
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    We finally had the tooth extracted. The oral surgeon had an opening on Tuesday. this was perfect. Two days earlier than expected.
    The Doctor was pleased by the changes in his blood pressure. I got it to normal levels. William was afraid but he went thru it with flying colors. He just had local anesthetic. We were in and out in less than 45 minutes.
    William didn't bleed that badly.
    Wed. I had a scare while we were in the pool. William kept saying that something was wrong. We had been in the pool about 15 minutes when this started. He couldn't seem to understand anything that i was saying. He did not remember what he did on Wed. Church and the pastor. It was scary. I though , Oh, No! another stroke. I got him out of the pool as soon as I could. Lo and behold 20 minutes later he was fine again. I presume that it was a TIA. Possily because of the thick blood.
    I went home and put him to bed. I took his INR and called the cardiologist. They said that I should just continue his coumadin and retake the INR in a week.
    I have been monitoring the bloodpressure. It is good. I am increasing his greens today. I have the day off. I cooked spinach, with bacon and boiled eggs and onions for breakfast. I cut up an avocado and tossed that in. That was breakfast with some yogurt.
    I am making some greens, kale and mustard greens for lunch. Also, some turkey soup. I am cooking healthy today.
    We had a good morning at the pool. William was walking in the shallow part of the pool more. This takes more out of him.
    We saw the King Tut exhibit yesterday. I enjoyed it. William was confused. I had got him an audioguide. But, he didn't want it. He said that the person was talking too softly and too fast. I just gave it to somebody else to use.
    We had lunch at Cleburne's. It is really good. We shared a main entree and desseret.
    We then saw the Bible museum. William really enjoyed this museum. This is the second time that we have toured it.
    We got home and were both exhausted. I took off to the pool and had a nice swim. William did not want to go. He stayed home in bed.
  2. ruthpill
    The cardiologist asked me today. What I was doing to prevent another fall? He said that it was criminal that I had a caregiver that could not handle William.
    I knew that I should request somebody with more experience.
    I got home and called the company and said that i needed a different caregiver. I could not risk another fall. Falls for William are too dangerous per his cardiologist.
    Well, I took care of that. I just needed the doctor to reinforce my feeling that the fall was really bad. Fortunately, William had scrapes and a couple of fractured teeth but not broken bones or excessive bleeding.
    The oral surgery was rescheduled again. I gave the lovenox dose again this AM. I should not have. The cardiologist adjusted the Blood pressue meds..
    Lisinopril 20mg down to 2.5mg. I am supposed to monitor his blood pressure and pulse and adjust every 3 days if needed ...perhaps up to twice a day.
    The automatic blood pressure machine is not accurately monitoring the pulse. The cardiologist wants me to monitor using the manual method. I need to feel and count.
    After the cardiologist appt. i call the oral surgeon and ask if he can do the surgery at 4:30. No. So, we are rescheduled for Thurs.
    William in the meantime is asking me where we are going for lunch. I tell him that I need to pick up the medication at the pharmacy and a new blood pressure machine.
    I finally make it to the bank and next we go to TGIF. Today is Friday the best day to eat at TGIF. William decided that he needed to eat something soft. WE had soup and salad.
    He loved his potatoe and brocolli and cheese soup and ice tea. After lunch Wm wonders where we are going. I told him that I need to practice driving to the church that I will catch the bus at tomorrow. I have a lousy sense of direction and wanted to make sure that I could get there.
    I change my work schedule so that I have I have Thurs. off. I guess that I got all of the bases covered.
    William is in bed resting ...I made my notes about the med changes in my blood pressure notebook.
    No exercise today.
  3. ruthpill
    80/60 was the reading that the oral surgeon got this morning. he did not feel comfortable with that reading. So home we go. He says that I need to take William to his primary care and get an OK again.
    Luckily I have an appointment with the cardiologist on Friday.
    Wm's blood pressure does not usually run that low. What is going on? I take him home and push fluids. I retake the BP and is is 117/80.
    I still have some lovenox shots. So this will take me to the Friday appoitment. I call the oral surgeon and reschedule for Friday afternoon.
    So the cardiologist at 11:15 and 2P for the oral surgeon. This should give me time to get there on time.
    I have decided to d/c the 2.5 mg norvasc. I was told to d/c the norvasc if the 60 number was hit. This should make the blood pressure go up for Friday.
    Wm was confused..He thought that he had high blood pressure. I told him that we have to perfect blood pressure. not to high and not to low.
    This works out well for us. We had a luncheon that we wanted to attend. It worked out well.
    This new caregiver is not working out well. She can not transfer William or walk him. He is afraid after that fall with her and she is afraid too. So he did not
    get to go to church tonight. Then, I was going to have him go to a function tomorrow. But, that is out. I will work with the caregiver tomorrow when I get off work.
    I bought my ticket to the international quilt festival this sat.
    I shall hopefully finally take care of that tooth on Friday.
  4. ruthpill
    William decides that he does not want to go to the pool. I decide not to argue with him. I tell him that I am heading to the ymca to do my thing.
    I was just tired to spending 30 minutes getting him to agree to go .....
    I get home and William is on the phone. I ask who he is calling. He has called 911. I tell him to tell them that they do not need t0 come out.
    He calls them back and says "My wife demands that I call and tell you not to come!". Now they have to come out and make sure that I am not abusing him. This is just ridiculous.
    Now, I am upset with him. But, I have to let 911 come in and speak to him. He tells them that he needs to be taken care of today. They ask exactly what do you need now.??? He does not have any specific thing. Just the vague I need help to get around. Of course, they cannot take the entire day to take care of him.
    They are finally satisfied that everything is OK and leave. What a total waste of time. But, I do understand their point. They need to check out the call. Especially with the "MY wife demands that I call and stop the call"
    He can be so exasperating!!!!
    Later in the day he agrees to go to the pool. He does realize that I will not be satisfied until he gets the exercise done.
    We get a new caregiver for Wm. Somebody that will take him to church.
    Well, she has him fall as he is going to the car to Bible study. She does not know how to walk him. He chips his front tooth. and is bleeding and scratched.
    she calls me and I call the dentist. I am at work. I get him in to the dentist. I call her back. She got two other people to help get him up and into bed. He did not want to call 911 AGAIN. tHE LAST 911 call was on Sat. Today is Tues.
    When I got home. I asked how they got him up. One of the supervisors came over and they got a neighbor to help. So they had 3 people to get him up and carry him to the bed.
    They got lost on the way to the dentist. Wm got her blocks away. They called me and I got them turned around. The teeth are both fractured. One was broken and they used a filling to fix it. We just have to wait and see if the root has been damaged. So in 2 weeks we will return.
    In the meantime I am still trying to get a tooth extracted. I will call the oral surgeon tomorrow.
    Wm can only have soft foods today. Luckily i had soup made.
    There was a spot of blood on the walkway. When I came inside I expected a much worse mess. The dentist said that he sustained alot of trauma. He was hurting tonight.
    I also got the direct tv receiver tonight. I had to program the remote to work. I spent hours on that. I was on the phone with direct tv for over an hour. We could not get the remote to turn the tv off. I kept plugging away and finally found the codes that worked.
    Wm is sleeping and I am still thinking and running around.
  5. ruthpill
    Friday. William was chewing a piece of gum. His crown came out. Friday, sat and Sun. We had soup and soft food. This was good is like dieting.
    Today, I took him to the lab for blood work, then I called the dentist to see if they could see him today. Yes, they got him in. Unfortunatley, the tooth is rotted. Under the crown there is a cavity and an abscess. The tooth has had alot of work and is not salvageable. We had to get a referral to an oral surgeon.
    We made it to the pool. I had to cancel the echo with the cardiologist because it was at the same time as the dentist. The cardiologist is rescheduled for Friday. The Oral surgeon consult is on Wed and the surgery is set for Thurs.
    I have a rheumatologist appt for myself on Wed. at noon. Wed at 2 William has the dental consult. I need to work at 3P on Wed. I have decided to have the caretaker come at 11A to watch William. I have told William to have the dentist call me for the consult.
    at 11A on thur the tooth should be pulled. I will be working until 3P.
    Friday , I have a gynecology appt at 9:15A and William has his echo at 4P. This will be a crazy week. At least everything will be done by the end of the week.
    Fortunately, I took Monday and Friday off work. Time to make those doctor appt.s.
    I explained to William that old teeth do that. They rot under crowns sometimes.
    I have been going to the cold water pool. I bought a h20gear water shirt. It keeps William warm enough to use the cold pool. This is so much easier for me.
    Yes, I had to start William on Amoxil for the tooth abscess. Luckily the abscess is on the weak affected side. It does not bother him. This is a good thing about the stroke. Less pain...because of lack of feeling.
    I will be glad when this week is over.
  6. ruthpill
    I had to really light into William on Thursday. He pushed me to the brink of madness. He complains about the pool and grumbles and want to get out early, etc. I finally lit into him and said that his complaining was not making the hour a pleasant one for him or for me. I was not going to tolerate one more time.
    I am setting rules. We stay for one hour. No moaning about getting out early. The hour or 60 minutes starts the instant that he hits the water. I asked if he had a difficult time figuring out when 60 minutes passed. He assured me that he could tell time.
    If he will not stop being a disagreeable person he can stay home and I will do my own thing.
    I told him that as his therpist I was firing him as a client. He would have to hire somebody else or rot in bed. I was not going to take any more of his mouth during the pool time. He told me that he did not know that he was doing it. I had to assure him that he was not pleasant. I needed a big apology and promise that it would not happen again.
    This discussion took over an hour. I left for work and then William had to time to reconsider his attitude. He called me and told me that he wanted to continue to work and he would go by the new rules. No grumbling and complaining. No asking to leave early. He knows that this therapy is working and he want to continue to work.
    Well, today was the day after. He was good. No grumbling and he had gratitude instead. This had better continue.
    I told him I have alot of patience but he reached my limit.
    I guess that we need to have this type of talk every once in awhile.
    I brought him to bed and then decided that I needed to go to the grocery store. I wake him up and ask if he wants to come. I just do this to annoy him
    He did not want to go.
    But you never know.
  7. ruthpill
    Our last outing with the Ymca was to Wharton, Texas. this was a 8Am to 6P trip. William tolerated the trip well. No mishaps. Whquearton , is a little tiny town. We saw everything that was possible to see in Wharton.
    We had delicious bar b que. I also found some pralines at one of our bathroom stops. William has wanted pralines last time we went to a Mexican restaurant. He was ecstatic that we could find some. Delicious stuff!!
    We had our primary care appointment. The Docotor had a student with him. The student came in and took the initial history. Now, this was funny. He asks if there is anything that we want to report. Well, William says yes. He has lots of stuff. First, his ear has been ithching. He is afraid that he has a roach in there. He has a rash on his head and he is concerned that is is coming down onto his face and into his ear. He also has a rash around his groin. (This was an old rash and is now gone). Of course, constipation..and difficulty sleeping. The night before the appointment he had difficulty sleeping and needed half of a sleeping pill. This was the first time in months that he has needed a pill.
    The student ask about SOB (Shortness of breath). he explains that he is not able to move very much and therefore doesn't exert himself enough to get out of breath.
    But, he said that I get out of breath because i run all of the time. I had to explain no, I do not run marathons. he is kidding.
    William was doing so well explaining all of his problems. This is a far move from when he would not talk to them. He insisted that i do all of the talking.
    The following day we had a visit with the rehab doc. We had a dynasplint ordered for the ankle. We had an adjustment on the hand splint from the Dynasplint rep.
    The rehab doc was surprised that William could actually walk by himself in the wate without flotation help. I said , yes, he can do that. He doesn't want a belt or noodle.
    The other participants on the bus trip. have noticed that William has progressed alot from when we first started taking trips. He is able to stand on the lift and get lifted up and can walk with assistance to the seat.
    I continutally have to tell William that we have to keep working.
    OUr rehab doc is a vegetarian. After each visit I want to increase our veggie intake. I have told William to eat at apple a day.
    i came home and made a fabulous salad. Greens, broccoli, apples, avocado. Delicious. I came home and gave William some sliced apple and orange for a snack.
    Patience and perserverance. We need to keep our schedule. Strict routine. I tell William every morning...Time to get up and go to the pool. On the mornings that I go to work we have to bypass the pool. William just feels loss without the regular routine.
  8. ruthpill
    William had me seeing red the other Sunday. I had taken him to church and we always go to the pool after church. But, William immediately starts saying that he is too tired to go to the pool. I proceed to the pool anyway. We get there and William refuses to get out of the car.
    In frustration I finally leave him and go and do my swimming. When I get out. I find that he is in the lobby. He had asked a passerby to help him get into the lobby.
    We get home and I let him have a nap. I tell him when he getsup that he has to go to the pool. But, this time I am not driving to the warm therpeutic pool...We are going to the cold pool. He knows that the pool is inevitable on Sunday. He says that he will never do that again. (Not go into the pool after church). He did not get his way and I just got mad. This did not turn out the way that he expected.
    I explained to him that we have to take advantage of the days that I do not work. Every single one of those days ...we need to exercise. ....we need to use the pool.
    I have set up the primary care and cardiologist and my gynecologist appointment. I still need to set up the rehab and my rhuematologist appt. This is the time of year that I set up appts.
    We went on a trip to Kemah on Thursday with the YMCA. WE had to be at the Y at 7:30A. I got Wm up at 6A. Got him moving and taking his meds and tried to get him to use the restroom. We got to the YMCA and one of the ladies fainted. We had to call 911. She is 81 and has blood pressure problems. The ambulance took her to the hospital. Later we heard that it was just medicine that were not controlling her Blood pressure. It had dropped too low.
    I was the first to dial 911. I am an expert at that from William's incident almost 3 years ago.
    Anyway...on the bus. It is a 1-1/2 bus ride to Kemah. Wm starts to say that he feels like he needs to go to the restroom. I ask if he can hold it. He says that it feels funny. He starts to make funny faces. I get up and ask the driver if we can stop...we need to use the rest room.
    This is the nightmare that I dread while on the bus..It is happening...We stop and the lift gets put out and we rush into the service station. Wm almost made it. Just a little stain on his underwear. Fortunately , I carry an extra pair of underwear and pants in my stuff for him. I change his clothes and we get back on the bus. If we did not make would have been awful. What a mess on the bus. I just thank our lucky stars that William was able to control himself until we hit the toilet. I always worry about that. Now, I know that William has that worry also. This was at the start of the trip.
    We had a 2 hour boat ride and a nice lunch at Kemah and then came home. It was enjoyable. Wm kept exclaiming that I was a miracle worker. I could handle emergencies like his with no problem.
    Two emergencies in one morning. The lady that fainted and Wm's bathroom. The rest of the day was uneventful.
    WE just beat a rainstorm home. WE finally got a shower outside.
    I told Wm that he needed to take a shower when we got home. I wanted to do it immediately that I could have the rest of the night to recuperate. That was my last chore. after unloading the car.
  9. ruthpill
    We get a couple of cool evenings and the pool gets cold. This means wet suit weather for William.
    You should see me pulling that suit onto William. It is like stuffing a teenager into some tight pants. Not a pleasant picture. I will be soon going back to the warm therapeutic pool. it is a drive but at least the water is warm.
    Life has certainly changed since the stroke. I told William that we eat out all of the time. Eating out is a nice excursion and we get the job of eating done. Killing 2 birds with one stone , to speak.
    William has recently got a taste for Panera bread.. He needs that mediterrean veggie sandwich and a bowl of baked potatoe soup. He knows what he likes and orders readily for himself. This is good. This is progress.
    We did only have 30 minutes in the water today. We got there late and a class was coming in at 8AM. I had William sit on the chair life and I swam my laps. William told me that he heard some guys talking and 4 laps equals a mile. Well guys ...I am up to 2-1/2 miles.
    William sits and counts off the laps for me. He does not give me a break.!
    We have an afternoon luncheon date with a friend from church. She is a civil war buff and has new information to share with William.
    Friday, we have an outing to the Capital in Austin and a boat trip. I am playing with the Miralax today. I gave William a dose in the morning. I need to have the bowel movement tonight. During the day tomorrow will make it difficult. Acutally, I have until 11A tomorrow AM. WE will also be going to see the bats under some bridge in Austin.
    William is recuperating in bed from the pool. and preparing for the luncheon.
    We keep working on recovery. This is a very slow process...but We are being persistent.
  10. ruthpill
    I was out and about yesterday. I had gotten home from work and decided that William needed to get out of the house. I asked him where he wanted to go for lunch. We decided on one place and then by the time we got there decded on another. This one has free icecream and all that you want to drink ice tea and lemonade. The lemonade machine was broken. As usual we ordered way too much food. We had salad, soup and a sandwich. Just one of each. We had to bring the entire sandwich home. Just shows you how large everything was. Wm had the soup and i had the salad. What if I had gotten two of everything????
    Next we stopped at the grocery store to pick up some eggs. William loves to have his caregiver make him breakfast of eggs and bacon and toast. We had run out of eggs. I stopped and spoke to our friend in the store. He told me that the caregiver is the roughest job. I had to agree with him. Today, when I got back from my swim...William was on the phone with our pastor. She is the one that visited him in the hospital alot. She is a dear. She was telling me that it is too bad that the church cannot provide more services to caregivers but they just don't have the volunteers.
    I told her that people are just not aware of the need. I wasn't when William was healthy. But, with the greying of america we will soon have a crisis on our hands. Alot of other folks are going to need this type of help. Yes , It is a tsunami that is approaching us as she put it. What are we to do. We here at strokeboard are coping and getting what support we can. But, it is a hard and long journey for us.
    As she put it ...hopefully we will get more stuff in place when the tsunami hits.
    I hope so.
  11. ruthpill
    I had lots of days off last week. It felt like a vacation. I really will look forward to retirement.
    I took William out to I-Hop...he love the Rise and Shine breakfast. I usually order something that comes with pancakes. Wm loves the pancakes also. He needs to have that maple syrup. He loves to dring lots of fluids. He needs coffee and iced tea. We always get a cup of ice tea to go.
    We get breakfast after the pool. that is such a nice treat. He went to the pool every day. William is making progress. He gets impatient and want to go go go. I help him when he gets tired. He does walk and walk. It was Sunday that I almost decided not to go after church. But, Wm said "Are we going?". I was so astounded. Of course! Let's go. Once we get there he says "I must have been a fool to say lets go. But, i knew that you would very soon." Little does he know. I was not going to.
    The kids are finished with swim lessons. This means that we do not have to go quite so early to the pool. Instead of 5:30A we get there around 7A. It is so hot here that the water feels good. William is not cold.
    William is still in a hurry to get out of the pool. I have to coerce him to stay long. People do compliment him and say that he is doing so well.
    So lot of walking. Then the kicking, I have him kick his left leg 25 times to kick my let. Then he does the same thing with his right foot. Then the windshielf wipers exercise with both legs. i have added some jumping. then belly to the wall and out. Then arms push weights in and out. Got to work those arms.
    If he is tired and needs to get out too soon. I pull him around on his back and insist that he kicks those legs. Otherwise. I let him sit on the chair and insruct him to kick his legs as i swim.
    It does really tire him out. But, it is worth it.
    We have been playing dominoes. Wm agrees to play with me. this is a nice break.
    He is still very dependent upon me. He calls me while I am at work and wants to make sure that i come home after work. He didn't want his caretakre to leave until i got there. but, I have it scheduled so that she leave before I get home. i want William to get some alone time. He does not like that alone time.
  12. ruthpill
    Today we went to the dentist. They could not get both of us in. So I opted to have William's visit first. I have set mine up for this Wed. William went thru with flying colors. He needs to take his time and brush longer. He is so impatient. He was impatient before the stroke but the after he us even more impatient. The dental hygientist stressed that he needs to take his time. I have been flossing his teeth for him. I do this while he is in the shower. I figure that we may as well do all of the messy chores at one time. I give him toothbrush and he brushed while I get the soap and things set out for the shower. This is like one top shopping. Except it is one stop showering. Everything is done in the shower.
    We have not been visiting the dogs. It is too hot in the summer.
    We are doing the pool thing. William does not always want to go. But, he does go without much complaining. The best thing about this hot weather is that we can use the cool pool. I do not look forward to this winter and I will have to drive to the warm pool again.
    I have toyed with the idea of getting tickets to a show. "The Screw tape letters" but, with this heat I do not think that I will bother.
    The Nook is working well with William he is reading again.
    I got 3 new doors put into the house. This is supposed to decrease our energy useage. I also had two new toilets put in and two new storm doors and a fan in the living room. This will all help with our comfort in the house.
    William has has a new caregiver and he seems to like her alot.
  13. ruthpill
    I finally got around to buying a Nook for William yesterday. I had researched the product as compared to the Kendall. The Nook is able to dowmload from the library here is town. it won.
    After our morning exercises..Wm's rest...I suggested that we get out and have lunch. William decided on where to eat. He usually wants me to choose. but, he has been dying to have these killer onion rings. So off we went for a sandwich and onion rings.
    After lunch, I suggested that we go to barnes and Nobel and buy a Nook. William thought that was a grand idea. We get to the parking lot and William says "You, want me to go in?" I say of course. This is going to be for you. I need you to listen to the salesperson. The young man was good. We got the Nook and I had him register it for me and everything. I did not want to go home and have to play with that part. I even had him download a book for William.
    William wants to read "A Course in Miracles". He requested that it be downloaded.
    Last night it was amazing!!! William kept reading and reading.
    William also asked abut a cover for the book. We got the lightest one that turns into an easle. He wondered if he had color choices. Alas only black.
    I have downloaded two more books for William. Now, he can do something other than TV.
    I did download a bible but it is not the easiest to navigate. But, it will be easy to read. I tried it at bible study last night. I could not flip the pages fast enough on the Nook. The old manual way was easiest.
    My suggestion...for all survivors taht love to read. The Nook is an excellent gift for yourself.
    I could not get it hooked up to the router. I have Linksys at home. I will have to play with that. I will have to go to the library and learn how to download to the Nook. Just more stuff to learn. That is what kept me from buying the book sooner.
    Let me start playing with that problem next.
    Ruth The pool was still cold today. But, Wiliam made it.
  14. ruthpill
    William was a bad boy today. The water was cold. We had a bit of rain and it was overcast yesterday. This made a big difference in the temperature of the water. but, I got him to walk for 40 minutes. Kicking and complaining the entire time. But, he did it.
    The last five minutes of our time in the pool. I use the water weights and have William push and pull with the weights while leaning against the side of the pool. This is to keep the arm flexible. This is on the only time that i really work with his arm.
    Next. I have him put his arms on the side of the pool. He used to complain that this hurt his left arm. But, recently no complaints. He is able to lift the arm up on the edge of the pool. Now we do belly to the wall, butt out. This is my rendition of some stretching. 25 of these.
    Next, the kicking exercise. I stand about 2-3 feet away and have him kick my knee with his weak leg. 25 times. Next he stands on the weak leg and kicks with his right leg.
    Next, the windshield wiper exercise. This is standing with the strong side holding onto the the pool and making his weak leg touch the wall of the pool .. going across the front of his body. 25 times. This is keep the hip in action. Next he repeats and does the other leg.
    Now, he gets to walk to the chair and I can get him out of the pool and into the shower.
    Shower and dried and powdered. Dressed. I tell him that I need to swim a little now. He watches me. He still wants to go home and return to the bed.
    I finish and shower and change. Now to the lobby for coffee. I get him set up and tell him that I will do my 16 minutes. I burn over 100 calories. I do not have time for the weights. He is getting impatient. The bed is still calling. i did get him up at 5AM. He should be tired. But, he does not need sleeping pills any more.
    I tell him that I have to swing by the grocery store and pick up those breakfast bars that he has been asking for. He tells me not to shop too much. Of course, I don't like shopping so we are in sync with that.
    I but lot of bottled water. The little ones are on sale.
    I get Wm to bed finally. He gets to snooze. I make it to our pool. It is so nice. I do water yoga and running in the water. It feels like I am on vacation.
    I still have to figure out what to do today. I am considering a Nook or a Wii. I wonder if William will use them.
  15. ruthpill
    Our new routine is working quite well.
    William walks the pool for 45-60 minutes. I give him a shower ...then he watches me swim for 15 minutes..I let him go to the lobby and he has coffee and water and breakfast. Yes, they sell breakfast burritos, and breakfast sandwiches.
    I forgot my tennis shoes. Wm says why don't you go and get them?? OK, He stays and watches TV and has coffee and breakfast and I run home and get the shoes.
    I come back.. Refill his coffee and get on the machines. I am getting cardio and weights. Finally Wm signals me. He wants to go home.
    This is working on his stamina. He is able to stay up after the workout. I bring him home and put him to bed. Then I go and use the pool in our comlex. I may as well get some much needed vitamin D.
    William is still snoozing. Poor dear he is exhausted.
    Yesterday, we went and visited a friend of William's. A civil war buff. He had to walk into the house and around the house. He did alot of walking. It was good for him. He told me that he needs to walk more at church. Well, this Sunday, I work. So perhaps, next Sunday I will have him him walk more. He walks into the chapel. I guess that I can have him walk out of the chapel. He stand for the singing and prayers. He is doing better.
    Today, we go to a play in the evening. I told him to get a rest so that we will be ready for long night. WE will get home at 11:30P.
    I had better lie down myself. Or I won't make it.
  16. ruthpill
    Can you believe it?? William has adapted to the new workout routine quite well.
    I made one more change. After I worked him out in the pool. I gave him a shower and then I went back and did some laps. I set William up so that he could watch me and the rest of the people in the pool. This ensures that I get him into that handicapped shower before somebody else uses it. I can use any shower. William enjoyed watching me swim.
    Next, I set him up in the lobby and he had his water , coffee and pills. He says aren't you going into the cardio room to work out?? So, I say , yes of course.
    I hopped onto a machine near the window so that William can see me and i can keep an eye on him. I did 8 minutes on the eleptical. I need to work up then I did some of the weight machines.
    I told William how much I appreciate being able to get my work out while we are at the YMCA.
    On the way home. I said that I needed to stop by the grocery store to get some fruit. I wanted him to come into the store. He didn't want to. I said that you haven't been in there for awhile. I will get a cart and you can ride around. I don't want you to forget how to drive that cart.
    He came along and wanted lots of fruit and a muffin. He wanted the pack. I said they sell singles. Let get jut one. then he wanted cookies and other tasty stuff. i said no. We are getting fruit. We need to watch our weight. I am no fun. We will be splitting that big muffin.
    William is sleeping off his exercise right now. When he gets up. We get brunch.
    William is holding me to my exercise...this is good.
  17. ruthpill
    I have decided that i need to work on my physical well being. I have gotten out of shape. two years of caregiving does a job on the old body.
    I have decided that I will work out when I take William to the Y. I work with him in the pool for 50-60 minutes. I then have him wait on the chair while I swim for 10-15 minutes. I am so out of shape that I can only do laps for that long. I need to work up. Next, I give us showers.
    I push William to the lobby and he has his meds and coffee and can watch TV or look into the workout room where I am. I do the eliptical or bike and weights for 15-20 minutes. As long as William takes to take his meds and then get bored and want to leave.
    I get him home and put him to bed and then return to the Y to do another 1 hr of cardio. Let's see if I can keep this up.
    I got my haircut ....gotta keep it short for the pool. went to the grocery store and did some needed paperwork.
    I got William up and said let's go out for breakfast. I was going to go to I-Hop. But, all of the handicapped parking was taken. I said let's try someplace else. We drove and found a Panera's bread. William loves the Mediteranean sandwich and potato soup. Then he caught sight of the breakfast cibatta sandwich and lemonade. For some reason. William always wants lemonade. Then he wanted coffee. I had to say, lets try what we have and then I can order more If you want. He still wanted the Mediterranean sandwich...I had cancelled that and got the breakfast sandwish. i told him that we would try that Mediteranean sandwich another day.
    We were next to Ross's. William has been asking me to bring him there. I offered. At first he said that he was tired then he said , No, I want to go. We went and bought him a couple of shirts and underpants. I needed a skillet and got one there.
    I needed to go by the bank. But, William didn't want to and neither did I. I said that we could do that tomorrow. There is always tomorrow.
    A friend at the Y asked me if I thought that William would ever walk again. I said that yes, i do believe that he will. It is just so slow. Wm is improving.. We are talking in years not days.
    I told Wm that I had read that Panera's was a healthy place to eat than most.
    Now , I am off to work this afternoon.
  18. ruthpill
    I am getting tired of explaining to women , why William is in the women's restroom. We really do not have a choice. The women would rather I went into the men's restroom. but, with the use of urinals in the men's...that is not possible. I am afraid that these same women do not know what a man's restroom looks like. The alternative would be that William would soil himself or we would not be able to leave the house.
    Some people are so thoughtless. I allready have enough to worry about. I check out the restroom first...I need to make sure that the handicapped one is large enough and has grab bars. I do look for a family one. but alas every building does not have a family restroom. I try to take him in when most of the women have all ready used the restroom. But, it is never enough.
    This happened on our outing to the Houston Baptist University bible museum. Now you would think that these Christians would be more thoughtful. But, no. They are not aware that a wheelchair bound person could use more help. No doors are help open. Nobody offers to help me carry the lunch trays or to find a seat for us. It is take care of yourself. I must say that William is very lucky that I am able to take care of him. They were all very interested in the Bible museum. But, not acting like Christians!
    I will continue to take William on the outings because he loves them. I do feel that the other folks on the trip think that he is a big inconvienience. LAST TIME the driver told us that the trips were specifically for people like William ...that is why they have the wheelchair lift on each bus. That encouraged me to continue taking William on the trips.
    I decided to fix the toilet today. I took the flapper to lowes to get a replacement. They did not have it. He suggested that I try a plumbing supply. Why can't these parts be universal??? After 3 phone calls. I end up calling Lowes afterhour service dept. They take care of the supplies for the Amerisource toilet which is there house brand. Only they sell the parts. Not even the local retail stores carry the parts. The part is on backorder for 2-3weeks. I decide to place an order and wait for the time to get it here. It is only a runny flapper problem. This means that the water drains out of the holding tank and we are wasting water. Anyway ,,,that means in August I should get the part.
    In the meantime, I am awaiting fedEx. i am hoping that they will show up with the part to Direct TV. Our box went out. I spent time on the phone for 2 days before they decided that i needed a new box. This happened Friday morning.
    As William says I am the fix it person. I was before William's stroke. So this is not new. But, before I used to make him make some of the phone calls.
    We had our usual morning pool workout. I told William that I will be working early for the rest of the week. This means no pool unless, I take him in the afternoon or evening. I have to think about that. It is usually too busy with kids ...and William is not very tolerent of the splashing of the children and they are not aware that he is not stable. Not a good combination.
    Lots done today. Two loads of laundry the dishes and the floor have been cleaned. William is snoozing after our workout.
    Looking forward to tomorrow.
    William tells me that he still wants to travel. I told him that my goal is another 2 years. I need to have him walk by himself. We always need those goals.
  19. ruthpill
    Today was Sunday. William's favorite day of the week. He loves going to church.
    Yesterday at the pool William decided to set the count. this is the number of times that we walk the length of the pool. He decided on the Number 20. But, he finished it in about 30 minutes. He wanted to leave the pool. I could not get him to understand that the time had to be met too. WE need to work for an hour.
    Arguing with him was useless. I finally had to give in and let him out of the pool. I talked with him afterwards and told him that he is getting better and can do the laps faster...this just means that he has to do more. That cognitive demention is irritating. Sometimes, Wm will get it into his head that he is right.
    I have talked to him today ...again I told him that we would have a short day in observance of Father's Day. but, tomorrow....we need to work the enitre hour.
    let's see how tomorrow goes.
    Friday we went on an outing with the YMCA to the San jacinto monument. Wm loved the history and wanted to read more about the battle. I ordered the book "The Raven" about Sam Houston for a father's day present.
    For some reason Wm does not to read ...So I read to him. He loves the way that I read and compliments my skill. I usually do not mind. In fact, i am getting to enjoy history. That is a side effect of my reading to William.
    The restaurant at the monument Inn had a lift that brought William up the flight of stairs. They said that the freight elevator was hot and full of mosquitoes. Wm loved the stair lift. he wants one for the house.
    All in all William has had a wonderful Father's day weekend. He got text messages from 3 of his children. He was really waiting for that.
  20. ruthpill
    It is so hot in Texas now. I ran into the grocery store and left the keys in the ignition and the care running with the ac on. William did not want to go into the store with me.
    I get back and William tells me that some man had opened the door and sat down in the car. he noticed william and then said "sorry". I do think that he just go into the wrong car.
    But, then I got to thinking. What if, somebody wanted to car jack the car and William was in the car. They would just drive off with him. I decided that he should lock the doors when I leave and he can open them when I get back.
    There is a first time for everything. Can you imagine somebody kidnapping William?? lol
  21. ruthpill
    William hates for me to go to work. He would just love it if I stayed at home and took care of him.
    I personally enjoy the time away. Even though it is work. This makes my life not seem like the 24/7 it would be if I were the sole caregiver for William.
    I also enjoy the money that I can earn. We have more discretionary money to spend because of my job. We get the added bonus of insurance coverage for him and myself. this would all be out of pocket if I wasn't working.
    All in all I know that work is helping me to keep my sanity. It is difficult and stressful. But the pros out weight the cons.
    Leaving William with the caregiver reminds me of the time when my son was little and he had to go to day care. No, actually it doesn't. he loved going to day care and did not mind my leaving in the least. In fact, he loved going to the babysitters. William is truly a new experience for me. He is much more clingy and needy than my child was.
    This makes me feel that he needs to be with caregivers...He cannot be so dependent upon me.
  22. ruthpill
    This sounds like the television commercial for the alert devices. I came home to hear William calling me from his room. He was on the floor. He was trying to get his cell phone. He didn't realize that it was right next to him. The caregiver had left and he decided to walk to the living room and find his phone.
    I got home 45 min later. William was trying to shout for help. I told him to just lay them next time. I willl be home..and nobody can hear him through the door.
    Well I thougt this is the perfect opportunity to try to get him up. PT had told me that I couldn't get him up by myself and therefore did not bother teaching me. I always ask because I want to know what to do if this happens. I think that William wore himself out before I got home and was therefore not able to achieve the task of getting up.
    I let him call 911. The paramedics came out and helped him up. They turned him on his back and them one got under each armpit and helped him to stand up. He is sleeping now. He just wore himself out and is scared and has lost his confidence.
    I told him that we would practice getting up in the pool. He can get on his knees and I can help him to get up. He is right..the lifeguards can help us if needed.
    It is amazing that he does not have falls. The paramedics were wonderful and did not even charge.
  23. ruthpill
    I have to ask myself. If this my schedule or William's schedule.???
    I seem to be in charge of the schedule and William always wants to ask what we do next. I remind him that we have just been doing this for 2 years. But, the only day that he knows is Sunday. That is the day that he chooses to have as his own.
    Monday is Pool in the morning. This means that I get up and get our stuff gathered and put into the car. I get William up and changed into his swim trunks. He need to brush his teeth and use the urinal. I get his cap and glasses and gait belt and sandals on. We walk to car. I strap his seat belt and we are off.
    We get to join the Monday morning crowd heading off to work. We get to the YMCA and the 7:30A class is still in session that means that means that we have to work around them. I usually try to stay on the edge or in the very shallow part. William doesn't understand why I am changing the routine. We usually walk the pool. But, the class is in our way. We get the pool after the class leaves. Now we can start the back and forth saga. But, William wants to leave also. I tell him that it is too soon. We need to walk.
    Finally finished. Time for a shower, cup of coffee and meds. On the way home I ask William if he wants to go out. He says he wants to go home. He is tired. I tell him that I need to gas up the car and stop by the store. A little chill has come in. So I buy breakfast stuff and put William to bed. He is still snoozing. I tried a new chicken recipe in the crock pot. LEt's see how it turns out. You never know with my cooking!
    Tues. work in the AM and afterwork. I may bring William to see the dogs or a movie.
    Wed. Pool early in the AM. Thurs. Pool early in the Am. I have the day off. Cardiologist appt at 11:15A. We shall see how much energy William has to do something else. Friday. I work 8-4. This means that William gets the day off. I might try the YMCA later. but it depends if I am too tired.
  24. ruthpill
    Today is Easter. He is Risen. William could not wait to get to early service. We had service at 7AM. William was up at 4AM wondering if we should get ready. I had to tell him that 6A or 5:30A was early enough. We left the house at 6A and got church too early. I was able to read the entire book of JOhn to William while we waited for service to start.
    We started talking on the way home. I remarked that one of the ladies at the YMCA had remarked that William has come along way since we started coming. William remarked that progress is so slow as to be almost impercetable. I have to agree. Progress is so slow!!! It is easy to get frustrated..but when I look back and see how far William has come..I have to be thankful.
    It is interesting to know that William feels like I do about recovery. It is too slow.~~~ I am constantly telling him that it is a brain thing. Retrain the brain!!!
    William saw that I was readying a Book "Don't leave me this way". He was curious and asked me about it. I told him that it was about a stroke survivor. He liked the title and is now saying "Don't leave me this way".
    During service the minister asked the question...would you want to live forever??? My answer has always been. No.!!! the advent of medicine has enabled people to live into their hundreds. That is along time!!!. yes, it depends upon alot of things. Will I be physically able, mentally able??? Those are the two big ones. I really do not want to have excessive pain to live with. I am being picky...but, yes. Quality of life if important to me. Things would have to change. I would like the perfect world.
    I have gotten into the show called "Chopped" this is about chefs that compete with oneanother. They are under the gun to make a fabulous entree or appetizer or desert in so many minutes. They are really working under stress. That it like my work. But, I need to do this for the entire shift. Every little thing is timed. How fast do you answer the phone? How fast to you greet customers? HOw fast do you verify the prescription? It is amazing how everything is timed. The clock does not stop until you go home.
    We went to see the movie the "COnspiracy". After 2 hours the film broke. WE missed the last 15 minutes ... I do know how the movie ended. I really do not want to go and see the entire thing again. But, William wants to see the end. I am afraid that we will probably not see the end. I would rather see somthing
    I planted some plumeria cuttings on Friday. This is a beautiful Hawaiian plant. It grows well in Houston. Well, I am going to try my hand this. I will let you know how it comes out.
    William is now snoozing. He woke up too early this morning.
    Have a wonderful Easter. Ruth
  25. ruthpill
    I am the pushing prodding part of the relationship.. I don't know if the stroke eliminated the sense of urgency for continual work or if William just does not have the drive to keep working as hard as I want him to. I push and insist that he works at recovery. I am told by everybody that william would not be where he is today unless I had pushed him as hard as I have. I must say that William will work with me most times. Sometimes he gets cranky and I get angry. I talk to him and explain to him that this is necessary for his recovery. He will give in and work with me. I tell him that the water therapy is excellent helps him to sleep and makes him feel good. I work him arm and legs and his endurance.
    I have explained to him that he needs to be good and not cranky during our work outs. This makes our time in therapy very long and arduous. We have been doing this for along time and I do not see an end to it. I mean I hope that at some point in time...I will not have to help so much. I hope to have more free time.
    Lucky for William I enjoy the pool and love to swim.
    I wonder if the tables were turned and I had a stroke. Would i not be able to push myself? Who knows?
    Since I am able to be the motivator...I will continue to do that ugly job. Unfortunately, William does not always appreciate my initiative. After i give him a tongue lashing about his bad behavior and lack of appreciation...he says that he is sorry and will try harder not to get so cranky. i really do understand...It would be horrible to have somebody prodding you into the pool at all hours of the day. 6AM???
    I do hope that all stroke survivors get the attention and extra help that Gabby Giffords gets. I was told that the newspaper had an article stating that they hope to expand the care that Gabby got to other patients. I do hope so. but with all of the cost containment programs in place. i doubt it.