
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    I just received a call. Tuesday, I will get trained on the macine that will be a finger stick monitor for William PT-INR. I am so glad. This will cut down a visit to the lab.
    Today is Sunday, WE got up at 7AM and went to service then sunday School. We were finished by 11AM. I suggested going out to lunch because I wanted to go to the YMCA afterwards. It did not open until noon. We had lunch and then made it to the warm pool.
    Needless to say, William was exhausted by the time that we got home. He went straight to bed.
    I have not been using the wheelchair in the house. I walk William by assisting him and moving his left foot with my foot. Sometimes He can move the foot himself, but usually i move it. I have noticed that he is getting better. The more weight that he can put on that leg the better.
    He has started the Activia challenge. That is that yogurt that is advertised on TV> It is amazing it seems to be working. He has had a BM every day. I had him eating other brands but this Activia seems to make a difference. We will continue to try it for 2 weeks.
    Progress is coming...just very slowly.
    I have signed William up for another training PT program. 4 days of June, july and August. I figure that any extra help will make a difference.
    William is on the phone with his Son.
  2. ruthpill
    William finally got my goat this morning. I get him up at 6AM and to the pool. He starts in ....with the complaining. I am pushing him too hard. The water is too cold. This is an assault on him immune system.
    I put a short wet suit on him. because he complains about the temperature of the water. WE get to the YMCA and the first thing he says is that he need to use the restroom. This means pulling the wet suit off. This is not a fun job. I had just managed to pull it on 15 min ago. Well, I take him in to the bathroom and pull down the wetsuit. lot of tugging. He complains that I am pulling him off balance. Well, as you can guess...No BM. This was just an act of futility. But, I had rather be safe than sorry.
    Well I tug the suit back on and we are headed for the water. As usual. William needs to ask me. "How cold is the water?" It's not too bad, I manage to tell him. But it is colder that yesterday.
    I get him in and then remember...I forgot the leg weight. I put weights on his weak leg. The weights pull the leg down as we walk in the water. Another fellow is swimming in our area of the pool. For some reason...people don't like to share the lap lanes and they come to the other area. William and I consider it to be our area of the pool. William really considers it be an invasion of his space. I need to explain to him that we share the pool.
    We walked for 20 min and William kept nagging me the entire time about needing the hot shower. I finally gave in and brought him to the shower.
    We had a long talk about neither one of us loving the outing. But, it only makes it worse for both of us if he gripes and carries on so. He agreed that yes, he wants to go to the pool and will stop being such a pill about the whole thing. I explained to him that I could be doing my own thing. I would swim rather than helping him. He does realize that it is helping him and wants to continue.
    We went to the lab after the pool. I need to have his INR for coumadin checked. 2 weeks ago the dose was changed.
    I am waiting for the home INR monitor to get to me. It has been authorized by the insurance. They sent me a DVD to watch. It is just like a diabetes monitor. But, the company insists that I go throught training. I am waiting for the trainer to call me to set up a session.
    I get calls from the wheelchair place. They say that they are half way into the process of billing to the insurance. The paperwork must be astonomical.
    The healthcare agency calls be regarding billing and the schedule.
    The hospital calls regarding another program of OT/PT that William can participate in. This one is for students that need practice working with stroke patients. I agreed to participate. This is just a monthly program for 3 months. She will email me the information. The therapist that worked with William on the lokomat referred William. Anything that we can to do help therapist learn how to work with stroke patients. William is really difficult patient sometimes. If they can deal with him they can deal with anybody.
    We came home. I gave William his morning meds and fixed breakfast. William is taking the Activia challenge. TV said that you money back satisfaction. I bought the activia yogurt yesterday after our pool excursion.
    After breakfast, William got to have a siesta. He is still snoozing.
    Now it is time for me to settle down with a book and read for awhile. My down time.
  3. ruthpill
    Wehad the wheelchair assessment. It is amazing! We were there for 3 hours. The rep from the wheelchair company and the therapist were there. They measure and weigh William. From head to toe and chest and legs and arms. This chair is going to fit. We tried 3 different backs and 2 different types of cushions. We are going to have a seatbelt. William says that this makes him feel safer. We got to choose a color. William was opting for black. I said try again. He chose copper. Their is just a little color. This chair has the tip wheels in the back but not the things that I usually push on to elevate the chair over a bump. We shall see how this goes. I may have to rethink that and have the chair with the things that I can use to move over a hight threshhold.
    I did learn a trick from the therapist to help improve posture. William has a tendency to hunch forward. Well...take you fist as if you are going to hit him on the chin. His instinct is to pull back and straighten up. Amazing!! The problem is the chin it juts out and he needs to pull the chin back and that in turn brings the chest and back into alignment.
    The wheelchair may not need the back assist things. They can align the wheels and have the center of gravity moved so that it is easier to push up and back to lift over a threshold.
    We are excited ...but this a 3 to 4 month process. Insurance needs to authorize then it needs to be made.
    I called about the tread on the bottom of William's tennis shoe. The orthotist said that he could replace the tread with something smoother and he is also going to make the adjustments on the AFO. Change the dorsiflexion.
    The Lokomat has only 2 more sessions. The value of the lokomat has been that I have run into new idea from different therapists and doctors.
    I made an appointment to have a resting arm splint made at the TIRR. This is scheduled for after his last lokomat session.
    1. The wheelchair clinic. I did not know how to go about getting a wheelchair that fit William. The therapist who did the initial evaluation told me that we needed to do this. I ran into her again at TIRR. She told me that she was wondering if we took her advice. I thanked her and yes we did.
    2. The PTINR home monitor machine. The doctor that initially evaluated us. told us that she her patients use this and writes orders for it. I had the company get in contact with my physician. We later had an appointment with the physician...he said that he would be in favor of it. I have since re-faxed the info to the company. i am still waiting for a reply.
    3. The lokomat therapist is Ph.D. She told me about the adjustments on the AFO and the tread idea.
    4. the wheelchair therapist told me about the ...aim for the chin exercise. We need to work on better posture.
    5. The lokomat trial ...prompted me to prod his doctor into getting the blood pressure in the very normal range. It had been running on the high side of normal. Now, after many visits and med changes it is very normal.. i need to monitor it to make sure that we do not get too low.
    6. William has more movement and better confidence.
    7. The wheelchair assessment tech. told us about a pump...that releases meds to relax the muscles in addition to botox. Baclofen pump. I need to look into that.
    8. I have learned that it is better to go the best place for Therapy.. The drive may be inconvenient...but it is worth the trouble. you can learn and benefit alot more.
    yes I have learned alot. from the lokomat clinical trial.
  4. ruthpill
    I went with William yesterday to lokomat. But, it was not the best day. the day before he had a grreat day. Perhaps it was because i was there. William decided to be argumentative. this does not work with therapist. I must say that his therpaist handled it very well.
    William is going at 2MPH for about 15 min and putting more pressure on his legs. He is complaining that the harness is squeezing hisballs. It is rather uncomfortable to say the least. He has two day to recover. he tells me that the therapist is crushing his balls. This is literally.
    This morning we have been up and have not used the wheel chair once. He got up and walked to the bathroom. With assisstance. Then we walked to the living room and had breakfast. The kitchen is a mess. I had a leak under the sink and everything is all over the floor. hence breakfast in the living room.We have friends coming over tonight to play some bridge. This has William in a tither. He wants to review bridge. He hasn't played in over a year. Neither have I. But, we are just doing this to help his mind start to get into gear.
    William said that his spirits were lifted because of what we had done this mornng.
    Yesterday, we went to therapy early. aN 11am APPOINTMENT. this means that we leave the houst at 9:30AM. William says that he is nervouse with my driving. We have therapy and then I take him to the YMCA for a walk in the water. I tell him that it will make his muscle feel better and his groin. It does the water acts like a massage. Next we head off to Sweet tomatoe and have lunch. i had promised William lunch out today. We are both starved. He eats his entire salad and tries 2 different types of soup. I give him some icecream with caramel topping and nuts. He really enjoys the strawberry lemonade.
    We finally get home .. 4PM. it seems that once i get William out of the house we are gone for 6-7 hours. We settle in to watch the olympics. But William falls asleep. He goes to bed early.
    This morning at 5AM. William is up and wants to get started. This is my one morning to sleep beyond 6AM. I plead...please not until 7AM. I give in and get him up and going.
    Now it is 8:30AM and guess who is sleeping??? yes, William. I am up cleaning up and blogging.
    Next on the agenda is the pool. We need to build up endurance walking. I have started to try to walk in the shallower water. This puts more pressure on William's legs. yesterday there was no wet suit. I forgot it on purpose. It is too hard to put on.
    I need to take William to have his glassed adjusted today. They keep sliding down his face. So perhaps after the pool we will do that and have a What a Burger. The burger joint is right next to the glass place.
    William was sondering whether the regular therapy would have been better than the lokomat. The difference. He would het an hour of therapy. The lokomat gets you about 30-35 min. It take along time to get harnessed in.
    The harness is uncomfortable on the groin and legs. But, it has helped with his gait. We used the AFO this morning. I had not been using it.
    To another great day with me (William's best caretaker).
  5. ruthpill
    the Lokomat is truly an experience. I cannnot believe how fast time has flown. 12 days of therapy. We have devised leg wraps for Williams
    legs. I have cut the feet off a couple of pairs of socks and use them as layers under the long sock. He has 3 layers protecting his legs from
    the straps that hold his legs in. I have suggested that he not hold on to the bar. The Lokomat suspends you in the air and holds you
    upright ...there is no possiblity of falling. He is 1.86 miles per hour. Once he reaches 2 miles per hour they will increase the weight or
    decrease the guidance. I did not go today. So I do not know the figures. I drive William to therapy tomorrow. I have the day off. yesterday
    when (or rather Monday) when they tried to bump him up to 1.93 his foot kept stopping the machine. The therapist said that it was the
    knee of the weak leg. Maybe extra tone on Monday.
    I am so forturnate to have friends from church help with the transportation. It is an hour to get there and then they stay for an hour of
    therapy then an hour drive to our house then an hour back to their house. I am blessed. All of this on top of work would be tiring for me.
    I cannot ask for better friends. I am anxious to hear what happened at therapy.
    I have tried to help William walk a little more in the house. But, it is alot of work to help support him.
    Last night William said that he is getting tired of this therapy. I told hiim that this is one of the best things that we can do right now. He
    just has to work hard. I am emphasizing the brain muscle connection. I tell him to really concentrate. I need the brain to rewire and talk to
    the leg. Then I remind him about shoulders back and pelvic tilt. I am worse than a therapist.
    Well I shall update tomorrow when i see for myself.
  6. ruthpill
    :ChristmasTree: :santasmiley: :fireplace: :reigndeer: Tis the season. I tried to cajole William into swimming today after I got off work, but he would not have anything to do
    with it. So I settled down to veg out in front of the TV. At 7:45PM William announces that he is ready to go to the pool. Well, I say yes
    let's go. We get there at 8PM. I ask how long they are open. They close at 8:30M. That gives us 25 minutes. So, we put in a mighty effort.
    We drive around the neighborhood on the way home and admire the Christmas lights.
    Earlier in the day I insisted that William peddle the motorized mini bike for 30minutes since he would not go swimming. I am shocked that he
    agreed to go to the pool later in the day. We are watching TV and William is bugging me about when he should go to bed. I say there is no
    need to go to bed so early. I have the day off tomorrow. But, William says that he is tired and needs to sleep. I say goodnght and give him
    his sleeping pill. he insists on taking a sleeping pill at bedtime.
    I was doing the Kent state study for caregivers and strokesurvivors. This study wanted to test the despression on both caregivers and
    stroke survivors. We did two of the questionairres. But on the last one, William just couldn't take the questions. They ask how much and how
    often and to what degree you feel depressed. They ask the same question in a number of different ways. Just thinking about those questions
    made William feel depressed. He did not finish the last set of questions. The questions take about 30 minutes to finish.
    Later I had a psychologist call to make sure that everything was OK. She said that maybe William was not ready to deal with those issues
    yet. William said that he tries hard not to dwell on depression and suicide. I found the questions rather bothersome. But, I do undestand that
    it is difficult to measure depression without asking alot of questions about it .
    I have been lax in connecting on line. because work has been getting crazy for me. I also had to spend hours istalling
    a new wireless router and figuring out how to use a new computer. I have installed some new games on the new computer and I nee to
    learn the games so that I can teach William how to play them. All of this new technology is messing with my free time. I am not very good
    and spend hours trying to get things to work. The TIRR clinical study should start in January.
  7. ruthpill
    The motorized mini bicycle arrived today. This is a little pedal machine that is motorized. I had purchased one that is manual. It was too much work for William. This motorized one has William excited. He used it for two 15 min. trials. That means 30 min of cycling. This is absolutely fantastic.
    This will work on the assumption that moving the leg helps. Sometimes WIllima can help the machine and push. But, if he gets tired the machine moves the legs.
    The clinical trial that we want to get into is trying to see if regular PT or robotic manipulation of the leg will bring function back.
    The motorized bike will help the circulation in the leg.
    We did have an appointment with the cardiologist and and had a med change. Now we should have great readings.

  8. ruthpill
    William is still sleeping. We are usually at church now. But, William had a very restless night last night.
    It seems that he was up every hour or two. So, now he is sleeping.
    I shall let him sleep. WE don't have Sunday school today. Too many people are out of town for the holidays.
    We will be going to the pool at noon. I am trying to build up William's stamina.
    The blood pressure was perfect this morning. that extra 10mg lisinopril is doing the trick.
    I had just posted a topic on travel and pre-stroke life. I will ramble through some of that now. People assume that life will be the same. But ,they have no idea how life has changed.
    William really wants to travel again. But, I just don't want to go thru the stress and work that will be required of me to take William. Noise and crowds are not easy to deal with. I could practice at the mall during this Christmas season. That is place filled with noise and crowds.
    I think that a car trip would be the easiest type of travel to start with. I will need to find out what type of handicapped rooms are available at motels. I was told to check them out before checking in, Make sure that the bathroom is handicappedready and that a shower chair is available.
    Well, I am waiting for William to get up so that we can go to church.
  9. ruthpill
    William and I will have a nice quite dinner at Luby's. They are open on Thanksgiving. I will be working from 8-2. As soon as I get off I will pick William up and we will go for dinner. I hope that there is lots of football on TV to keep William occupied while I am gone.
    Unfortunately neither William or myself have much in the way of family.
    I am looking forward to the turkey dinner at Luby's. Then I have the weekend off.
  10. ruthpill
    I am back. I just got the computer fixed. It had a virus, trojan horse..etc. 4 in 1 infection.
    I finally relented and got direct TV. WIlliam is thrilled. He says that it his moment of luxury. We were using rabbit ears before. The transition to digital came when William was in the hospital. I didn't feel that he was ready for so much TV. But, he loves the history channel and Nova and etc. He just needs to learn how to play with the remote control.
    We had an initial evaluation for the clinicial study at TIRR. William's blood pressure was high that day. So they want him to see his doctor and get a med change. We were just at the MD's 3 days ago. THe meds were just changed. It is funny but the BP ran high all day yesterday. This morning it is fine. I will continue to monitor the BP over the weekend and then call the Cardiologist and see what he wants to do. He will need to contact the clinical trial people. We shall wait and see.
    The Clinical trial sound good. 5 days of therapy every week for 8 weeks. Very intense. I hope that this will get William up and onto a single tip cane. I told him that I would discontinue the water therapy for those 8 weeks. I don't want him too tired for the TIRR program.
    William is excited about the Clinical trial. We saw the locomat (robotic machine). If he randomly gets into that part of the study it will be nice. The machine straps the leg and moves it mechanicaly. Not an electrical stimulus. You walk on a treadmill for the hour. Some participants end up walking for a mile.
    I also got an electric wheel chair carrier for the truck. A friend helped me to attach it to the truck. Now, we can go out and William can ride around on the electric wheelchair.
    Things are slowly progressing.
    I work on Thanksgiving and haven't decided what William will do. I will only be gone for 6 hours.
    I am glad about the progress that William is making and glad that his spirits are up.
    We got the H1N1 vaccine this week.
  11. ruthpill
    William is intently watching the Movie "Band of Brothers" A WWII series. He is really enjoying it. Our pastor used a clip our of it for Men's life and that got William into wanting to watch it. So I ordered it from Netflex. I have missed alot of it since I am doing other things while William is occupied.
    William is really doing so much better in the pool. I told him that we will be going at 1PM. I have the day off today. It has been cooler in the pool. So today I will let him wear the wet suit. Yesterday I noticed that WIlliam is able to manuever in the pool by himself. I help him and eventually I let him go on his own. He like to pretend that he is the coach and he is telling me to swim laps. Faster and longer. I am out of shape for lap swimming. I can swim a few and then I am whipped. But, if he stays in the water then I will keep swimming also.
    It is amazing how far William has come. We started at the edge of the pool. and stayed for 10 min. We are now walking all the way across the pool and staying for an hour.
    I have used Stessie's new window washer exercise in the water.
    I complained to the company that keeps billing me for the empi e-stem machine. I finally called them and said that this is supposed to be billed to insurance. I reminded them that I had called regarding this a few months ago. Sure enough, they found the memo. I receive a letter from them saying that the machine is now ours. A phone call does it.
    We have been watching the series (or William has) on the National parks. This is really getting him into the travel mood. He says that he needs to walk so that we can go and see these parks.
    He is the travel person of the two of us. I am the homebody. So, when he gets better and starts to walk, I guess that we will be traveling again.
    This swimming for both of us is good. He gets tired and I get tired too.
  12. ruthpill
    I am taking William's blood pressure 3 times a day. I want to get it down. It has been running high. I went to lunch with a couple of friends and they shared that they post the BP readings on the calendar every day. I have started doing the same. I have noticed that William's before meds in the morning readings are high. 140/100. We added a coreg dose. Now at 9.625mg twice daily. But the AM reading is still high. I have decided to give the last dose at 8 or 8:30PM to cover the evening and early morning hours. Guess what this morning at 7AM it was 140/89. Now that is good. We were taking the evening dose too early in the day. I was having William take the meds at 6PM with dinner.
    I might even try at 10P when I get home from work. But, I need to have the BP in the evening still low. This dosing and taking of BP's 3 times a day is time consuming. But, I need to get the timing right. I had read that alot of people do not have adequate coverage in the early morning hours when their BP spikes.
    I have let William sleep in today. I need to go and get him ready for the pool. Sunday the caretaker let him sleep too much. He was up at 2AM and 3AM. I kept telling him that it was too early to get up. I keep William up most of the afternoon and then he sleeps all evening.
    The goal is to get the bottom number in the 80's. I will keep a record and then fax it to his MD when I have figured this out.
  13. ruthpill
    William went to church on Sunday with the caretaker and ended up needing to use the bathroom. He usually does all that stuff before he leaves for church. Well, you know how that it is. They managed. I think that this is good. Now, William can feel comfortable that his caretaker can actually handle a bathroom situation. That is usually my realm.
    William and his trusty cell phone. He calls to let me know that this is happening.
    I read alot of wonderful blogs. Yes everybody keep it coming. I enjoy reading blogs. I love learning more about you and your experiences.
    William is now able to stay an entire hour at the pool. He said that he knows that I expect it. So he is trying to not fight me. We also don't need the wet suit. He able to tolerate the water. It is a little cool...but the heater is on and it is not that bad.
    he is exhausted after an hour of walking. So in bed he snoozes. Yes, he is feeling better in the pool. I am able to swim a few laps while he sits on the chair. Before, he would float away and not feel safe. Now he manages to stay put and kick his feet while waiting for me to swim.
    I have the day off. I am so happy. It was a zoo yesterday and it was Sunday. Today, I will shop for OJ. Now I have to think about lunch.
  14. ruthpill
    We went to have the PT INR at the lab. When we got there we were informed that the order had expired. So, I called the doctor and asked them to fax over a new order. Well, they faxed over the same old expired order. I had to call them again and asked them to put a new date on the order.
    I need to thank Jeannie, I did not realize that I had disabled others from reading the comments. I hope that I have corrected that problem. Let me know. Thank you Jeannie.
    Well, we waited and order. I called again and this time the correct order was called in. William hates to have the blood drawn but it is a necessary evil.
    We got home and I made breakfast. William was enjoying the magazines in the waiting room. He wanted to rip articles out to bring home and read. I helped him rip a couple out. I was just hoping that we could get in and out quickly.
    William decided that he was not hungry. He napped while I made breakfast. and he is napping again while I am typing. I think that he is trying to get some energy together for our walk in the pool.
    He is getting better.
    He is able to sit in the chair and not float away now. So he sits and kicks his legs while I swim. This happens after he walks for an hour in the pool.
    I am going to have wake him up now. He will not want to get ready. But, I will tell him that he can have another nap later.
    His blood pressure has been high this morning. Before I gave him his meds it was high. 2 hours after his meds it was still high. I will retest now and see what it says.
  15. ruthpill
    Can you believe my almost vegetarian husband, William. I could not believe it. We are exercising in the pool. WIlliam is hungry. We woke up and had his meds and went directly to church. Got home at noon and went directly to the pool. No breakfast today. No wonder he was hungry. But, we never go to Whataburger. Where in he world is one?? Well, I found one the burgers were fantastic. But, we were also famished. You know how anything tastes good when you are hungry. William had to have a large vanilla shake with his burger. He is now watching football. I complimented him on making such good choices for lunch. I had actually volunteered to cook lunch. But, he said that I need a break..we need to find a Whataburger. That was sweet.
    I was researching last night and found that Healthsouth rehab centers are using the bioness in therapy. I e-mailed the one Healthsouth here in my area that is using them in therapy. I am going to see if it is possible to get William into therapy with the Bioness. If things work out well, I may seriously consider getting one for him. I am willing to try almost anything to get him to walk. I told him that we really need to work on his stamina if I am to consider the Bioness. I don't want to waste money on it if he is not going to really work hard. So, I have added the pedaling and standing to our hydrotherapy. Lets see how things progress.
    It seems that Bioness has rentals of the bioness. I e-mailed them regarding the rentals. I would like to get more information on that. I told William that the money that I have spent on accupuncture and caretakers would pay for the bioness. We have cut down on caretakers and don't do accupuncture anymore. It is really an interesting piece of equipment. I e-mailed Bioness regarding how much help they would give me in billing to insurance.
    Still savoring that scrumptuous burger.
  16. ruthpill
    We had our appointment today. This orthotic place had both the walkaide and the bioness. They prefer the bioness from what they have seen so far. They have had more experience with the walkaide. We tried them both out.
    The bioness was first. It works by sensing that weight has been removed from the left (weak) leg and points the toe up so that you can easily move the leg. I supported William's left side while he walked. He did quite well. The only drawback is cost. $6,100 and $200.00 for the pads that would be every 3 months.
    The walkaid is about $1,000 cheaper. The pads cost $300.00 every 3 months. The walkaid would not work for William because his gait is not good enough for that. You have to have walking steps that are consistently about the same. This works by sensing the angle of the leg. At a certain angle it will pick up the toe when you pick up the leg.
    They told me that there are no codes for billing and therefore insurance does not pay. They still consider this exerimental.
    I am going to do some more research before I decide to ask the MD for a prescription for the bioness.
  17. ruthpill
    William had to complain about the water in the pool. I did not put his short wet suit on today. That was a mistake. He was upset that I said the water was ok. He insisted that it was too cold. We stayed in for 10 min. But, that is ok. I had him bicycle for 15 min this morning. That is the pedal thing that we have at home. He did really well on that. The leg was able to stay in position. It used to fall out to the left and I would hold it in. I strap the foot on with velcro straps that I made. THey really hold his foot on well.
    I need to try the pedals every day. I will try to incorporate that into our day.
    Tomorrow, I will put the old wet suit on William...or I will have to go to the warmer pool. It only costs $20 for the membership that will allow us to use any YMCA citywide. I guess that it will be worth it for warm water. It looks like rain today.
    I am excited to see what happens to the walkaide appointment. Tomorrow AM.
  18. ruthpill
    I cannot belive it. I didn't start blogging until July 09. Six months after Willliam's stroke. That just goes to show you how much more time I have now. I was really busy the first few months of the stroke. But, it is good to reflect back and see that time goes on and gets better.
    Yes life post stroke is slower. My son was asking how William is feeling emotionally and I can honestly say that he is doing amazingly well. Much better than I would expect to be doing myself.
    Perhaps it is due to the ADHD. Things are slower and not as complicated. Easier to understand. I take the time to explain things because of the stroke and cognitive. That is why the ADHD seems to be gone. WE no longer take any medication for that diagnosis.
    Life is amazing!!! It sometimes takes a little look back to see where you have gotten to.
  19. ruthpill
    We were halfway to the orthotics place when my cell phone rang. I don't always answer the phone when I am driving. It is difficult to delve into the bottomless pit called my purse. But, somehow I managed to get the phone before it clicked off. I am just calling to reschedule your appt. It was supposed to be at 9AM. the orthotist called in sick. Can we reschedule for....Friday?? What choice do we have? Friday it will be. I am rather excited about this evaluation. I wonder if William will be a candidate for the walkaide. I hope so. I have told him that we shall see. If he is not ready for it yet. Perhaps in the near future we will try again. but, we shall wait until Friday. We did turn around and went to the pool instead. William did a great job in the pool
    We met a gentleman that had a stroke a few years ago and he is back to his old self. He encouraged us to keep working at it. It is slow but you get better with lots of work. This was inspirational for William. He needs to hear that every so often.
    I have toyed with the idea of getting a city wide membership for the YMCA. We can then try to go to the therapeutic pool at another location. It is warmer.
    I am always amazed at how well William can walk in the water. The left leg is able to actually work. We do squats and running stretches. While william is on the chair ...I have him kick his legs, pretend that he is pedaling a bicycle and lifting up the knee. He is really exhausted after my workout.
    He has a shower and then is hungry. We haven't had breakfast yet.
    He says you can fix us breakfast. That is good to hear. For awhile...he had lost his appetite. So I am more than happy to fix breakfast.
    I have been taking his blood pressure. The addition of the extra coreg is keeping the blood pressure at 140/80. That is good.
    We have the windows open today. It is 75 degrees and breezy and overcast in Houston. Wonderful weather. William is snoozing in his recliner and I will be getting ready for work.
    I can hear the windchimes tinkling.
  20. ruthpill
    We had an appointment with the primary care physician today. William blood pressure is still a little high. The doctor said that maybe he didn't need his digoxin anymore. He wanted to know what is ejection fraction was. I told him that the cardiologist had just taken is a couple of months ago. and it was still low. The digoxin is for congestive heart failure. Anyway...I came home and made an appointment with the cardiologist. I think that he should be able to answer some of the questions posed by the internist. Do we still need digoxin. William is still in atrila fib. Should we do anything. Does William still have congestive hear failure. Will is go away?? What blood pressure should be normal for him. Should we add a calcium channel blocker?
    I was under the impression that because of the congestive hear failure we needed to have blood pressure a little high.
    Well, who knows. But, now I have lots of questions for Friday and the cardiologist.
  21. ruthpill
    Well, our special day. William is always up early on days that he has a trip or Sunday. He is so excited about church. He gets up at 4AM 6AM I finally say please we don't need to get up until 7AM. But, it is great to see such excitement. He is ready for the service and the bible study. At the beginning ....5 months ago...WIlliam complained about not understanding the sermon and not understanding the bible study lesson. BUt, now he is able to participate and know the lesson. I read the lesson to him and we discuss it the week before. Actually, we did the study for next Sunday today. This just means that I will go over it again before next Sunday. Or I will have the caretaker go over it with him. We did manage to watch some tennis and a movie on the TV. Recently, William has enjoyed eating eggs and bacon and toast for dinner. He seems to eat one meal a day and that is what he is hungry for.
    I am concerned that at our YMCA they have had budget cuts due to the recession. A good friend of ours was let go. She was the senior coordinator. She was awesome. We miss her... I doubt that they will have more trips in the near future. I guess that I will have to just come up with some on my own.
    William managed to walk by himself in the water. I was complaining that I was not getting any swimming in.. So he said go on and do your swimming. I didn't feel comfortable leaving him. So I just sort of swam close by. He was actually able to move himself around in the water. I usually guide him. But, I need to try to let him become more independant. We had met another stroke survivor that was in the water by himself...with just a float under his weak side. William was inspired and said that he could do that.
    I can see improvement. It is just slow. This stroke just requires lots of patience.
    I scheduled an appointment to see about a walkaide. I found the site on the internet and somebody called me for a free evaluation ...So on the 15th. we will see on the evaluatioin goes. I will learn more about it then.
  22. ruthpill
    The dinner theater was fun. Actually we had lunch...I didn't solve the murder mystery. I cannot believe that. I love murder mysteries. But, William thoroughly enjoyed himself. It was a bit of downer that the regular older adult program director just lost her position due to budget cuts. She was the best. this recession is hitting everybody. But the food was delicious. William had fish, shrimp, ribs, fruit salad, chocolate cake, coffee and iced tea. Pretty good for William. The day was a hit. William did not get a nap at all. and still managed to stay up until 10P. He asked for a sleeping pill out of habit. I said NO.
    We don't need a pill every night. I have the day off tomorrow and we have no reason to get up early. So I don't need to worry about him not sleeping. But, he is out like a light as I type.
  23. ruthpill
    Up at 7AM meds and breakfast and brush teeth and bathroom duties. William is tired so he is sleeping until the dental appointment. I went outside and pulled weeds and watered and cut and pruned. I am tired again. I need to clean and get us ready for dentist then I will take us to the pool for swimming.
    To be followed by lunch then work for me. I love today. It is so cool. Only supposed to get to 91degrees today. That is fall weather for us here in Houston. It actually feels cool because the humidity is only 54% instead the regular 90+. I keep looking out the window and I notice that it needs to be washed. I keep thinking of the myriad of things that I need to get done today. I can hear the yard workers outside. The grass is getting cut and trimmed. I guess that I should prioritize...Let me start working on that now.
  24. ruthpill
    The YMCA is closed for a week for cleaning. I need to figure out some other exciting activities to do today. First off. I think that we will start with the bed exercises. Crunches in the bed. While lying in the bed...try to straighten out the left leg by pushing down on the knee cap. Lie on the right side and I will help move the left leg...hip joint. Yes the dreaded e-stem to the leg. Standing for 10 minutes.
    We will need to eat breakfast and have meds first....Probably yogurt and peanut butter toast.
    THen the physical will be done for the morning session. WE need to write cards to friends. Thank you and thinking of you and birthday cards. Our mental stiumation. We need to read the Everybody is Normal til you get to Know Them by John Ortberg for bible study on Sunday.
    I need to a read a chapter out of Stronger After stroke by Peger LEvine. Just inspirational for me...It also gives me new things to strive for.
    It looks like rain and thunder today.
    Yes the bike for pedaling.....and self range of motion exercies and stretching and weighbearing. This can go on and on....William willl be complaining. He has been complaining of leg pain recently. The therapists say that it is to be expected...But, I am not sure.
  25. ruthpill
    We had to wait 20 min. to use the shower again. Oh, no the same old lady. This time she said that the since nobody was in the shower she was using it. She said that she is handicapped also. I mentioned that the women't lockerroom has a shower with a bench and rails to hold onto. She like this one. She complained at the front desk and said that she was shakey and felt like she was going to pass out...therefore needed to use that shower. I mentioned that if you are feeling faint then a private shower room with a locked door is not smart. What if she did pass out??? who would know???
    We went a little later to the pool. For some reason the left leg did not want to straighten out. I guess the tone is kicking in more. I need to work on it more. I did manage to stretch the hamstrings last night and I did use the e-stem on the hand to make a fist.
    We get the day off. So...we will be going to visit the bluebonnet square dance tonight.