
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    I want to thank you for all of your support. I did think it over. I took the evening and slept on it. I had decided that i would quit on Monday.
    But, my partner, the new guy came in Saturday to help with the order. I contronted him and told him that I needed to talk with him. I told him that if he had a problem with me...He is supposed to talk with me. Hewas embarressed and wanted to talk in a different location. When we get to the back. He says "How dare you talk to me like that in front of the other help". Little does he know. They do not think very highly of him and anyway. He is yound and imature and is not ready to do the job that he is trying to do. His supervisor made a mistake and put him in this position. He does not have the experience and knowledge to run a team. Communication is the key. Anyway, as we are talking. I mention that i need to quit. He says "Ok, just quit.". Well that did it.
    I went back to the pharmacy and got my license and stuff and told him that since he is here. I am quitting now. He tells me. " I am not dressed to take over" (Do I care? No.). Then he tells me that I need to call my supervisor and tell her that I am leaving. I tell him no. I am telling you that I am leaving. I am not going to stay and talk to her. He does not know that I spoke with her last night. She as much as asked for my resignation.
    It was such a relief to walk out. I would have had an absolutely miserable Sat,Sun and Monday trying to clean up the mess that he had left. I was glad that he would have to clean up his own mess. I was tired to cleaning up after him and not even a thank you.
    Yes, Finanacially, I am very lucky. I can afford to retire. This is 3 years ealier than i had planned but it is a necessary move.
    I know that it was the right decision. Friday night, I slept very contentedly. I felt at peace. That means that i made the correct decision.
    All of my techs didn't want me to leave and front store manager and clerks didn't want me to leave. They all think that I am awesome. Unfortunately, the people that see me on a daily basis that really know how I am.
    I had talked with my son and he told me that this was the best thing. He has seen how my attitude has changed concerning work.
    Sat. I did not even want to go to work. This is not me. I love work. that was another message that it was time to leave.
    Wow, I have never left a job like that. But, what satisfaction. Two people goading me with "just quit" thinking that i wouldn't do it. William said , they do not know you.
    My son said that he was proud that I stood up for myself. I did not deserve the abuse that they continue to throw at me and no gratitude.
    William is thrilled that I am going to be at home all of the time. I can now do lot of fun things with him.
    I told him that i am going to start looking into other activities and we can do the pool every day at noon.
    I really am very fortunate that i can financially and emotionally make a decision like that. My son, pointed that out to me. He is right you have to be strong emotionally to do something that drastic.
    I am still at peace. I know that this is the right move for me at this time.
    Again thank you for your support.
  2. ruthpill
    I just had the worst day at work. Awful cannot even describe it. I got to work at 4Pm. The pharmacist ahead of me was backed up. The que was 11 pages and he was still trying to verify 2Pm stuff. The order from the day before had not been done. The new order from today had not been touched.
    Lot of complaints and unhappy customers. I could not catch up.
    That was work.
    But, the morning was nice. I took William to the pool. He is doing so well.
    We had lunch and then he had a great time in bed sleeping. The caregiver brought him to church. He enjoyed the evening.
    I got home and told him that I want to quit work. It is just too much. Nobody appreciates what you do. They just criticize what you do not do. I have enough on my plate just taking care of William.
    The extra stress of work is just too much.
    I called up my supervisor and told her that the store is a mess. She tells me that my partner called and was upset about the mess from the other day. She says that we need to take care of our problems. I really cannot believe that he did not talk to me about that. I just left the mess that he didn't get to from the previous morning.
    I will think about it. But, I do think that I have enough of this work stuff.
  3. ruthpill
    Today, I got up at 4AM. William and I are so used to getting up early for the pool. Even when I cannot make it to the pool. Our regular pool is closed, so when I have the morning shift, I cannot make it to the pool. But, we are up anyways. We chose to listen to the news.
    I manage to snooze a little. I am up at 6AM. I get up and showered and ready for work.
    I drive to work and stop by the donut shop to pick up some kalouches and donuts for the kids at work.
    I get to work early. We have a whole new staff of technicians and we need to be very organized in order to keep up.
    The caregiver comes to the house at 7AM. I am gone by the time she gets there.
    The day at work is crazy busy....William has a dental appointment at 2PM. I get off at 2Pm. I have the caregiver take him to the dentist. He had to have a cap replaced and a filling done. A old cap had fallen off last week and he a temporary in his mouth for a week.
    I get home at 2:45P and fine Wm and the caregiver at home. I tell William that we have to get ready to go the pool. The new place that we are going to...takes us 30 minutes to get to.
    William is not excited to go. But, i think that I surprised him and he gets ready to go. I change him into his swimming trunks and I change and get the towels and the change of clothes ready.
    We get to the pool around 4Pm. I keep him walking in the pool for 45 minutes. I get to do my lap swimming. William counts my laps while standing in the warm pool.
    He has his shower. This is always an ordeal. But, I like to shower at the YMCA.
    I ask him where he wants to go for dinner. I have not eaten all day. He decides on Jasons.
    I drive us to Jasons and William chooses a California club. I choose a meatball sandwich.
    While we are waiting for the food. William mentions that he would like to have some ice cream. They have a serve yourself ice cream machine. So i get him icecream to start. and of course some root beer to drink. William ends up having the meat ball sandwich. I assumed as much. He loves meat balls. i had the California club. They were both delicious.
    I stop by the grocery store on the way home. Wm even says "do you want me to go in with you?" I say, 'no". It will be faster by myself.
    I cannot believe it. It is almost 7Pm by the time we get home.
    I still have to do some computer work for work.
    William says that he is tired at 8PM and goes to bed. I then finish my work and decided to check in on the board.
    Debbie's blog prompted me to write about my day.
    Debbie....I let alot of things slide. I just do not have time to do baseboards and etc. I had done a little knitting. I love to knit and sew and read. I just do not have time to do alot of house work.
    I do have a caretaker that does light housecleaning and the laundry and the dishes.
    William was so happy to get out. I told him that we did well today. He agreed. We are a good team and can get alot done together.
    Keeping him busy is the best thing. It is tiring and means that I have to let things slide. But, I am glad that He is really tired and can sleep well. I also sleep so well.
    Good night all.
  4. ruthpill
    The Ymca that we usually use is closed for remodeling. They are putting a new roof on the indoor pool. this is supposed to take anywhere from 3 to 4 months.
    In the meantime, I can use a different Y, but the drive makes it impossible for me to use the pool on a daily basis. Perhaps twice a week depending on the weather.
    I got William up at 6A but we had lightening on the way over. That means that the pool is closed. So, I turned around and drove home.
    I will call and see if the pool is open now. Perhaps the lightening will not come back. But the forcast is for lightening to keep coming. that means that is there is a hint of lightening then I will have to come home.
    But, I did have William use the Bicycle pedal for 15 minutes. That is good for William.
    Now he is resting.
    I will have to come up with other exercise options. I will let you know what i come up with.
    Wed. Night. William asks me what day it is. I let him know that it is Wed. He says we need to go to church. He does know what he wants to do. So, I get him together and take him to church. It was good. I had decided to skip church if William did not remember. I was a bit tired from work. But, if he can remember what is on the schedule then we will do it.
  5. ruthpill
    William had looked forward to eating out with a group from church on Friday. Friday finally comes and we drive to the restaurant.
    We get there early...We wait in the bar area and William has a beer. I have a glass of water. I am not an alcoholic drinker. Just never learned to develop a taste for that type of thing.
    Our tables are finally ready. Willliam has to step up one step to get to the area we are to sit. He makes it up and we get the seat closest to the entranceway.
    For some reason this place is not cold. Usually restaurants are very air conditioned. William start to complain that he is hot. I know that this is not good. I take off his cap. We ask the waiter for somthing to use as a fan. He gives me a menu. I use it on William but, he is still hot. We get our food. William says that he is really not feeling well. I ask the waiter to have our food put into go away boxes.
    I walk William out to the car and leave the credit card to be processed. I go back in and get our deserts and my card.
    William is all ready feeling better in the car. The Air conditioner is on.
    I have never seen William get so hot. He loves the house hot. But, that restaurant was too hot for him. Anyway. We had a good time while we were there. They had some really nice music.
    By the time we got home...William was fine. I save the leftovers (most of the meal) for the next day.
    William decided that the beef was getting stuck in his teeth. I should have ordered Salmon.
  6. ruthpill
    It was fabulous. William thoroughly enjoyed himself.
    He anticipated the evening to come so much that he spent the day resting after his morning pool therapy. He was really excited.
    I got home at 2:30 PM and William wants to get ready to go. The program doesn't start until 8P. I told Wm that I needed a rest so that I would be up for the end. I did get a nice nap in.
    I got to the tent early. It is always fun to get there early. good parking and the crowd to get you excited.
    Handicapped seating is always prime. It is the best. They really go out of their way to take care of the handicapped guests. Just for that extra service I will go again and again.
    William was chatting to one of the attendants and we learned that they come to Houston every year because the crowds are so good. Lots of people attend their performances.
    Houston is huge but we are fortunate that they are located right in our neighborhood. We left the house at 6:30P and got home at midnight. The time flew by. It was mesmerizing.
    The performers were like the gymnists in the olympics.
    I had to buy a coffee mug as a remembrance of our show. I bought the mug because it has this handle that William particularly likes. It is a big long handle that William can grip easily. A little expensive but what a grand souvenier.
    I told William that he could have a cup of coffee in the Kooza
    cup tomorrow morning.
    I left William and scouted out the tent. When i get back..William insists that he is not comfortable when I leave him alone. I tell him that I will just leave him for a short while because I want to look around. He agrees if it is only for a short while.
    Wm's bottom gets sore when he sits in the wheelchair for along time. I used the ROHO cushion
    on top of his regular wc cushion. It helped him to endure the show. I did have him stand up during intermission to give his bottom a break.
    I want to promote Cir de Soleil...They are a wonderful group to see...and they are so good to the handicapped. See them if you have a chance. William is already talking about seeing them next year.
  7. ruthpill
    I got off work at 2Pm and decided that I was going to go to the pool. I step into the house and tell William that I am going to the pool. He says, I'll go with you. I am shocked. I thought that he would stay home and just let me go. Well, I take him and Lo and behold the kids are all over the pool.
    Lots of kids. They are in the summer kids program at the YMCA. William has to endure them for 20 minutes. They have to get out at 3PM. They are shouting and jumping and splashing as children do. William is hating it. He wants to leave. I tell him that he has to just stay for 15 minutes and the little kids will be gone. We make it. They leave ...we get to walk and do our routine. The children's program is dubbed the Runamuck program. I tell him the the run-a-muck kids are running a muck.
    William didn't know what he was in for. I am really surprised that he made it. It was so noisy. Kids shouting and yelling and screaming and splashing. A stroke surivors nightmare. I am proud of him.
    I did feel sorry for him. but, not sorry enough to let him skip the water once we were there.
    We did get ice cream on the way home.
    Work is settling down. I was having problems with a co-worker. That problem is being resolved.. She will be transferred out. But, the problems....and the extra stress of problems at work were not fun. I am glad that the problem is being resolved.
    William is snoozing away the late afternoon. The pool made him exhausted. i will have to wake him up to take his evening pills.
  8. ruthpill
    I was thinking of the past today. I am up early and have the time to myself.
    Before was so different. It has affected William and myself. William can only walk with assistance and needs to have a caregivere with him all the time. I have taken on the job of full time caretaker. I now have two full time jobs. Who would have dreamed that I would every do that. I did that before when I was young. I worked and and was a single mom. This is just like that time thirty years ago. I had to work and had a babysitter for my son. Now, I work and have a caretaker for my husband. Life is funny.
    They say that life is in cycles. Well, I am cycling back to that time thirty years ago.
    I do run into so many caregivers....I am so impressed. they are of all ages and all seem to good. I know that they are all angles. they work so hard and have that extra emotional baggage that all of us caretakers have. You see them but not their spouses. They do all of the running around and take care of all of the problems.
    I complain about empathy. but, unless you walk in a person's shoes really do not not know what they are going through. Before I became a caretaker...I did not fathom what they were going thruough. Now, I know only too well. I will help them as much as possible ..just to brighten their day or make their load a little easier for the day.
    Life today...consists of routine. I make sure that pills are taken and exercises done. Bathing and hygiene are done. Beds are made and linens changed. Caretaker schedules are made. Doctor's appointments are set.
    We are fairly comfortable in our routine. I would like William to work harder on his recovery. but, he feels that the pool is all that he has to do. I really push his work in the pool. I does drain him of all of his energy for the day.
    No longer do I have the luxury of impromtu ideas. Lets go here and do that. We need to do things that are practible. In the heat of summer...I have stopped making extra trips out with William. I am a total sweat ball if i try to get William out in the heat.
    I keep telling William that he needs to keep pushing himself. I sound like a broken record. but, i do believe that his mind will get hold of the idea if I keep reinforcing the notion.
    My mantra is" William you are wakling in the water. You will one day be able to walk on land".
    Believe is or not. William repeated that thought the other day. He said " I can walk in the water. I will walk on land."
  9. ruthpill
    My excuse for getting William to the pool by 5:30A has been that we need to miss the afternoon tropical rains that have been coming down the last two days.
    Summer is a hard time to get the swimming done. We need to get to the pool early to miss the kids swim lessons and other activities that start in the pool during the summer.
    but today, we had lots of lap lanes taken up by an early group of some sort. that pushed the regular lap swimmers over to our area. The waves that they make...Did not make William happy.
    He just kept griping about those swimmers. Splashing and sloshing him around. I was glad that we got out of there.
    It is amazing how many people swim during the summer time.
    William has been enjoying throwing a toy back and forth to me in the pool. It feels like playing. But, it is still therapy. Balance and tossing.
    work has been good the last week and half because the person causing me grief has been on vacation for the last week. One more week before she returns. Then back to misery. But, let me enjoy my good days now.
    The rains will be gone after today. But, William gets a reprieve from the pool because I will be working two early shifts. then Sat. the pool will resume.
    This journey has been a long, long journey. I do know that William gets better but it is so slow.
    I must say that as caregivers we are really amazing. I must say that I did not realized how hard a job this was until I became a caregiver. Now I can empathize with all caregiver that I encounter.
    I tell William that when I retire...I will have only ,my caregiving job.
    But, I still have hopes that Wm will walk again.
    perhaps the bioness is now an appropriate option. I had tried that 3 years ago. But, it was too soon. perhaps it is time now. to try again.
    Then i think about stem cell therapy. perhaps I need to look into that..
    Well, i have plenty of time to think and ponder and then act.
  10. ruthpill
    I was visiting with a friend and was turned on to eating healthier. He go me to watch the video on Bill Clinton and the doctor who is advocating vegetarianism.
    I have always been interested in becoming a vegetarian. but, have never went the whole way.
    I have instead decided to eat healthier. Increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in our meals. William does love his meat.
    You will certainly lose weight. William eats less when he doesn't like stuff. This is one way to lose weight. But, he can stand to lose a little weight.
    WE were at the pool at 5:30A this morning. It was good. When I work the earlier shift it is easier for me to get up early.
    I have started to incorporate a little yoga into our exercises. I am starting with the very basics.
    Balance is first. I ask William to place his feet solidly on the bottom of the pool and then just stand their and concentrate on balance. he says that it is difficult...but this is the start.
    At the end of our workout...I have him do the relaxation of just floating on his back. He is getting a little better at this. He just has to float on his back. I have a noodle under his arms and ask him to push his butt up so that his legs don't pull him down. At first he insisted that the body would not float on the top of the water. I would push his bottom up and now it stays on top like it should. i have started having him incorporate scissor kicking legs while he is floating.
    I have also started doing things slowly...Slower movements and more concentration.
    Constant changes are good for the soul.
    I also bought a llittle throw toy. I toss it to William and he catches and tosses it back to me. This works on his balance without his knowing it.
    At the grocery store Wm asks me to buy ice cream. He loves that stuff. I told him nothing with a face or a mother. No dairy. Let's see how long this lasts.
  11. ruthpill
    Can you believe that dust on the floor bothers William. Yesterday I noticed some powder on the floor and he wanted me to clean it up. I didn't feel like it. This morning he see's it again and says "There is powder everywhere". Please clean it up. The powder is from him. I powder him after his shower and it gets on the floor. William obsesses about stuff like that.
    I am not the best house keeper. But, I do keep the floors clean. that is why he notices any thing on the floor. As William says. "We can eat off the floor."
    It is so hot here in Houston that I have not wanted to get William out and about.
    We are just doing our swim thing. But, no outings. What I hat most about the swim thing is that William wants to use the rest room right when we get to the YMCA.
    I wouldn't mint except I had just pulled the wetsuit on him....this means that I have to pull it off and then pull it back on. that thing is so hard to put on and off. But, it does keep him warm in the cold water.
    I have started giving Wiliam a shower before we head off to church. I let him sleep again after the shower and this seems to keep him up during 3hours of church. I don't know what it is ...but it works and he doesn't give me a hard time about the shower.
    He doesn't realize that this way I get to give him 2 showers a day. In this heat the showers are a type of therapy.
    I do the extra shower on the mornings that I work early and then get him to the pool in the afternoon.
    I have noticed that more parents are getting their little ones into the pool now. Summer is the time for kids and pool. This is the time of year that I enjoy the pool the least. William cannot tolerate the kids. Thie extra noise and splashing. But, that's kids. William have very little tolerance for children playing around him in the water. he does not like to get spalshed. I try to spalsh him myself to get him prepared for the kids. But, If I get there at 6AM the little tykes are still in bed. There is a work around.
    He balks at that. So I have decided that i can do that. It is actually much easier now and I have a system.
    I have been reading some YOGA books that a friend gave me. She is encouraging me to try some different exercises on William. I will continue to read and post what I have decided to do.
    Today is church and then the pool.
    I had just read Jamies pessimist optomist tale. It was great.
  12. ruthpill
    I had to have it out with William yesterday morning. He refused to go to the pool. I told him that if he did not work with me then I would not be working with him.
    I proceeded to toss his swim trunks and swim top into the trash can. I explained that if he was not going to do therapy then we could get rid of his stuff. He was not pleased. He said that he still wanted to do therapy and did not want his stuff thrown away.
    I had to walk to the garbage can and pick his stuff out. He was afraid that he couldn't bend down and get his stuff out of the garbage. But, I refused to help. He did it.
    Then he wanted me to turn the fan on. I told him "no". He had to get up out of bed and stand and pull the string to turn the fan on himself. I told him again that if he doesn't work with me then I will not help him. Again, he said that he could not reach that high. Again , he did it.
    Now it gets really good. He had to have a BM. I told him that I hate being the butt wiper and refused to do that. If he could choose what he wanted to do then I could also make that choice. I choose not to wipe you butt anymore. He was devastated. I told him that he would have to get used to going around with a dirty butt. He did like that. But, he had to return to the bed dirty.
    Finally, he agrees to go to the pool. I clean him up and change him and we are off.
    We had a good workout.
    Sadly, we have bouts of stubborness like this every few months.
    I just have to be firm and stand my ground.
    Today, there was no problem. He was ready to the pool and worked really hard.
    I have even started some new exercises.
    I have him stand with his right leg back and left leg forward. I just have him do a rocking back and forth rocking motion.
    I have him do high knee lifts while standing at the edge of the pool. I am trying to get him to stretch his muscle in his butt. I help lift the weak left leg high and to the chest.
    I have also tried a modified yoga move. I have him stand on his left leg and push the right leg back and up. This is to strengthen the left leg and stretch his body.
    Then of course we change to the opposite leg and I help the left leg push back into the stretch.
    William is now standing in the pool and counting my laps as I swim. He mentioned to me today that that is a workout in itselft. Keeping his balance and standing there and counting my laps.
    On top of the stress of arguing with William. My co-worker is giving me a hard time.
    I need to think about transfering to a different location or having it out with her.
    She keep playing with my schedule. She wants me to accomodate her needs. At this point in my life I just am not as flexible with William's needs to take care of.
    I told her that i would not change my schedule any more and she continues to do it. I had agreed to change my schedule in June to accomodate her vacation but not any other time. She just cannot accept that I have said NO.
    Just what I need in my life. I think that I need to retire soon.
    Fortunately I have the day off today.
  13. ruthpill
    Swimming is such a funny thing with William. Well, walking in the water.
    William still goes to the water with me 5 to 6 times of the week. Even after 2 years...he still does not suggest this outing on his own. He just agrees to go with me.....because he knows that I will have a fit if he does not acquiecse..
    Yet, every time after we are finished...he does agree that he feels better. He knows that this is helping him .
    Exercise wears him out....I know that he is getting a little better.
    Why ??? can William not push himself to exercise?
    We see alot of other people exercising. William asks me. "why are they here?". I tell him...they are here because they realize that they need exercise. It makes them feel good and allows them to continue functioning.
    I wonder if William will ever realize that exercise is necessary for him to get better.
    We had a friend visit today and he mentioned that William is moving faster now. He sees an improvement. Progress is so very slow. But, exercise does pay off.
    William is whipped and tired...but that too is the price of exercise. It does provide a good nights sleep.
    Monday starts all over again...early morning trip to the pool.
  14. ruthpill
    I asked William if a regular routine is a good thing. He said "yes". He likes to know that each morning is the same.
    We get up and get ready for the pool. No surprises there.
    William usually gets up and says where are we going. I just have to reply. We are going to the pool. Sort of boring...but the routine works.
    William does get a reprieve when I need to work the morning shift. this is usually only a couple of days of the week.
    The handicapped bathroom at the YMCA is broken. but, fortunately Williamis able to use the regular one now. I just bring the bathroom chair over to the other shower. This one does not have grab rails. But, I do bring in the quad cane and he is able to use that for the support that the grab rails provide. A few months ago...we were not able to do this. Fortunately, this problem with the handicapped restroom is allowing us to see that Wm is getting better. It is scary and more work...but it is doable.
    I have started a couple of new exercises in the pool.
    I have Wm rock from the left leg to the right leg. Just rocking back and forth between the two legs.
    While i have Wm's arms against the pool ...we are facing the edge. I have him tap the pool with the right leg and then the tap the pool with the left leg.
    We did this exercise with Wm's back against the pool...Now, I have just turned him around and he has to balance a bit more and kick the foot.
    While facing the edge...I also tell him that he needs to lift the knee up...20 times with both legs.
    This is just an update....Still walking and bending...But, just a couple of additions and modifications.
    I need to say that stroke recovery is sooooooo sloooow. But, with persistence...I do see improvement.
  15. ruthpill
    TGIF...would be true except this is my weekend to work.
    our schedule. the YMCA to get our water workout. Wm did not give me a bad time...because i told him that we has Sat and sun off. since I am working....
    I get my laps in and Wm counts.
    Shower....I had to really wash him off. He always complains that i am rubbing his skin off. I am just exfoliating his outer body.
    I try to stimulate the left side by vigourous rubbing. Maybe too much.
    Next, coffee in the lobby.
    On our way home. i need to check the garage..the truck did not start last nighte. Too early. they are not open.
    I bring wm into the house. He is able to walk if I move his left leg. he just wants to hit the bed. i tell him that he has to take his morning meds before he lies down. He is complient. somedays he does not want to take those darn pills.
    I try to call the mechanic. They are open. He has be describe what is wrong. I go out to the truck at the same time. Lo and behold it starts. I drive it over to the garage. I leave it there and walk home.
    I check my phone. A message. My coworker has an emergency and needs me to come in. Fortunately, she found somebody else. I just go over and work for 20 minutes until the next relief comes in. Wm is sleeping.
    I get home and ask Wm if he wants breakfast. He says yes. So I start cooking...I finish and go to get him. He now says that he is still tired. So. I have breakfast and I will warm his up later.
    My son calls, he is just starting his vacation. He and a friend are headed down to Brazil.
    I decided to blog about my morning. It is only 9:30A....How much more to come.
    I do not go to work until 4P.
    I will now go and read my book.
    Have a good weekend. all.
  16. ruthpill
    I was reading my e-mail yesterday and read one sent from a friend of mine. It said that she had gotten mugged in Wales and was stranded without any money. She was at a public library using the internet and needed somebody to wire her cash via Western Union.
    i felt so bad for her. She was not able to get in touch with her family and said that the motel would not let her leave until the bill was taken care of and that she was nervously waiting for somebody to reply.
    Anyway, i don't check the e-mail every day. So , I was too late to help her.
    I was talking to my son and he told me that it was a scam. People e-mail or get hold of you via facebook and ask for cash. Never send cash.
    He told me that visa and credit cards or her bank or the embassy would have helped her. Besides he did not believe that she would get mugged in Wales.
    i tried to call her. But her answering machine was full. Probably other people got the e-mail and were trying to check up on her. i don't even know if she is actually in a Wales.
    Anyways....FYI...You may be as naive as me. Now beware. I usually just delete weird e-mai. Since. I know her i read it.
  17. ruthpill
    Wm and I have been out twice running errands and we have had bathroom problems.
    Monday, I told William that he had to come with me while I had the truck inspected.. That time of year again. Next, I went and had the tires checked and filled with air. I am lack in doing that job. They were low. I should do that every 3 months.
    Next , i decided that a trip to the store would be good. Wm wanted some cookies.
    I get back to the car and Wm announces that he needs to go to the bathroom. I know that this is not good. I tell him that I will be home in 10 minutes. Well, that was too long. That miralax just works too well.
    Directly into the shower with William. I wash him off and clean the bathroom and throw the laundry upstairs in the washer.
    Next, I have to go to the truck and clean it.
    and then bring in the groceries.
    Tuesday, I decided that we will go to the pool and then out to eat. William and I are both starving.
    Same thing as soon as we are done and in the car. Wm announces that he needs to go to the bathroom. Again. ....I say, we will be gome shortly. But, again, he could not make it. That darn miralax. No miralax for the next 2 days.
    Wm, goes directly into the shower. Same routine. Clean up and laundry and clean the car. But, this time somebody parked in my spot. directly infront of our house. I had to double park and bring Wm into the house. Just another break in our routine.
    Wm says "maybe I shouldn't go out anymore." I said "Nonsense. We took care of the problem. Next, time I will have you use the restroom before we leave the restaurant. I will remember.
    Those little incidents make for alot of extra work. that meant 2 showers each day for William. He had just had a shower before we had started running around.
    But, i did get the truck inspected and the groceries bought.
    I told William that I was thinking of getting rid of the truck. He says that he is going to need it. So, I guess that i will continue to keep it. Just to keep his hopes up.
    William is dreaming of pot roast. I have left instructions for the caregiver to fix him a nice pot roast for dinner.
    Let's see how today works out. I have a long day at work. 8a to 6P. William willl have to get along with the caregiver for 10 hours.
  18. ruthpill
    Today was Monday and William was confused. He did not want me to go to work. Once, i got to work he wanted me to come back home. He finally asked the caregiver to give him a sleeping pill so that he could sleep.
    He woke up and was fine again.
    I have been thinking of Debbie's dilema...the safety issue. what can you do about a catastrophic fire?? Fires can engulf a room in 3-5 mintues. Able bodied folk are caught in fires and unable to make it out. They are just too fast. My problem also.
    I do have a fire extinguisher in the bedroom. But, unless I had it on the bed..Wm would not be able to get to it. Then...He would not be able to activate it and use it. His only solution is the cell phone. Dial 911 or a neighbor. But in a panic would this happen???
    I fortunately have never had a fire and hope that this will never happen. But, I see it on the new and it is scary.
    We were driving past the park today and I mentioned that we used to walk the park. Eventually, that will happen again. Yes, Wm agreed in time. He is geting better.. He said that he could not walk in the pool before. Yes, I had to agree with him.
    Wm wanted some special cookies I went to the store with Wm in the car...I noticed that I did not have my wallet with me. Oh, No,
    I could not buy anything. Then Wm sees a restaurant....but, I have to inform him that today unfortunately. I have no money, My wallet has the cards and the cash.
    Wm has PT today. But, I am thinking of making this the last session for awhile. He is getting tired of it. and I have not noticed alot of improvement.
    The water therapy is the best thing for him. Wm even agrees that it has worked wonders on him. That is a given. It is so funny. I can get Wm up at 6A and say we are going to the pool and he doesn't give me a hard time. He just knows that he has to give him and allow me to take him to the pool. Of course, he doesn't want to stay very long. But, at least we can get there very easily.
    Life goes on. I need to start getting the tax stuff together. I really do not like that job.
  19. ruthpill
    I was reminiscing after reading Lenny's blog. I had written a blog but somehow it is missing.
    Yes, i can remember the time when William could not sit at the edge of the bed without support. i can remember when he could not support his own head. Scary times.
    Fast forward to 3 years post stroke. Wm is able to hold himself upright without help. We do not use the wheelchair in the house. He is able to walk with assistance. (This means that I move his weak leg. The therapist makes him move it himself.) He says that the therapist is mean.
    I used to hold William up in the swimming pool and i had to move his leg. Today. I just pull him forward thru the water ...I pull on the waist of his swimming trunks and he moves his legs by himself.
    Just amazing!
    We went on a long day trip with the YMCA to Hunstville Texas. This was a 12 hour ordeal. We went on a 1-1/2 hour bus ride and got the statue of Sam Houston at the visitors center. Good Old Sam. 67 feet tall. The next stop was the veterans museum. It was very interesting for William. He is such a history buff. Next stop. Dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Delicious. Next stop the play, (The Dixie swim club) It is a comedy and very good.
    I have to admit..I was tired and dosed off a little bit.
    On the ride home.. All I can remember is seeing Ole Sam houston lit up and the next thing we are back at the YMCA.
    Unfortunately for Wm. He could not sleep. Today, he is very tired and recuperating. He did go out to lunch with a friend. When he came back I gave him a shower and put him back in bed.
    He was afraid of the long trip but was glad that he did it.
    Life continues to improve. Patience and persistence.
  20. ruthpill
    Well, William had no hesitation. The choice was the pool today, Saturday and no pool tomorrow so that he can watch the superbowl. I told him that if no pool today then definitely pool on Sunday. Well, what a response. "Let's go to the pool now." I don't often get tha repsonse.
    William cognition is definitely getting better. He is able to decide what he does and does not want to do. He wants to watch the questions asked.
    Out neighbor is the hospital. We found out late on Friday night. William suggest at 8:ooPM that we go and visit her in the hospital. I said let's go. Hey, if William is in the mood. Yes, let's walk to the car and go out. She of course appreciate the visit. William remembers from his long visit in the hospital that visitors are really appreciated.
    It was raining this morning so I had postponed the pool outing until the afternoon. this worked out well. Wm relaxed in the morning and was ready for the pool in the evening.
    I had a store meeting with staff at Starbucks in the evening. William came and enjoyed the meeting and his coffee.
    Wm came home and decided that he needed to get to bed. He is tired. and I get some free time to blog on the computer.
    Friday I brought my lunch home and William loved it. We had ordered Vietnamese food. William decided that he really liked it.
    He finished it off. At dinner time he tells me that he would like more of the same. I told him that I was not going to go out and buy any Vietnamese food. I was home for the evening.
    It is amazing this meat and potatoes fellow is still branching out and enjoying other types of ethnic food.
  21. ruthpill
    I am so glad that chat is up and working again. thank you, Steve for all of your hard work.
    William is going to PT with his cargiver on Tues and thurs mornings.
    He is doing the nustep machine. this machine has his arms pushing and pulling and his legs pushing in and out also. His left hand and left foot are strapped onto the machine.
    Wm said that is gave his arm a really good work out.
    William had his AFO adjusted. He has the type that can have the dorsiflextion changed with a change of a screw.
    William does torso twists. This entails lying on the bed and moving both legs to the left and then the right. while the back is on the bed. This stretched the hip flexors.
    We need to do bridges. This is where the bottom is lifted up off the bed with the feet planted next to the bottom or gluteous maximus. We also do this with his legs on an exercise ball.
    I also push his weak left leg in and have him push out. Either on the exercise ball or just against my hand.
    The care giver stretches his hand and foot.
    The therapist is working with the caregiver on transfers and walking William with assistance.
    William complains that the therapist will not help him move his weak left leg while walking. He makes him do it himself. I give in and help the leg move.
    We were going to see RedTails on Wed. But, we had a soaking rain that day. I decided that getting soaked and sitting in the theater would not be pleasant. One of the differences in after stroke life. I cannot just take off in bad weather as easily as before. Getting the wheel chair out of the car and having William slowly walk to the car and transfer into and out of the car would be a drenching experience in the rain.
    I will try to reschedule for Friday. or this weekend. He keeps buggin me about seeing that movie.
    William loves to get out and move about. The caregiver noticed that his attitude changes when he has a planned outing. Even if it is to the physical therapist.
    William gets to eat lunch out with the caregiver after PT. sort of like a reward after therapy. That is why the 11A appointment. They are out and can easily go for lunch.
    Wm gets fuzzy headed in his thinking sometimes. It was weird. The other night he calls me and wants to me get home so that I can drive him somewhere. Unclear as to where that is. He says that he cannot drive or walk and therefore needs me. I get home and he wants to go out and get something to eat. Usually he says that he is not hungry. Who knows? Getting out of the house is good exercise. He has to walk to the car and transfer in and once we get there transfer to the chair and get into the restaurant.
    Wm continues to get better. It is just sooooooooo slow. But, when I think back to 12-13-08 when he had his stroke. He could not do much of anything.Sitting on the edge of bed without help and support was an accomplishment.
    Just goes to show you. You do one thing and I want and expect more. William has leanred this. I just expect too much from him. Yes, I am the nag and pusher. The stroke has not made William a hard worker. I do not think that he was that hard a worker before. But , he loves to do stuff. Just no exercise.
  22. ruthpill
    I got off work at 6P on Christmas eve. My plan was to rush and pick William up and attend the Christmas Eve service at church. But, Oh, Boy, was I sick. I just didn't have any energy left to try to go to church. It was damp and cold out, William was not dressed. Everything told me to just stay home and recuperate.
    William was understanding. He was dissapointed he had been dreaming of attending this particular service all month. I have been so fortunate..Not so much as a sniffle for the last 3 years. I guess it was about time for the bug to catch me.
    I made some tea and had dinner and sat down to vegetate in front of the TV.
    This was going to be a very quite Christmas with just William and me. My son would not be joining us this year. That actually worked out well. I needed the day to just sleep and rest and drink plenty of fluids. I did manage to cook a roast and roasted some veggie. Neither of us were very hungry.
    I am afraid that I would spread my cold to William. He got a little cough.
    Being a caregiver that is not feeling well and having to care for somebody is not fun. I get angry with William and tell him that he cannot be so demanding. I am afterall not feeling well and must take care of that I can take care of him.
    Who knows how much he understands.?? I think that he just forgets quickly.
    He wants me to take him to the movie. War Horse. I am still debating in my mind. Should I do that tomorrow. but, I have PT scheduled and I still do not feel great.
    perhaps I will take him Friday. i should feel better by Friday. I do have the rest of the week off.
    Being sick is the pits. There is just so much to do.
  23. ruthpill
    We started the Christmas season with a musical. White Christmas. It was fun and William really enjoyed it. He knew if from the movie with Bing Cosby. But, the part with the soldiers in uniform was missing. William wanted to see that part. We had Snow in the Hobby center. They had a similation of snow at the end of the musical.
    William is afraid of heights. We are in the top area and of course in an area where wheel chairs can be positioned. But, William wants to be behind my chair. He feel very uncomfortable near the edge.
    The next day we were signed up to go to San Antonio to see the lights on the river walk. I cancelled out of that one. We would have been too tired from the night before and White Christams.
    Our old Sunday School class had their Christmas party. William wanted to go so we headed off after church to the party. It was really nice. Lunch and singing and visiting.
    Next. I take William home and let him rest. I take off to the gym. William's friend Keith comes over to visit.
    At 5:30 we have the Christmas pagent at our church. It is nice to sing carols and watch the little children and have dinner.
    We have had a very Christmasey weekend. Next weekend we will go to my collegues house for the work party.
    I told William that he had to go to the pool today. Because I will be working for the next 4 morning. Perhaps I will work in an evening swim.
    My son has had a change of plans and will not be able to make it home this Christmas season.
    I had switched my work schedule and an working up to Christmas and will get most of the following week off. that will be nice. I just have to figure out what to do.
    Merry Christmas.
  24. ruthpill
    Wm had his stroke almost 3 years go. He was in the hospital for 2 months. He came home in a wheelchair. We had OT, PT, and speech and acupuncture.
    I started the water therapy 5 months post stroke. Wm was not able to get into the pool without the use of the chair lift. He still used the chairlift today. He is not able to walk down the steps. I have found a pool that has a ramp like walkway. He is able to walk into that pool.
    I bought him a water shirt at H2O wear. This is a shirt that keeps him warm in the water.
    Today our routine consists of using the chair lift. Getting into the pool and walking without any floatation devices for 30-45 minutes.
    At the beginning I used 2 belts and a noodle to keep him up. He was afraid of the water. He would just stay in the shallow part and walk along the edge. for 15 minutes. I had to manually move his weak leg for him.
    Today, William can move his own leg in the water. He can actually walk by himself in the water. I help the weak leg after he gets tired because I believe that the physical movement of the leg is important.
    Sometimes I use a noodle and put it between his legs. This gives him a bit more bouncy..and changes his balance. I just do this for a change of pace. I also will put the noodle under his arms sometimes when he gets tired and doesn't pick up the weak leg as well as he needs to.
    I use the water weights and do a push in and push out with both arms. This keeps him arm limber. I also try to move the weak arm through the water as he is walking in the water.
    I have started doing a pedaling motion with the hand weights in the water.
    William does a belly to the wall and butt out movement..this keeps his core moving. I also have him do a hip to the left and hip to the right. Next is the hoola hoop movement. to the right 5 times and then to the left 5 times.
    Planks against the edge. This is done by placing both hands on the edge of the pool and then touch his nose to the edge and then push out.
    I hold my leg up in the water and have him do two sets of 10 kicks. He will stand on the right leg and kick my leg with his weak leg. It is amazing how high he can kick.
    We repeat this with him standing on the weak left leg and kicking with the right leg.
    Next is the windshield wipers. He stands sideways to the wall and kicks his leg to the wall and out. hip flexor movement.
    I have him walk to the chair and get him to do a few knee bends in the shallow part of the pool.
    If he is not too tired. I pull him around the pool on his back and have him scissor move his legs while I pull him.
    he always wants to quit as soon as possible.
    I get to swim now. Wm sits on the chair and counts my laps for me.
    Now, it is time for his shower. He loves that part. This means that he can finally get out of pool.
    I must say that William has come along way. Everybody that has watched his progress is simply amazed .. It is alot of work...but it works. I encourage anybody that has access to a pool to use it.
  25. ruthpill
    William and I were so blessed. My friend , Lynn, brought Thanksgiving day dinner to the house for us. I had planned on taking William out to Luby's after I got off work.
    Lynn said that she loved to cook and wanted to bring dinner over. We had a fabulous time.
    It is good friends like Lynn that make us so Thankful for our friends. After a day at work it was so nice to come home and have dinner.