
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    William and I went to the poodle shelter today. This was in place of the pool. William was excited...He calls me at work and tells me that is does not make sense to take a shower before he visits the dogs. I agree with him. Initially I had planned to have him shower before I got home from work.
    William wanted to eat lunch, but I told him that we had to visit the dogs. William absolutely loved it. He was not too excited about the really excited jumpy dogs. They made him nervous. But, luckily they had alot of quieter dogs. They loved being help and groomed. William petted them and I groomed them. They would snuggle up to William and want to be petted. William was afraid that they would bite him. But, he got over that.
    After we got home, he told me that he wants to go back again. I told him since they arer 2 blocks away. we can go as often as he wants.
    He agreed with me. This is better than having a dog in our house. He watched them peeing and pooping and said that they were like him. I saw that and thought, I do not have to clean that up. Yes, visiting dogs will work perfectly for us. William wants a dog and this way he gets to spend time with lots of different dogs.
    There was one dog that has congestive heart failure. William loved the fact that the dog had the same illness that he has. That dog was perfect. Older and just wanted to sit and be petted and brushed.
  2. ruthpill
    Friday wore us both out. I skipped William's regular Sat routine. It was just sleep and rest.
    Sunday we head off to church at 7AM. As usual William is asking at 4AM is it time to get up? I want to go to church. I remind him like I do every Sunday morning. it is too early. I want to sleep until 6:30AM. But, he keep bugging me every hour until it is time to get up.
    William loves to go to church on Sundays. I am very glad that I am not working as many Sundays anymore. I had read our Sunday school lesson Saturday night. William was able to to comprehend the lesson. For some reason..William does not like to read anymore. He just wants me to read to him. Admittedly I love to read and do it well. But, I try to encourage him to read some. He can read he just seems not to want to. I am not sure why. I will continue to have him read paragraphs. I will increase the reading until he reads more. I have noticed that he able to sing in church again. For months after the stroke he was not able to sing at all. Now, he can belt out the songs well. I do encourage him and sing with him. He is able to stand throughout the standing portions of service and walks with assistance into the chapel.
    We had lunch at church and he loved the fellowship. He was ready for the pool. I had warned him during church that that is the plan. Pool after church. We had the pool pretty much to ourselves. We did well. William walked for 50 minutes. I wanted 60 minutes but he kept asking to leave.
    I have started to use a plastic pull that I put around his weak left leg and I just give a light pull to help the leg and he walks forward. I have noticed a change. William used to walk sideways when walking forwards in the water. Now , he seems to walk straight forward. He weak leg just needs a little encouragement now. Much less than when i started. I noticed that when i walk him out of the pool. I can usually slip my foot under his heel and just help with a little lift. He needed alot more help before.
    I must say that i am seeing improvement. But, it has been 2 years and 3 months. This is a long process. We must continually work at recovery. I am constantly harping at William...we need to go 5 days of the week. What a therapist I have become.
    William asked me today if I had noticed any changes. He wants to hear that he is getting better. and i can honestly tell him that he is. It is just a slow process. Stroke survivors and caregivers are anomilies in this age of instant gratification. We are accustomed to slow but steady progress.
  3. ruthpill
    We had to be at the YMCA for a trip. The meeting time is 5:30AM...the bus leaves at 6A. That means that we have to get up early. William is excited. We are going to see a dairy farm, a candy store, a jail and a courthouse, and a bakery. This is a long day in LaGrange, Texas. A very historic town. William is managing very well today.
    He is able to make it up the wagon to go on a hay ride. Amazing? He is not able to sleep the entire day. We are scheduled to get back at 5:30P.
    William knows to ask what we are going to do when we get back. I tell him. We are going to the pool of course. What better way to end the day. This will make us both feel better and I will miss the bad Friday night traffic.
    William reluctantly agrees and lets me take him to the pool.. i tell him that we have a goal of 30 min today since we are both tired. It works. i miss the horrible traffice and we get home and are both feeling good.
    I fix some leftovers and play some polka music that i bought at the Czech center in la Grange. That is where we had lunch.
    I bought some famous texas pralines at the candy store. William and I shared one. It was delicious. I have two more left for another day.
    I tried a poppy seed kolache. This is very czech. I had never tried one before. I asked what the difference was in the koaches with fruit and the puppy in a blanket things. I was told the the pigs in a blanket were not called kolaches in Czech but something else.
    William ate dinner and then was up until 8P. I suggested that he go to bed. He had a really long day. He is out like a light. i told him that he has not been in bed all day long. He hit the bed and was out like that! I bet that he will be exhausted tomorrow. Before he passed out he said that Saturday is the day that we watch cooking and sewing and beading shows. That is after the pool of course.
  4. ruthpill
    I had the day off. Lots of stuff planned. We had to call AJ and let him know that William would not be free for lunch today. First on the list. Fasting blood work , this means early before anything pops in the mouth. Up and dressed for the pool...but we make it to the lab first. i wasn't sure if it opened at 7A or 8A. because we have to use a different lab for insurance this year than we did last year. I had learned their schedule. We were lucky. They opened at 7:30AM and we got there right when they opened. I had a package that had to be dropped off at Fed Ex. It was late. but, I did that next. Finally, we made it to the pool. Today was thursday and it was empty. We had a great hour long workout. Next, we have coffee and meds. We are driving home and I ask William where he wants to have lunch. This is just in case, we have work done on our teeth. Then you can't eat. We are driving by Sweet Tomatoe at 11AM and I tell William ..."I just cannot pass up that restaurant". We still have to deliver our papers to the accountant. I am so behind. tax day is coming soon.
    We have a wonderful lunch and then head to the accountants. I get the papers delivered and am told what I am missing. I hate this. Next we make it to the dentist and have our teeth cleaned. William does well and has a pep talk from the hygienest to try harder. After the dentist I go to the Verizon store to buy a new phone. My phone is not working well. I get a LG cosmos. Next, I need to get a haircut. It is 3P now. William has had a long day. But, he kept going and going with me. At 8:30P he wanted to go to sleep. He is exhausted. I let him go to sleep and I am here blogging.
    William needs to brush his teeth more on the weak side. It is not in good shape. He is advised to use a salt water rinse.
    I got the blue tooth with the phone. I am thinking that perhaps this phone will be easier for William to use. I will try it and then if it seems possible i will give it to William.
    I found the extra stuff that the accountant wants and i will fax it over tomorrow.
    What a good day. i got alot of stuff done that was on my list of must dos.
  5. ruthpill
    I was hesitant to buy tickets to Cirque du soleil. You know the old argument. It may be more trouble that it is worth. I was worried about the parking and the handicapped seating. but, I finally talked myself into going with prodding from my son. He told me that everybody loves it. You have to call for wheelchair accessible seating. you cannot just order on line. I called and asked for availability of tickets. She asked what night. I said, i am off on Tues night. This was Monday that I was calling. Well, they had seats for Tues, but only in section 2. So I said how about Thurs. (my next night off). Same scenario. Seciton 2. Well, in that case lets take Tues.
    It was easy. We got there early. I always like to get there early and they had a entire section for handicapped parking. We had 45 min to sit outside and enjoy and breeze and beautiful day.
    They finally let us in under the tent. You can buy food and souveniers. I checked out the restrooms. They had port a potties. They even had a wheelchair port a potty. William said that he was not interested in the wheelchair port a pottty. Luckily we did not have to use it.
    We got a seat on the second level and the view was great. We could see everything on stage really well. We were not high in the sky and did not need to use binoculars. I was afraid of that and had brought some binoculars with me.
    The only problem was coming up the ramp into the tent...there was a line and of course I had to keep the wheelchair from slipping back while waiting in line. They did not have ..."let the wheelchair go in first mentality". People are just too excited to notice if you are struggling a bit. But, I took it as a good chance to build some muscle.
    They actors interacted with the crowd. They had unique costumes on. They were all insects. What fabulous condition they were in. I had brought up the web site on the internet and showed William a preview of the show. This helped so that he was not confused. He knew what to expect . That helped alot.
    William said that if they can do that. The least i can do is walk!! He did ask me if he would every use his left hand again. I said that I did not know. He loved the outing and was excited to go.
    I got off work at 3P and he was ready to get dressed to go. i had to tell him that I needed to rest a little and shower and eat before we went.
    We had intermission and I got us some popcorn and a coke. i just could not resist the smell of popcorn. I left william at intermission and came back with a surprise.
    it was alot of fun. I would encourage everybody who has a chance to go and see cirque du soleil. circus of the sun.
  6. ruthpill
    I just read an article in the stroke magazine. It was extolling the benefits of hydro therapy for stroke patients. I know this for a fact. This is the therapy of choice for me. I get William to the pool about 5 days of the week. I started this 5 months after his stroke. He has really made tremendous strides.
    Quotes from the article. "the healing benefits of waer" "greater mobility. In water, body weight is decreased by up to 90 percent; buonyancy makes moving easier. Water supports the body , improving a person's balance and coordination." Greater strength. "Since in water, people are more stable, it is possible to gain more strength in less time in water than it is on land due to water's resistance." Pain relief. Therapeutic water kept warm - 88-96 degrees can relieve aches and pains. "warm water can calm the body, along with lowering blood pressure and heart rate by increasing the body's endorphins, known as natural painkillers."
    I was looking at an ad for rehabilitative and adaptive exercise equipment. This is advertising a contraption that fits on the bicycle pedal and will keep the foot on the pedal. i have been using velcro. But,this looks better. It also has a thing for the arm.
  7. ruthpill
    On March 10th. I gave William a manicure and a pedicure. He loved it.
    I also got him some ear buds to use at the gym. I am going to have him use it on the recumbant bike. Perhaps he will stay on longer because he is interested in the news or tv program. We will see.
    Sat..we went out with some friends and had a nice birthday dinner.
    We have had lazy day...the spring forward has gotten William tired.
  8. ruthpill
    Tomorrow is William's birthday. I have the day off work. But, I had to schedule a doctor's appointment since I have the day off. So we will make the appointment at 2:30P. This means that i have time in the morning for the pool
    The pool will be closed on Friday, Sat. Sun and monday. Maybe William get a break from the pool. Maybe not. I might bring him to a different location. I have to think about that.
    I really have to think of something special for thursday. Probably a special lunch out. But, I have plans with another couple for Sat. for a birthday lunch.
    The MD's appt. messes up the day. I cannot really plan an outing with an appt at 2:30. Prehaps we can make a movie after the appointment.
    I was thinking about the quote "60 is the new 40" therefore people should work longer. I am thinking that I just want to make it to 62 to retire and social security benefits. No way do I want to work until I am 70 or older.
    William was lucky he retired early and was able to have some fun years of travel and doing what he wanted to. I really an not in favor of raising the retirement age. Many are not able to work that long.
  9. ruthpill
    Friday we went on an outing and saw 4 different painted churches in Schulenberg.
    This was a long day. We left the house at 6:30A to the YMCA at 7A and the bus left at 7:30A. William was excited to go. This is the 3rd time that we have been to the painted churches. It is a wonderful tour. I did alot of reading and research before the trip. I took lots of pictures and made a DVD of our trip. It is really spectacular.
    We got home at 5P. I told WIlliam that we needed to do the pool when we got back. He didn't want to, but he went along with my idea. I explained that the warm water in the pool would make him feel good after such along bus ride. It certainly felt good to me. William agreed that he felt better after the pool and his shower.
    He came home and was exhausted. was raining in the morning and I let William sleep in. We were both exhausted from the long day on Friday. We both took it easy until the afternoon. THen i told William that we had to get the truck inspection done and the tires aired up and we had to make it to the library. I had to return some books.
    William agreed to go with me. He had promised that he would help me with the truck. This means that he rides with me and doesn't just wait for me at home.
    William was really tired. I told him that he had to have a shower...because he needed to be ready for church the next day. You should have heard him. I don't want to go to church if I have to be sanitized every time I go. He doesn't realize that He would get a shower no matter what he did the following day.
    William was confused about the Bible study and the lunch and TV after wards. He was just in a grouchy mood. I finally told him to just go to bed.
    I was reading about a stroke survivor that could feel her weak left side if she touched it with her right hand. She was not able to feel if somebody else touched her weak side. Interesting. i asked William if he could feel his left side. He said yes. i wonder if he really can.
    Good night.
    Oh, yes, After church, I took Willaim to the pool as usual. He didn't really want to go, but he did not give me a bad time about it. He knows the schedule.
  10. ruthpill
    Sat. We went to the pool and had our hour session.
    We had to go and gas up the car.
    William got the day off and had some rest. He actually stayed up and watched TV.
    Finally at 6P he decided that he wanted to rest in bed. He forgot...we are going to a wedding reception tonight.
    at 7P I got him up and he wanted to get something to eat. I told him about the reception and he was willing to go. I dressed him up in a suit and I wore a nice pant outfit. I have found that pants are necessary to lug the wheelchair and lift William's let in and out of the car. It is not very lady like to have to lean over and lug a wheelchair in a dress.
    The wedding reception was a friend that I have mentored since she was in high school. It was an India cutural wedding reception. William and I enjoyed it ...The sari's were gorgeous and the food was good. I love Indian food. William enjoyed the food also. The variety was not so hot spicey.
    We got home about 11P. William was exhausted and fell directly to sleep.
    At 3P he is up asking about getting ready for and sunday school. I tell him that it is too early. I want to get up at 7A. Well, this happens every Sunday morning. William keeps wanting to get ready for church. starting at 2Am and every hour thereafter.
    We get to church early. I find a Whataburger and buy a breakfast burrito and sausage biscuit to bring to church. We get there 30 min early so. we have plenty of time to eat before service starts.
    After service and sunday school. I take William to the pool. WE only do 20 min. I took him to the cold pool. But he has a nice long shower and we get a treat on the way home.
    He didn't fight me about the pool..He said that he would try and he did.
    We get home and I fix a sandwich for lunch. William is not snoozing in his recliner. I have all of the windows open to air out the house. it is a wonderful day today.
    Tomorrow we have a CERT (citizent emergency relief team) meeting. I will try to get William into the pool after the meeting. Then i should be off to work. Week starts again.
  11. ruthpill
    Today is Friday. We made it to the pool and did our hour of exercise.
    I had promised William a movie today. I announced that we would check out the movies on the way home. It seems that we an hour to waste.
    We decide to get a bite to eat and then make it to the movies.
    Time works out perfectly. The Movie (The Grace Card) worked out perfectly. William had no problem understanding it.
    When we made it home. I put William to bed. He needs a rest after the pool and the movie.
    I had to go to work for an hour.
    Tonight, we will have some friends over for dinner and cards (bridge). They are helping me get William back into bridge again.
  12. ruthpill
    I had promised William a vacation day. This is a day spent as if we are tourists. I had the day off work.
    We woke up early and went to the pool. That is always a nececssary part of the day. We stayed for an hour and did our regular stuff.
    I announced that we would go directly to the museum of Natural Science or the art museum. william decided that the Natural Science museum was what he wanted to see. I found a handicap spot. Lucky us. We went in and decided to check out he I-max and the special showcases. The special was on imigration through Galveston, Texas. We opted to see the Galveston special since we live next to Galveston. It was nice.. Very quite...hardly anybody else was in the area. We took our time and read and listened to everything. The docent told us that the exhibit had been extended and most people did not realize that it had been extended.
    We were famished. William says that he needs something to eat. The museum has a McDonalds. I tell William that we can have a snack at is soooo good. I don't usually like McD's. But , it hits the spot today. After our snack I take us to the 3rd floor and we see the exhibit on native american indians. it is good. William says that he is tired and I agree that it is time to head for home.
    i had planned on different place for lunch, but after our snack and tour we did not feel like anything except home.
    i told William that I had to stop by the library before I went home. He said "go ahead but let me wait for you in the car"
    I had to pick up the DVD on the painted churches. WE will be going on a tour of the painted churches in early March. I haven't gotten the day off yet. But, i hope to be able to go. We are watching the CD now. it is very good.
    William has just woken up from his nap. Our outing had him exhausted. But, he remembered to ask to stop for a Dairy Queen cone. Chocolate dipped before I made it back home.
    We managed the outing and had a good day.
    I have the day off tomorrow and I hope to repeat the pool and go to the theater for a movie.
    We shall see. Ruth
  13. ruthpill
    Early 50.....I get up and William is ready for the pool... I am so glad that he is ready and not recalcitrant about the pool this morning. I have so much to do today.
    William has the usualy 20 laps. He has reduced the walk down to 20 from my expected 50. but that is OK. I just add extra activities to make our time string out for 1 hour. We do planks on the side of the pool. While William is standing on th e side of the pool I tell him belly to the wall...butt out. This is a stretching exercise. Next. hips to the right and the to the left. NExt the hoola hoop movement.....5 times in one direction then revere and 5 times in the opposite direction. I have a piece of PVC pipe...William holds on while standing with his back to the side of pool. I say...push and pull. He pushes out with both arms and then pulls back. The last thing that we do is 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. This last exercise is supposed to help with the hip movement.
    William was really resistant to the 2 steps forward..2 steps back exercise..But, nowhe knows that this is expected.
    Today...I wanted to stay longer...I had not done the pull william around the pool on his back and he moves his legs out and in ...
    He said that he had to use the bathroom. that statement gets me moving. He get to get out of the water. Yes, he had to use the bathroom.. Good call!!!
    We have coffee and his meds after his shower.
    We are off to the grocery store. I find some mincemeat filling on sale. This sounds good. I buy some. I love mincemeat pie. I had bought a breakfast burrito at the grocery store deli for William.
    I remember to stop by the auto parts store to buy new wiper blades for the car. I hate this job. But, I buy the blades and try to put them on in the parking lot. I notice that they are different sizes. I go back to the counter and get the correct size. I try and cannot put them on. The clerk comes out and helps me. They are actually easy to put on. Hopefully next time i will know how to do it.
    Finally, we are home. I set William up in the house for breakfast. I bring in the groceries and start to work on the pie. I bought some extra apples to add to the mincemeat pie filling. I also put a chicken casserole in the oven for lunch today.
    William is sleeping in the recliner and I am watching my cooking shows on TV while blogging.
    I hope to enjoy a piece of pie soon and maybe I will work on the yard and my car needs to be washed. But, I may just become a couch potatoe today. My major accomplishment is done. William's pool therapy.
    I do enjoy my new work place. It is a different location and I do not have the extra responsibility of being in charge. What a relief.
  14. ruthpill
    William and I were on our way home from the pool. William did a good job. He wanted to try the new Burger girl restaurant that is going to open. Well, it was not open yet. So, I suggested that we try the SaltGrass Steak house and celebrate Valentine's day.
    I have to work Monday night and we are busy Monday during the morning. We are attending a CERT (Citizen emergency relief team) ...This is about getting ready for emergencies. It is good. This Monday we will learn about fires.
    The steakhouse was scrumptious. We had rib eyes and baked potatoe and caesar salad. William added a beer and ice cream to his. He absolutely loved the lunch.
    It was also my son's birthday today as well as Abraham Lincoln's. We called Javid, my son, and told him that we were celebrating his birthday without him. He thinks that Texas has the best steaks. He is in NYC.
    William is watching Turner classic movies. John Wayne is on.
    I heard the new blip on stroke last night It said that stroke survivors benefited from therapy started even 6 months after the stroke. At one time is was believed that only immediate therapy helped. I must say that I have learned that therapy even 2 years after the stroke is beneficial and progress is still made.
  15. ruthpill
    William and I went on an outing with the YMCA to the Fine arts museum on Tuesday. This meant that I had to switch my work schedule.
    We had a great time. The storm, came thru Houston around 6AM...lots of rain and wind and cold. But by 8:30A it had passed and we were in for a good day.
    We learned alot about a few pictures (paintings) and had a fabulous lunch at Cleburns cafateria. The portions are so large that I ordered one and split it with William. What a shock...that place did not take plastic. I usually only carry plastic. Luckily I had $15.00 in cash on me. Which reminds me...I need to replenish my cash supply. If I did not have cash...I would have had to borrow some cash. They take checks but, I do not carry checks with me anymore.
    We got home and I put William to bed and I headed off to a nightmare day at work. I don't know what happened...It was just too busy from morning until night there.
    William called me around 8PM and said that the house was too cold to take a shower. I thought that he just did not want to take a shower.
    I get home at 10P and find out that the heater is not working. It is COLD!... William says that we should call the heater guy. I think that it is late..but finally I say yes. you need to call him. He shows up at 8AM in the mornig and gets it working. At night he says that it sounds like fuses..He needs to buy them in the Am or he would come out at night. I said that is fine.
    I pile covers on the bed and we are snug in the bed. I tell William in the morning that i am off to the YMCA to shower and swim.
    I get back and the the heater fixer is here and gets the heater running again. Bless him.
    Now, William gets his shower and goes back to bed. The rest of the house is still not that warm.
    Remember we are in Texas and it is not that cold. 30 degrees or so. So, we weren't freezing. Inside the house it was 54 degrees. Just cold enough to make you really uncomfortable.
    Ruth I do hope that work is better today.
  16. ruthpill
    The penalty for parking in handicapped parking will become stiffer in Texas. But, the big question is...Who is going to enforce this law??? I have seldome seen anybody get a ticket.
    Actually, I was talking to a caregiver the other day. She got a ticket because she did not have the placard in her car when she used the spot. What is ironic is that she was going to the therapist and the same guard that always sees her...gave her a ticket. They need to give the tickets to the able bodied folks ....not the handicapped families that actually need to use those spots.
    Today is Monday, I was going to take William to CERT (Citizens emergency relief team). I thought that it started today. I was just a week early. It is next week. That means that I got us to the YMCA today on false pretenses. But, as always. I had our swim gear ready. Rather than wasted our trip...we went to the pool for our walk.
    Cert will be a good learning experience for me. All types of good emergency info. I shall post.
    William was good in the pool. There were so many people in the pool that he did not spend all of his time watching the clock.
    I couldn't figure out where to go for lunch. Today is the last warm day in the next few days. So . I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day and go out. I finally decided on the mall. The food court. William had pizza and lemonade. I had a plate of Chinese chicken. I like the food court because of our variety of choices. William ended up sharing mine and I had some of his pizza.
    Finally, home. I had William wait in the living room. I wanted to strip the beds and wash the linens. Today is a beautiful day to hang the sheets outside on the back upstairs patio.
    Tomorrow, it should be raining. We are going to the art museum with the YMCA.
    Sunday we went to church and the YMCA after church. William always tries to finagle out of the pool. I never let him. I am strict. I told him that we need to watch "Groundhogs day" Somdays our life feel that way. The same thing every day. I am relentless. but predictable. William has decided that my new name is back again Ruth. I am forever saying "back again" in the pool. We walk back and forth for an hour.
    Ruth I hate to think of our warm weather leaving. But, it is winter.
  17. ruthpill
    I was just reading Sue's blog. I agree. A spotless house indicates that somebody is really working hard on the house. But, a messy house is my norm. This was a norm before William had a stroke. I will keep the floor and laundry and etc clean. I just don't bother with the dusting and the organizing.
    I wonder if I would do more housework if William had not had his stroke. I know the answer. NO!
    I would find other stuff to do. I can always find other stuff to do.
    Today, I got William up and took him to the pool. We got there at 8:50AM. Pretty good. There was frost on the rooftops. But, I bundled him up and had the car all warm and comfy for him. The children started getting to the pool at 10A for lessons. We made it out before they got there in large numbers. William finds children to be very bothersome. They splash and don't realize that he cannot move out of the way. They jump and splash..He does not enjoy this.
    I told him to watch a little boy getting pulled on his back and kicking in the water. I told him that I was going to do that to him. He said that he does not trust me. I will probably dunk him for fun. Can you believe that?? Two years of not letting him drown and he still does not trust me. I tell him that the lifeguards would not let him drown. that is there job. I pulled him on his back and he scissor kicked his legs.
    The day before I took him to the deep end and he did not argue with me. I told him that that was nice. I just want him to stretch out as much as possible. The water makes this possible. Just hang and try to touch the is good for the spine.
    He has been agreeing with me that the pool really does make him feel good. He feels refreshed and relaxed after the pool. I enforce this though pattern by saying it constantly. He now believes it.
    He asked me about PT. I told him that I will probably start again in March. I have a new schedule at work and I want to try it out for a month and then add PT. In the meantime...I am the PT person for William.
    We have been doing the bicycle pedaling at the house. I may bring him back to the YMCA this afternoon. After his nap and use the arm pedal.
    Hopefully, no rain tomorrow and we are off to church.
  18. ruthpill
    Tomorrow is my birthday, the 18th of January. I don't expect to have anything special. I work in the morning and get home at 4:30P. You, know it is funny, I don't feel so old. I am told that I do not look as old as I am. It is hard to think about aging. But, what is middle aged?? I guess that that is what I am.
    William is doing well. He is working very hard and it not giving me a hard time about the pool. We went today and had a good workout.
    My work is crazy. I just transferred to a different store..and the manager just got changed.. This means that my schedule is going to change again. It is unbelieveable. I have had my new schedule for exactly 2 weeks.
    It is getting late. I will try to post more later.
  19. ruthpill
    Today was pouring during the early morning hours. We usually leave for church at 7:30AM. The pouring rain...had me change my mind. I did not want to get drenched getting William to church. Using an umbrella is not feasible when you push a wheelchair and transfer a stroke surivior to and from the chair and lifting the chair into the trunk. I explained to William that I would be drenched.
    I let William down,,,he really wanted to go to church. I used the time and let William sleep in. I used the time and made a skillet chicken Parmesan. I watched this on the cooking channel on Saturday.
    Finally, I woke William up and did some exercises in the bed. I had him do some stretches and exercises in the bed. William complied and did the exercises.
    I made a pulley that I attached to the footstand of the bed. I want William to try to use this to pull himself up.
    I also made a pulley to move the left leg. I am not sure that it works. It fits under the weak leg and I want him to try to pull that weak leg over the edge of the bed.
    I had William do some pedaling ...almost 15 minutes.
    I told William that I was going to the YMCA to work out. I invited him to come with me. He said yes. I told him that I would help him on the bike and the arm exerciser. I brought my contraptions to hold his foot onto the pedal and his hand on the turner.
    After that, We ran into some friends that were going into the water. I told William that I wanted to swim. He said that he would go with me.
    It is amazing!! We did alot of therapy work today.
    On the way home. William wanted a burger from Sonic. I brought him one. Now he is watching TV and resting.
  20. ruthpill
    We have been on two outings. Thurs. We went to the aquarium downtown Houston and toured the place and had lunch. It was a nice outing.
    Friday, we had another outing. We went to a satellite site of the Houston Museum of Natural science in Sugarland. We had a great guide. Next we went to Rosenburg, Tx and viewed the railroad museum. William could not see everything because he could not make the stairs. I just took lots of picutures and showed him what he missed.
    Next we went to the SwingDoor BBQ place of for dinner. We started to run out time. This was good. Because William did not get cobbler and icecream for dinner. We did the smart thing and shared an order. Just perfect.
    We made it to the Rosenberg Oppry just in time. It was fun. William just got sore from sitting for so long. I had to take him out into the hallway to stand a couple of time. Standing and moving to different chair helps to alleviate the problem of getting sore from sitting for so long.
    They kept advertising their desserts. Luckily, I told William that I did n ot bring any money with me. I only had my credit card. I had the left my purse in the bus. I am going to try to get William on a plan plan this year. He is gaining back the weight that he lost.
    I told William that I would not be scheduling any more PT until he decided to work on the exercises that we have been assigned. He had a chanbe of mind and said that he will have the care takers work with him and he will work with me.
    This morning we got to the pool by 8AM even though we got home at midnight las night. I had warned William about this morning. He did not give me a hard time. We are supposed to get rain this afternoon. I told him that we had to get the pool in early.
    He did well ...we did our hour. i put a belt on him today and used a noodle and brought him to the deep part. He does not like this. I told him that just hanging in the deep part is good because it helps his spine stretch. While we were there, I told him to watch my legs. I bicycled in the water. I said imagine that your legs are doing what mine are doing. Let's see if we can get anywhere with this new manuever.
    I need the brain to make a connection.
    After our shower..Wm gets his cup of coffeee at the YMCA. I told him that I had to stop by the grocery store before heading home.
    I warned him that he could not sleep until he had his bowl of oatmeal and meds. MCdonalds has been advertising oatmeal. I like them to advertise heathy stuff. This way I can encourage Wm to eat oatmeal. today we have a funeral to attend in the afternoon ...Wm is now snoozing so that he will be ready for the funeral.
  21. ruthpill
    I'm having the hospital bed picked up by charity tomorrow. They want me to be here from 8-5...Well I am willing to wait as long as they remove the bed. I didn't end up buying a new bed. I had my son and his friend move the bed from upstairs downstairs. Now , I have a sewing room upstairs.
    I am taking advantage of the goodwill pickup. I have managed to get rid of 4 big bags of clothes and shoes that we do not use anymore. There is more that I should get rid of, but, That will be it for now.
    Tomorrow. I will have Wm at the pool at 5A so that we will be home at 8AM.
    I hope to get william into some stretches after he wakes up.......
    Recovery is so much work. But, persistence is the key. William would not walk for 60 minutes today. I let him off with 30 minutes.
    He had not wanted to take a shower for 3 days and now has a little rash on his leg near his groin. I told him that is why I insist on a daily shower.
    But, sometimes you have to learn by the consequences.
  22. ruthpill
    My son is home for Christmas. He has been such a help with William. I have not had to use the caretakers this week, except for one day. He need to get out with his friends.
    My son, Javid, is finishing his anethesiology residency in NY. What an experience for him to work with William. William is his step-day. He says that it takes so much work to get himself and William ready for the day. He has had William going for hours. William is really excited by the happenings of each day. He just does not know what to expect.
    One day, Javid and Najla, took him out Christmas shopping. They went up next to Rice University. They found that some of the store were not handicapped accessible. They had to bypass those ones. They had all sorts of goodies during the day. They met me after work and the 3 of them were exhausted. They were grateful for the lightweight wheelchair. But , even the lightweight one got heavy by the end of the day.
    The next day they go out for breakfast and catch a movie and do grocery shopping. Javid said that he got irritated with people cutting in front of William. They felt that they were in a hurry, but did not understand that it takes twice as long to get anything done with William. He is learning that people do not know.
    They are both sleeping in right now. I hope to make it to the pool and get William to walk the pool. Javid has had William walking alot more than I do and he is keeping him up for longer hours.
    Merry Christmas...Ruth
    Oh, yes...He took William and had his nailed trimmed at a nail salon. I usually do that job and I do not like it. THe salon was only $12 and they massaged his hand and arm and filed and buffed and trimmed his nails. He really enjoyed that.
  23. ruthpill
    I have William in PT again. I enjoy the new therapist, but, they expect too much. I have so many exercises to work on with William on a daily basis. I just cannot get it all done.
    When I work the afternoon shift. I take William to the pool in the morning this is a 3 hour ordeal. 30 min to and from the YMCA. 1 hour in the water and 30-40 minutes to shower and dress. When we get home. William is exhausted and needs a rest. So he is down for 2 hours. Now it is lunch time. I try to take William out. This gets him to walk to the car and see people.
    We get home and William does not want to exercise. I don't really either. Then I am off to work. So extra PT exercises.
    The exercises are:
    1. Stand and sit.
    2. Stand against a counter and lean on your elbows with the left leg in back and the right leg bent.
    3. practice walking ...more.
    4. Trunk rotation. knees to the left and right of the body.
    5. Ham string stretch....sit on the couch and put the let up on the couch and push down on the knee.
    6. Foot stretch. Put a belt or towel around the foot and pull back until taught...Achilles tendon stretch.
    7. Do the bicycle pedal for 10-15 minutes.
    8. Bridge up on the bed.
    9. Hold the bridge and push the legs out on a big ball.
    10. Push the legs together while lying on the bed. I need to push against the good leg and he has to push in against my hand with both legs.
    11. Now push out with both legs. I hold the good leg in and he has to push in.
    12. E-stem...on hand and leg...
    13. Dyna splint on the left hand.
    14. Stretch the hand and finger and wrist and arm. Range of motion exercises.
    15, and reading....
    the lack of energy and endurance makes this list daunting. I just do a couple of them a day. One day...we may be able to do more.
    I hope that somebody can use some of these exercise suggestions.
  24. ruthpill
    William wanted to go on the YMCA outing. Friday we left the Y at 1PM headed for college Station for a hayride and lights. We stopped at a winery and had wine tasting. William loved this. He did the tasting twice. because half the group did the tasting while the other half went on a ride to see the vineyards. I decided that i could not get william up in the trolley. But, he loved the wine tasting. We went to a barbeque place for dinner. Had absolutely scrumptuous ribs, coleslaw and potatoe salad. Finally, we are on the say to Santa's Wonderland. it is dark. We get on the hayride. They face William on the wrong side. i don't realize this until we get going. He can only see the outside view. I try to explain everything. When we get back...I ask that we go again but, have William face the other direction. they are so accomodating..they put the wheelchair on the wagon and he can see everything. it was worth it to mention the lack of vision of handicapped people. William could have tried to move, but he was afraid that he would fall. He was sitting on a bale of hay.
    We got back about 11PM. It was along day. we were lucky,,,it was not cold. A sweatshirt was all we needed. I brought jackets and everything just to be on the safe side.
    Saturday, I promised William that I would take him to see the "Chronicle of Narnia" I told him that he had to go to the pool first and then we would go to the movie. It was good. We went to the 3D showing. William was confused with the movie...but was happy to go.
    Sunday, we went to church and bible study. We had our bible study Christmas party after church. William was able to walk into the house today. I assisted his leg but I did not bring the wheelchair in. Everybody was amazed. William was so proud of himself. We were the first to leave..William said that he was tired. But, we had along day. WE started out at 7AM and left at 2PM.
    William loves to go out and about.
    When I got off work today. William wanted to go out and eat. I told him that we would order Pizza. He wanted to go with me. So I had him get in the truck and off we went. Any excuse to get William to walk alittle. We enjoyed our pizza. I had him decide what to put on it. There was a time that I had to make all of the decisions. Even what to eat. We are making progress.
    Today, marks the day. Dec. 13, 2010....2 years ago...William had his stroke.
    Yes, we are making progress.
  25. ruthpill
    I can't believe that it is the end of another year. But, I am ready to start a new year. I will be starting a new positiion in January. I am stepping down as Manager in charge and will become regular staff. this is free up alot of time for me. I am cutting my hours down to 30 hours. This will essentially give me an extra 1618 hours during the week. As manager you have to bring alot of work home and go in on days off. For example I just got a memo that a meeting has been scheduled for Dec. 21 (9-12). That is when I usually work my shift. This means that I will have to attend the meeting and work the second shift. This essentially will take up my entire day. It is a 45 min drive to the meeting and a 45 min. drive back. So tack on 2 hours to the 3 hours and you have 5 hours. Then i need to work a 7 hour shift. My problem...I all ready had plans for that evening. My son will be in town for a few days and we had planned all of our time. I am all ready working and that takes out a full day. AM to PM. I am pleading that since I will be staff in a few days after that ...maybe I can skip that meeting or have the meeting the week before. I can work the extra time then. I will let you know how that pans out.
    I am getting to go for my mammogram this morning. I felt like cancelling ..but after the new of Eliz. Edwards..i had better go. I did not get a reminder call. I hope that they still have me on schedule. I made the appt. 3 months ago.
    I will take William to the pool after I get back.
    Thur. We have PT in the morning.
    Friday we have a YMCA trip to see Christmas lights and a hay ride. I hope that it is not too cold.
    I need to take William's INR today. I have the home monitor device.
    Sat pool in the AM. Sunday. church and Christmas party.....Lots to keep Willilam and myself out of trouble.
    I lost a dear friend to cancer the end of Nov....I am still grieving her....I was not able to make it to Calif for her funeral.
    I have a ton of exercises to do with William. Walking in the house more is what PT wants us to accomplish. Last night I was using the bicycle pedals as we watched TV. William finally said that he would do some. He just kep watching me and finally agreed to do some. i guess he felt doing that exercise and he just relaxing.