that he feels better. I usually put in kale or spinach, pineapple. Apples banana. Beets, celery. Orange juice. Protein powder and flax seeds and midi lax. It tastes goods. Wm doesn't eat as must and drinks this without a problem.
  8. ruthpill
    William has started having pain in his finger joints . Two to be exact. Always at night. What is going on? I just read about central pain. It does not sound like that. Today was my birthday. Thank you for the birthday wishes. We had a wonderful lunch out with friends. It was a beautiful warm day. I got mt swimming and weights in and got William to the pool also. I also got mr hair done.
  9. ruthpill
    I have beenAWOL for awhile. I found a lap dog for William....her name is Bailey. She is a Shih tzu that looks likes Mumbles sister. William adores her. She jumps into his lap while he is in the recliner and onto the bed. Mumbles and Bailey get along we'll. that was my other goal...I wanted a companion dog for Mumbles. They play together all the time.
    It was rough last week, william must have had a stomach bug. Diarrhea. What a mess. Loads of laundry. But, that too has passed. While wm had the bug he was confused and slipped to the floor while with the caregiver.he was afraid to walk after that but he seems to have recovered. I took him to the pool yesterday. We will be going this morning. It is colder to get ready to goo cold weather but we soldier on.
    My days seem long, I get up at 5am. I walk the dogs and then get ready for work. They walk well together. I get to work an hour early. I use this as my quite time...I eat the traffic. I have my breakfast in tiebreak room and get an hour of leisure reading done. This is me time to text the caregiver of special notes, I leave work at 3:30 and meet wm at the ymca's pool. 4 p is our time. We walk and exercise for an hour. After the shower it is 5:45. We join the rush hour traffic and make it home after 6:25.
    I feed the dogs and get our dinner. I was having me caretaker fix dinner. But she is a lousy cook.
    Wm watches tv and I walk the dogs. Around 8p William is ready for bed. I give the dogs one last walk and we all fall into bed. Ready to prepare for another day.
    I can really tell when m doesn't exercise in the pool. He has aches and pains in his leg and arms. But. With the pool no problems. I have been managing the pool 6 days of the week. I have thrown in ding weights for my self 3 days of the week. It takes me about 45 min to complete me routine. I go to the gym and use the weight machines.
  10. ruthpill
    Wm had a fall in the bathroom. This really sent us on a backward spiral. I had to have a neighbor come in and pick him up off the floor. William had started to skip his pool workouts. His back had started to hurt again. The tail bone was bruised or fractured. I did not know which, It happened on Thursday. Friday He was able to go to the pool. sat he could not get out of bed. I read on a web site that the pain gets worse after a couple of days so true. On Sat I am debating whether to bring him to the hospital via the ambulance. I call my son, who just happens to be a physician. he helps me decide to wait and see. if the tail bone is fracturered ..treatment is rest and pain pills. I have pain pills he, talks to Wm and is able to ascertain that it is not too bad. While lying down he is fine.Sooooooooooooooo fast forward in a week. It is SUnday. and I tell Wm that we need to decide....Church or pool. He does no have energy for both. He agrees that we need to do the pool. I go to the warm pool. Just as we get there I see lighting. I turn and drive back to the other cold pool. It is far enough away that the lightening will not effect us. THe cold pool works out well. Wm says that the cold water makes him feel good. It was cold at first but he is able to walk and move with no pain. It is amazing...he wants to stay in the water. Even when I say that we can leave. It is raining when we get out. but we got our workout done. He is sleeping. Wm has decided that we cannot let the pool workout slip again. Let's see how long this lasts. But, that little dog Mumbles is such a dear. He makes Wm feel good. A dog is such a good companion. I do advocate a dog for everybody. It took me awhile. to get a dog for Wm...But it is most certainly a blessing.
  11. ruthpill
    I am going to try to review our sessions. Perhaps somebody else needs the review.This is going to be strange. I cannot seem to start a new paragraph. 1. Range of motion for the arm. Lift the arm up as high as possible. Lift the arm up out as much as possible. Do this with palms down then change the palms so that the are facing each other (as if clapping hands). This is actually easier down while lying down. Even try to get the hand placed under the head while lying down. I am trying to get William's head and other hand to hold the weak hand under his head while he is lying in bed. He doesn't like that much. Of course, the old push out on the table trick. Both arms push out on the table in front of you. In the pool I use the water weights and push in and out for 5-10 minutes. Yes, wear the hand braces to stretch the hand. As much as possible stretch the fingers out.. Wm's fingers need to be pressed down at the knuckles. He always complains but no pain then no gain. After awhile the pain goes away. The hardest one is shoulders back and head up. Work on posture always. I sound like an old record with this one. shoulders back, head up, pull in that belly button to your back bone. Wm dreads hearing that mantra. While sitting and standing. They do some fun exercises of reaching and putting things in pegs. This is done so that Wm has to push and stretch. He uses his strong hand and has to reach until he is putting weight on his weak forearm. This is scary for him because he does not feel stable. But, he is getting better at bending and twisting. This is easiest done in the water. Wm does turns and twists with the upper body while standing at the wall. He says that he gets drunk with all of the turn and twists that I put him thru. I face him toward the wall and he has to belly to the wall then bottom out. Just another body twist. PT again. Posture. Shoulders back, head up and belly button to your spine. (this is best done by asking men to pee over the fence). Same posture as belly button to the spine. Sit to stand (wm detests this one). While reclining with legs out...push the knee down. This activates the thigh muscle. This is supposedly the easiest thigh exercise (step 1). Wm can manage this one. While lying on the bed...twist the torso. Shoulder back on the bed and bend the knees and twist both knees to the right side and the left side. Go very slowly and they will eventually touch the bed. This is a yoga move. Next, Knees bent and feet up to your bottom. Plank up (belly and but are to move off the flat surface). Try to do this slowly and get the butt off the bed. This can also be done with the feet on the top of an exercise ball. Then lift the bottom up. Both feet on the exercise ball and pull the ball in and then push the ball out. While the legs are lying on the bed move the in and out and up and down. Again this is easier in the water. While standing up. I have Wm stand on the right leg and swing the weak leg forward and back and then stand on the weak leg and repeat. Do the same exercise but swing the leg out and in. Different muscles make this move. I put a noodle under the weak leg and have him push down. I put the noodle under the weak knee and the knee is bent. I pull the leg out and he pulls it back to the wall. I also have him practice standing on the I hold it down on the floor of the pool. A balance exercise. Standing at the parrell bars sit and stand. Move the feet and tap the toes of the foot. Wm cannot tap his toes. While standing at the bars. Move the weak leg to the bar and back. A little step. I will be working on an exercise chart for Wm. I will post it when I get it finished. I hope that this is a good refresher course. Of course if you can work in estim and the WII. but we only have so much time in one day.
  12. ruthpill
    William loves his little companion. I have learned to groom him. This is the puppy cut that I gave him for the summer. Wm says that Mumbles has helped his outlook 100%. The unconditional love a dog is amazing. Mumbles is a bit more work for me. I do not have has much time to post blogs. But, Mumbles is a cute dog. Ruth
  13. ruthpill
    I finally got William the dog that he wanted. It is true that the dog is really attached to me. But, William loves him and loves to talk to him and order him around. He loves that Mumbles is there with him all of the time.
    Mumbles, is a little blonde , shih tzu. He is 4 years old. He is potty trained. He barks at me when he needs to go out. It is amazing! He had an ear infection when we got him. But, we had that taken care of. He also needed to be groomed. Had that taken care of. He still needs to get neutered. But, we will have that done in a couple of weeks. The vet suggested that he get settled in his new home before we do that.
    He sleeps on the bed at William's feet.
    This new job that I have is very consuming. It is 40 hours a week. This is a seasonal job...meaning they really only need you when medicare part D changes. We started out with 150 people and are now at 71 people. They will probably cut down to 50 people. I have made this many cuts so far. It is so unusual. I have never had a job that they cut people every week. I have been meeting William at the YMCA to get his swimming in. I have cut this down to 3 times a week.
    The new job is very interesting. The cut backs or ramp down as they call it....makes for a very bad attitude among the employees that are left.
    But on a higher note. The dog is alot of fun. He is more work. I get to walk him at least twice a day. He knows that when he needs to go out...he barks at me. He is very potty trained.
  14. ruthpill
    I am learning how Medicare Part D works. I want to share what I have learned so far. My new job is processing part D prior authorizations. This means...quantity limits, non-formulary and tiering and priorauthorizations.
    Every insurance plan has drugs that they cover and quantities that they allow.
    Only members or their physicians can request a determination. If you have a power of attorney on file then you can do this for your loved one.
    I do believe that members can augment their care by calling their insurance company and start the process. This means that you call and request a case started for eg: non-formulary. This means that the insurance company will set up a case and call your MD to get this done. You can help by mentioning some important information. We need to know tried and failed medications (especially those formulary alternatives that are listed). If you do not know the formulary alternatives then ask the rep what they are. Jot down this information, you can give it to your doctor. If there are no formulary alternatives then you get the non-formulary approve--d. The fall back is that you will have to pay at the highest tier (co-pay). Another way to get the non-formulary approved is for the MD to state that it is a medical necessity for the patient to continue this medication. Changing or stopping this therapy will result in harm to the patient's health.
    Quantity limits are the easiest to get approved. A statement has to be made that the formulary dose has been tried and has been ineffective or is inappropriate for this patient. An example is when the insurance wants you to split a pill. The MD just has to state that it is not possible for you to split a pill because of your handicap.
    Tiering is a good thing to ask for. Eg. your drug is in the most expensive tier. Just request a tiering consideration. They just might bring it down to a lower tier if possible. It is amazing how many times this is approved.
    Step therapy is another request that comes in. There are always conditions. Just ask the insurance company for the restrictions. Usually you have to try some drug first. Again the MD will state that you have used this drug or it is inappropriate in your condition.
    The insurance companies have been overwhelmed at the beginning of the year. The company that I work for has relaxed the criteria because of the onslaught of too many claims. We cannot seem to get over the gigantic amount of claims that have come in.
    This is an exciting job. I learn new stuff all the time. They always have overtime because of the huge amount of claims. I really did not realize how easy it is get approvals. A quest just has to be made. The insurance company can fax over alot of this stuff to the MD's office. Just ask the insurance company to do this. Every year criteria change. They need new forms every year.
    Some of the authorizations are good for ten years. It is amazing.
    If you case is denied. Send it back for a redetermination. The redeterminations are often approved. Just be persistent.
    I do hope that you this helps inform you a little.
  15. ruthpill
    William is still up at 3AM. He cannot sleep. And I am tired. But, I explain that if he is going to sleep all day....he cannot expect to sleep at night.
    He asks for a sleeping tablet. I give him a 5mg Ambien. It doesn't work. And hour or 2 later he finally goes to sleep. I am fast asleep before that time. He agrees that he cannot go to sleep that early.
    Every since 9PM...he was in bed trying to sleep. But, he need to try to pee every 30 minutes. I finally ask. What is up with this? During the day you don't need to pee every 30 minutes. Why are you doing this? He said that he is aftaid that he will pee in the bed. What is this all about? I have not clue. I tell him that there will not an accident. I am getting tired of getting up every 30 minute to take care of a teaspoonful of urine. or 1/2 of a teaspoonful.
    I get up early on Sunday. I presume that we will skip church. But, no. William is up and ready to go. How he managed to get up in time for church ...I have no idea. He does have a good day at church.
    I gave him a shower in the AM before church. I therefore did not push the pool after church. I just went by myself and did my swimming. William stayed home and watched the football game.
    He had seen an advertisement for Hershey's kisses. I told him that I would pick some up. But, the grocery store was crazy. I told him that I would have to try again tomorrow.
    William has a boil on his head. It is getting ripe. I will have to have him go to the doctore and have it lanced. I will call them tomorrow. I stopped by an urgen care center...they were too busy. But, they can take care of a boil. I will have the caregiver call his regular doc first ...if he can get in then he will go Monday. Otherwise she can take him to the urgent care.
    William also developed a rash on his leg near his genitals. This happens when he does not get a shower every day. I skipped a couple of days because he didn't want a shower. I showed him what happens when we skip his shower. He has agreed to take the daily shower. In the meantime I put on some Nystatin powder and goldbond powder and have him wear briefs instead of boxers.
    Now. About my new job. I am still in training. The group of pharmacists that I am with are really terrific. Really there for each other. It is nice to be able to meet so many new people. I do thrive on interpersonal relations with others. The diversity if amazing. I love it. The more diverse the group the more I love it. So much to learn. It is really fascinating.
    I think that I will enjoy the job. But, time will tell. Still in training mode. All about Medicare part D.
    I called and complained to Direct TV today. The receiver box that I have is not set up for HD resolution. I complained that I had started 4 years ago with HD tv's and nobody mentioned HD receivers. She tells me that the HD receivers only came out in 2009 . I started my service in Dec of 2008. I complained that I have called continually about one thing or another and nobody mentioned the new HD receiver to me. This is why I cannot connect the Wii to the receiver. My TV only has one rca PORT. I could connec the tv to the receiver via the hdmi port but the receiver does not have an hdmi port...and it does not have rca input ports. I called the supervisor to report my dissatisfaction on their customer service. At least I learned what the problem was. She told me that TV's that are 4 years old will probably not have the resolution ability to really recognize the HD potentential. Now, I had to ask the question. Otherwise it is 199.00 and $10 per month for a new upgraded receiver. So, now I need to watch the advertisements. They sometimes give upgrades at no charge. I do realize that call centers have all types of people answering the phone. Some are good and some are mediocre at best. That is why I asked to speak to a supervisor. i was on hold for 30 mintues. I was getting upset. But, I controlled by irritation and learned more from the supervisor by asking questions. it seems that buying a tranponder rca connector will solve my problem. If the picture is not any better...why should I pay $199 and $10 per month? I will check out the stores after Christmas.
    During training we shadow somebody that is live on the phone. I have experienced the different abilities in the people answering the phone. Somebody can make you life difficult if they do not know what they are doing. Like direct TV and me.
    Tomorrow is an early day....But, we shall get out in time for Christmas eve service at church.
    Have a Merry Christmas.
    I did utilize the early morning hours to explain to william that we needetches to work on range of motion stretches. I showed him that the muscles take time to stretch. This is a slow process. We did manage alot.
    William is really enjoying the wii. He really likes tennis. I am glad that we bought it. IT was time.
  16. ruthpill
    William is up and says that he feels like he would like to throw up. I decide that it will be best to sit up rather than lie down. So I assist him to the recliner. He feels much better. I get him him into Netflix. He was watching FDR last night and wanted to continue with Truman. I convinced him continue in the morning. I had no idea that we would want to watch it at 3:30AM. Who knows....??? He is really into history programs. He had me watching Dolly Madison last night.
    He is watching Netflix via the wii. So he is getting to learn about that. The wii has a great picture. It actually works better for me than having the computer connected to the TV. William is able to choose and pick what he wants to watch by himself.
    William loves to watch movies that are real. Like real history and nature and science. This is good. I am one of those that will veg out in front of nonsense. This is so much better for William's cognitive growth.
    It is supposed to rain today. So , I will probably have william do some wii stuff at home. I am really enjoying the wii.
    My new job is different. So far I am enjoying it. We have been getting out of training early every day. WE are expected to do alot of reading on our own at home. Since I have been getting home early. I have been taking William to the pool. This is good. He doesn't want to go...but he does go with me.
    William is really enjoying his new caretaker. She is younger and is able to take him to the YMCA and enjoys helping him at the yoga and pilates classes. She also knows how to use the wii and direct tv. So when he has trouble she is able to fix it. This is so nice. Younger people really are into all of the new stuff. She has an Ipad. I will try to learn about that from her.
    I had put in an application for a Cavlier King Charles Spaniel. But, they are not taking apps for the one that is in Austin. I will continue to look and wait for that particular dog. I have read that it will be a excellent companion dog. That is what I want for William.
    I do enjoy getting out of the house and leaving for work. It is good for my emotional health. The other classmates are a joy to get to know. William enjoys the time with his new caregiver and she is bringing him out to meet other people. I do believe that this is the best thing for both of us. We both need a break from each other. My appetite is coming back and my anxiety is almost gone.
    My new caregiver, went and renewed the handicapped placards for me. She took william with her and they had a great day out. William even took her to lunch. That is amazing. He usually only wants to go out and eat with me.
    Change is what life is all about. William is adapting well and so am I.
    Christmas is almost upon us. I have not done much about that. The commercial part of Christmas is not my cup of tea. I do love the Christmas carols and the Christmas services.
    I realize that all of us have to adapt to change. It is really hard to accept. The emotional component really plays with our physical body. The saying mind over matter is true.
    I need to try to do some of my reading. I am trying read up on medicare part D. I am supposed to become an expert on medicare part D. Let's see how this goes. Reading government papers on medicare part D is not alot of fun. But, here goes.
  17. ruthpill
    I had been thinking of the Wii for over 3 years. I finally decided that William is ready for me to tackle a new therapy for him.
    The hard part for me was getting it attached to the TV. This was difficult because I have direct TV and they have a DVR box that is utilizing the plugs that the wii needs. I called the help desk at direct tv and was told that I just had to unplug the TV and direct TV box and then attach the wii to the TV. That doesn't sound like this is the best way to go. If anybody has any hints please let me know.
    I checked on the internet and could not find any information. I used youtube to put the connections together. I love you tube. It has directioins with video to demonstrate almost everything.
    Luckily we had a friend over and he helped me get it set up. We practiced with William and was just getting the hang ot it.
    We tried with Wm sitting in the recliner. I have since decided that it will be best if William is sitting in the wheelchair. He has more manuverability.
    William is excited and willing to play some of the sports games. He enjoyed bowling. He kept making strikes.
    I think that when the weather is cold he will be able to stay in and play some games and get some exercise.
    Our friend, guessed that maybe they make a connection for the back of the TV that can accomodate both connections. I will stop my bestbuy and ask.
    I was able to connect the internet and netflex to the wii.
    I actually put off getting the wii because I hate to learn all about new machines like this.
    I talked to William about getting rid of the truck. He has not been able to drive it for 4 years and I do not like to drive it. He said that it would be ok ...He is worried about what he will drive when he can. I just told him that we would get something else. The truck is manual and it would not be practical with his left leg. Now, I just have to get it sold.
    I am excited about this new job. Let's see how this goes.
    I need to set up a schedule for William and the caretaker.
    William got up early this morning. I was able to get him showered and shaved and teeth brushed. He is now resting in bed. The caretaker will be able to finish the laundry and make william breakfast.
    Ruth I will let you know how the wii works out as we get comfortable with it.
  18. ruthpill
    Well, you know, the anxiety of a new job. I am just so glad that I did settle on this job. The drive is really not that bad. 35 minutes in off peak time.
    Today was our 1st day of training. Not much happened. We waited for an hour for somebody to get off the phone. Then we stayed an extra 2 hours for a little orientation. and got some handouts.
    It appears that the class before us is having computer problems. So that is putting us a little back. No class tomorrow. We start on Wednesday.
    We got our parking passes. It sounds different. We will be checking on Medicare Part D claims for prior authorizations and non-formulary or quantity limits. This is interesting ...especially since William has medicare part D now. I will get to learn all of the ins and outs of the insurance part.
    It is so hard to get jobs. I was talking to a young graduate that moved from NJ because she could not find a job there. She has been looking for 7 months for a job. She finally got this job. There was another guy who is driving 2-1/2 to 3 hours to get to work. He lives in a nearby town. And I was complaining about the drive. What is with me.??? And I got this job offered to me within 3 weeks of quiting my old one. I am blessed. Times are really hard.
    I did some research on stress and change. Quitting my job so quickly really sent me into a tailsping emotionally. I wasn't eating or sleeping. It was bizarre.
    I decided that it was the lack of a schedule. I was just stuck in the house. I am not used to that. Finally after 4 weeks at home. I finally got a new schedule of church and gym. I was just getting used to that and then I had to think about the work schedule.
    But, I do realize that a schedule is important for William's mental health. I had the caregiver bring William to the YMCA for a stretch Yoga class and to play some pickle ball. I just have to make sure that he gets out and meets people and does some exercise. He enjoyed his outing.
    I got home early. So I took him to the YMCA for a swim and his shower. I took him to the warm pool. He loved it. This worked for me since I had skipped my morning swim.
    I went to the grocery store after our swim. William is still up and has not had a nap today. I am amazed.
    I had the car inspected and had a new set of tires put on it. This is the first time since we bought the car 4 years ago. that I have had to put on new tires. We do not drive thecar much. I renewed my AAA membership for car assistance. Just in case.
    I have outing scheduled for Wlliam everyday. Bible studies and YMCA classes keep him busy and involved with people. I was watching a TV show on the brain. It said that physical activity does make the brain make neural pathways. I have been pushing this at William. WE need to keep moving.
    Well, on Wednesday I have the 2nd day of my class for my new job. William is enjoying his new caretaker. She is doing a good job and is so willing to work with William on the gym. I am very pleased.
    Sunday, I had taken him to the Christmas program at church. this Sunday our old church is having their annual Christmas dinner. So, we will be going and then my neighbor wants us to go with her to her church for their Christmas program. Hopefully, William will have the energy for two outings this Sunday.
    Well, we just wait and see.
    I get to join in chat one more time and I get to play pickle ball one more Tuesday.
    I am happy.
  19. ruthpill
    I signed the paperwork and accepted the call center job. I did not get the offer for the off site position. So my gut feeling was right.
    I had to take a drug test today. I was not thinking. I went there after the gym and I was dehydrated. I could not pee ...50mls. So I had to wait in the the lobby and drink water for an hour. Finally, I was able to pee alot.
    But, I was frozen. It was cold in the room and I was drinkings cups and cups of cold water.
    Fortunately, I had brought William into the office with me. Because I was told that I could not leave the office for an hour. William got tired waiting in the room but he understood that I had to do the drug test, now.
    We did go swimming this morning. The lights went out at the pool so William had a short day. I don't know what happened...but it was really dark.
    We had our last pickle ball session. I learned alot and William does enjoy playing. This is very good therapy. William's reflexes are excellent.
    He is tired and sleeping now.
    This means that next week I will start the month training for the call center job. This will be interesting.
    Tomorrow William has a dental appointment. Teeth cleaning.
    Deadly dose was a CNN show by Dr. Gupta. It discussed overdosing. I was told to watch this by my son. He works at University of Seattle pain clinic. He was actually in the film. Not much but at the very end he was in the room with the other docs and patients.
    President Clinton played a prominent role in the news clip. He was trying to get the word out about drugs and alcohol and interactions. It is amazing how little of one drug or alcohol can cause a lethal combination.
  20. ruthpill
    Well, I put off the job offer that I have. waiting to hear back on another one. I think that I will just go for the one that I do have.
    I have to be practical. It is a bad job market. I am fortunate to have gotten an offer so soon.
    I checked out the distance to either job. 23 miles. that is 30 minutes if I drive to either job. So I think that I will take the one that I have. I was called today, He wanted to make sure that I did not pass up this offer. I will think about it tonight and then e-mail my accecptance tomorrow. the only shifts available are the 11A to 9P and the 1P to midnight. If I drive myself then the 11A to 9P shift would be perfect. I will not be in rush time traffic.
    The other one will let me know sometime next week. They are just too slow. I need to respond to the first one.
    What should I do?
    Any advice is welcome.
    If I wait to hear from the second job then I lose the 1st job and if they say they do not want me then I have nothing.
    We did go and see the Lincoln movie. It was good. Slow but good. As William said he knew more than they told us.
    I took him swimming in the morning and I had him play pickle ball in the afternoon. He is dead tired now and sleeping.
  21. ruthpill
    I cannot believe how hiring has changed. Now all applications are on line.
    I had one telephone interview. today I had an inperson interview. It was carried out by 3 supervisors questioning me. I will be notified next week. they are conducting interviews this week.
    This is the first time in my career that I have every had such an extensive interview. There has been such a shortage of pharmacist that I had always been interviewed and then immediately hired. Today there is no shortage and employers can be picky in choosing the best person for the job.
    I do hope that I get this position. It is different than anything that I have done before. but it is a managerial position. I am not afraid of that I have been in a managerial position for years.
    But, what an extensive job interview. I am still flabbergasted.
    Today, I took advantage of my free status and went swimming. Swimming daily is really nice.
    The caregiver took William to bible study while I went to my interview. William had a rest and the caregiver and I did a home cleaning project. It is easier to do a clean up job with somebody.
    I woke William up and had him get ready for pickle ball. I taught the caregiver how to play with William.
    I am using this time to teach the care giver how to completely care for William and I am using her to help me do some cleaning jobs that I have put off.
    Perhaps the Lincoln movie tomorrow. then swimming or pickle ball.
    it is amazing how good William's reflexes are.
  22. ruthpill
    I kept thinking about the job that I was going to accept. I just did not feel perfectly comfortable with it. My bus ride to work would have been on the bus for 3 hours to and from. that means that my day would be 12 hours long. 8 hours plus lunch and 3 hours of commute. that was too much.
    Fortunately, I had another job interview today and this job is only 30 minutes away. The hours are 3:30 to midnight. But, that means that I can still do all of my exercise stuff with William. He will be asleep most of the time that I am gone. I was going to miss all of my gym time. I like going to the gym in the morning.
    I was so blessed that i got this call today.
    The only bad thing will be that i will not be able to attend caregiver chat on Tues. I will have to chat via other means with my buddies in caregiver chat.
    I just did not feel totally comfortable with the other job. I had received the paperwork,...contract..but I put off signing it and submitting. Thank heavens. I did that.
    I was talking to my neighbor and told her that William wants a dog. She told me that the Lhasa apso is a great dog. She gave me a book to read. i need to seriously consider getting William a little dog.
    Patience is hard to handle. Fortunately, I was fortunate to find a job so quickly. I am really blessed.
    trying to stay at home with William 24/7 was really difficult. I just need to be able to get out.
    I had asked somebody to be a caregiver for William. I now need to let her know that the hours have changed. It was going to be 6A to 7P. Really long day. Now it will be later 3P to midnight. This actually works out better because her Mom is her back up and she gets off work at 4P.
    I do hope that this works out well for her also. I will talk to her after I speak to HR tomorrow,
  23. ruthpill
    I had a job interview today. it is a different position. This is at a call center. I will be learning all about medicare part D insurance and drug reviews. This job will be full time and with so little stress. The only problem is the distance. It is a 40 minute drive during off peak hours. but, I do have the option of the park and ride and taking the express bus. I get a month of training. I like the idea of something different. I will literally have an 8 to 5 job and at a desk. Not on my feet for 10 to 14 hours a day. What a change. There is a pay decrease ...but it is a switch for the working threat of robbery or legal lawsuits and less stress and off your feet. I do believe that the decrease pay is worth the change. I am excited.
    I really am too young to retire right now. 3 weeks at home being a full time caregiver is making me crazy.!!! I feel that for my sanity the job will be good for me.
    Tonight, I also got a call from another potential employer. This was for an off site filling position. This would also be alot less stress. No retail interaction. Sort of like mail order. but even less than that. This are just fills scripts for the day locations for Walmart. I am a little interested in this. It is closer and the pay would be better. but, I would like to learn the new job.
    I guess that i am not too old to learn a new skill.
    I had gotten my old caregiver a job with a friend of mine. i called her and asked her if she knew of somebody else that would like a caregivers job. She told me that her daughter is interested. I will be talking to her tomorrow.
    Who, knows ....I think that I will go with the new situation. I need a change.
    i talked it over with William. He wants me to do whatever is best of me. I really did work with William. But, his stamina is so small. He needs alot of rest. I just wear him out in 3 hours and then he needs to rest for 4-5 hours. I think that a paid caregiver can do just as good a job.
    I will feel better with a job. I think that 5 more years or so will get me to medicare age. By that time i should be an expert at the medicare law.
    WEll, I am still thinking of my options.
  24. ruthpill
    It is such an adjustment. I am still grieving the loss of my job. Even though it was for the best. That was the worst job that I have ever had. But, it is still a loss that I must grieve over.
    William absolutely loves having me around.
    Today, I got William to the pool early. 8:30AM. we got out in time to make it to bible study at 10:30AM. Perfect timing. this lasted until 12:30.
    I got William home and managed to give him a sandwich before he had a nap.
    I decided to go to the YMCA and play some pickle ball.
    I have started lessons for myself and William. William sits in his wheelchair and uses the paddle to hit the whoofle ball. He loves being able to participate in the game. We have just had two lessons so far.
    It is amazing how excited William is about this. this was the main reason that I decided to sign us up.
    William hits the ball really hard. I let him practice and toss the ball to him. I get tired just chasing the balls.
    In the pool. I was told about making some buoys. I bought two buoys and attached them to a 1/2+ piece of PVC pipe. actually 4 buoys and you cut the pcv pipe into two pieces about 2-1/2 feet apiece.
    I put one of them under each arm and this hold William so stable that he will not tip forward or backward.
    The stroke survivor who told us about this said that it is good to just hang in the deep water and get the spine aligned. William is not afraid to go to the deep water with this buoys.
    Today, I threw the ball to William and he didn't use any supports to stand and throw the ball back to me. This is really a change from the beginning. He had to be propped up against the back of the pool for support. Now, he stands in the middle of the pool and just uses the water for support.
    I noticed that during pickle ball he is really able to reach and stretch to try to get that ball. He won't do that for any other reason.
    It is amazing. I get tired so early in the day. By, 8 or 9PM I am asleep. While working I was so tense that I was up until 1AM or so.
    This decreased stress is really amazing. I was just so used to living with stress.
    It has taken me 3 weeks but I am finally getting relaxed.
  25. ruthpill
    Sunday was actually my first official day of retirement. We went to church and had a nice quiet day. William was tired after church and had a rest. I went to the gym and worked on weights. I have not done that in months. One of my new goals. Work on myself. Boy, were my muscles tired after that workout.
    Monday, I told Wiilliam that we had to get alot of stuff done. So. off to the pool we went early in the am.
    I needed to have the oil changed after that. Then I stopped by my job and got some stuff that I had not taken with me. Then I had to stop by and William one of his meatball sandwiches. He was starved. and understandably so. It was 1P and I still had not given him breakfast. Oh, yes, I tool him to early voting. The line was horrendous. I went and asked if I could somehow bring him to the front as a priority. The line was an hour long. They said that I could bring him outside and they would bring the ballot machine to him. It would have been easier to squeeze him in and let him use the machine inside. But, i wheel him out side the door and then wait for them to inhitch and machine and bring it outside. But, I had to go back later in the day and vote. i left William at home. She had suggested that I leave him in the car while I stood in line. I told her that is not safe. Incredible!! But, I did get my voting done. I had to stand in line later in the after for an hour.
    I had to take Williams INR and I remembered to call it in to the doctor.
    Then I had to come home and talk to our financial advisor. I got some phone numbers to call about health insurance for myself.
    My son called to make sure that I was OK. I told him that yes, I still feel good. He is so proud that I stood up for my self.
    We then got ready to watch the debate at 8PM. Unfortuanately, I was dogged tired and could not keep up eyes open to listen to the debate. i am catching up with it today. William did manage to stay up and watch it.
    Today, I have us scheduled to go to church. WE have a bible study this morning. After bible study, i will take William to the pool and we will both get our work outs. WE will be tired and hopefully have lunch. Then I need to make a few more phone calls.
    I am excited to have caregiver chat tonight. Hopefully, I will get a little rest during the day that I am not so tired tonight.
    Looking back, I do not know how I fit work into my schedule.