
Stroke Caregiver - female
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Blog Entries posted by ruthpill

  1. ruthpill
    I found tickets to the "Color Purple" It will be at the Hobby Center this Sunday. It is a Theater under the Stars production. We had season tickets...I had to forgo all of the venues this year. But, this is the last one. I picked up the phone yesterday and asked if I could exchange the tickets for wheelchair accessable one. They said yes. So ...Sunday evening we will be going down to the Hobby center. William says that he doesn't hear well. But, he heard me exchanging the tickets. He is excited about going. Now, I just have to figure out the logistics. Where exactly is handicapped parking. I will drive down today and just check it out. William is snoring this morning. I will let him sleep in. Then off to the pool we go.
    I do believe that William's hearing is selective. He hears things that I don't want him to and doesn't hear things that I want him to. He actually does have hearing aids. But, I believe that his hearing has improved since the stroke.
    The decreased hours for caregivers seems to be working out. I leave him in bed for a nap for an hour between when I leave for work and they come. They put William back into bed at 9PM and I get home at 10PM. This is better. He was complaining of being up in the chair too much. This way he is more comfortable and gets a little more rest. Nobody is around to keep him up. At first, he got panicky. He insisted that he had to use the urinal and couldn't by himself. Luckily we have lots of neighbors. The first day he called one and she came and assisted. The second day he called another and she came and helped. We are very blessed.
  2. ruthpill
    We had the cardiologist visit on Friday. Increased the coreg. I am supposed to take his blood pressure more often. I asked him about the digoxin. This is a lifetime med. That was my impression. HIs ejection fraction is 35-40%. That is good. normal is 55%. He started with 20% ..
    Congestive heart failure.
    William went to church with his caregiver. They attended Sunday school and service. They had a good day.
    Today is Monday, I have the day off. Went swimming this morning. It was a good day. William did not want to stay very long. Only 30 min. today. We have had a very lazy day. Just sitting and watching the tennis games on TV.
  3. ruthpill
    Ambien works for well. William loves to have Ambien at bedtime. I ask him why. He says that this way he doesn't have to worry about falling asleep. It just happens. I actually get 10mg Ambien tablets. I cut them in half and give William 5 mg at bedtime. Sometimes on the weekends when I am home. I tell him to try sleeping without taking a pill. He manages. I think that he is using it just as a safety feature. If I am able to keep him up most of the day then he does not need the pill. I know that he asked for one the other day. But, I was too tired to go and get one for him. I fell asleep. When I woke up....I remembered that I was going to get him a pill.
    William is always jealous of the way that I can fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. It is just amazing. But, maybe the job of caretaker has just worn me out. Actually I was like that before the stroke (William'S).
    I took Asha's advice and wrote down my questions for the cardiologist ...for Friday's appointment.
    I am curious to see what he will say.
    It is so strange ...we had labs done today. The labs bill into medicare and I suppose that they are getting paid. Aetna is the primary and medicare the secondary. Who knows??? WE have been doing this for 8 months and I haven't heard from Quest about a bill. WEll, it is strange. Everybody else wants to bill into Aetna first. I will never understand insurance.
    I have never taken an Ambien..all I know is that is works well for William.
  4. ruthpill
    I cannot believe that I did that. But, as I was filling out the pill box. I found that Sat and Sun evening was still full. This is outrageous. The evening has the warfarin doses. also blood pressure. That means days in a row. This is because I changed caretaker times. I have them leave earlier and did not write in my notes to have them give the evening meds. ANy other night they do that. I will have them do that earlier. So the bloodwork levels were low as to be expected. 2 skipped doses. I shall be more careful...I will check the pill box daily....
  5. ruthpill
    I hear a voice calling out for me at 3AM in the morning. William has decided that he should practice walking. I tell him that it is really early and ask he could possibly try to go back to sleep. But, we have a trip with the YMCA planned today. I know that he is excited about that and is probably up because of excitement. So, I make myself get up and we practice walking. This is a first. At any other time of day...I would have been ecstatic. But,...3AM. I am still sleepy. But, We walk from the bedroom to the livingroom. I ask him to sit in the recliner. I am a little tired. I have had to assist. This is scary and hard.
    But, we walk some more. and then I get William's meds given and he goes back t sleep. But, in the recliner. We get up and I take him to the pool to walk.
    He does well. Just enough time to shower and go the the bus. We go to Webster TExas for Murder by Chocolate. Lunch-dinner theater. It was fun and the food was good. Got back home right before the thunderstorm hit.
    This is a new attitude from William. HE has decided that he needs to practice walking. This is going to help alot.
  6. ruthpill
    We tried a wet suit on to get into the pool. It is colder now. They have changed the water and it is not warm. But, the wet suit was not a piece of cake to put on. Can you imagine...the left side does not help. William said that he felt all tied up...I was trying to pull the thing up over his torso and then the arms. It was difficult. Finally got it on. William was able to stay in the pool because of the set suit. I will probably have to go thru this again tomorrow. Getting it off was another matter. William has to stand and balance while I pull this on and off his body. I guess if he is willing to go thru the hassel of getting it on and off then I will participate. Myself. I like the water a little cold.
    The dentist worked out well. William has his teeth cleaned. We use an electric toothbrush...the hygienest reminded William that he has to use it the entire time that it is on. He has been getting done way before it shuts off. And of course the flossing of the teeth is not easy. ANd rinsing for 30 sec. 2 min of brushing and 30 second of rinsing. This feels like an imponderable time. But, William just needs to be reminded. He is too impatient. Now he is complaining that he should not eat and then his teeth will be clean. How can we win?
  7. ruthpill
    Tomorrow we have a dental appointment. William has a cleaning scheduled. I will take him to the pool afterwards. I think that we will have to wear a short wet suit. He complained that the water was too cold today ....Could only stay in for 10 min. I hope that we can stay longer tomorrow. I think that I need to work in some blood work at the lab too. Maybe, I will put that off for Wed.
    We had a nice quite day. I kept working the left hand. I noticed that it becomes alot more pliable as I open and close it as he watches TV. i have William walking 3 steps to the wheelchair. He does not enjoy the short walk. But, I think that we need to try.. I keep pushing him. His appetite has been getting better. I had the day off today. But, I felt exhausted. Luckily we had a quite day at home. I even made it to the pool by myself and had a little workout.
    The wet suit will not be fun. It is hard to get on and off. We shall see. I will let you know tomorrow how it works out.
  8. ruthpill
    Sundays are the highlight of William's week. He loves them. Early church service. A caregiver comes and picks William up and takes him to church. Then to Bible study. THey had all church lunch today. So he and Monica had lunch at church. Then home...William said that he stayed up all day today. That was nice. I came home from work and found William watching TV. I am in the process of teaching William how to operate NEtflex on the computer. WE watched the OX Bow incident. It was good. William went to sleep. WE should be able to go to the pool in the morning. Our regular pool is open again. I have the day off tomorrow. I have vacation days to use up. So I am using them up a day at a time. Makes my work week short. WE are planning on a YMCA outing on THurs. I took that day off too. It will be a mystery lunch theater thing. I have volunteered us both to act. I have William walk a couple of steps to get from his recliner to his wheelchair. He is doing well using a hemiwalker. He has started munching on cashews. He loves them. I like them on salads and most anything else too. I have posted pictures of William doing therapy on the wall in the living room. It is very helpful and inspirational for me. I hope that it is just as helpful for William. Tomorrow, will be a great day ...I have the day off...Yipee!!!
  9. ruthpill
    Got up early today. Wanted to make it to the pool before the rain comes in. It is supposed to rain this afternoon. We went to the Clay road YMCA. The senior class was just finishing...good timing for me. William was anxious to get in and try again. He likes this pool because it is warmer that our regualr pool. I didn't even watch the time. WE walked back and forth. William was able to walk by himself. I wasn't pushing or supporting. This water has to be about 5 feet deep to accomplish this. The deeper the water the easier it is to walk. We then walked to shallower water to see if William could still support himself. But, alas, he has a tendency to sink. He wants to float. IT is alot more work to stand up tall without the support of the water. Then we went to the ramp where a wheelchair can be pushed in. This was liking the parrallel bars at therapy. We sat at the edge and did leg lifts. Leg up and then to the side. Tried to do a little sideways walkings. This supposedly strengthens the aductor muscle. Did planks and then I was told about standing on a noodle and having the foot go up and down. It helped somebody with driving a car. (a survivor that we met in the pool). I took the belt off and just put a nooodle under the left arm. William felt fine and was able to still maintain balance in he water. Especially the deeper water.
    Went to Denny's for a grand slam. Then topped it off with a frosty from Wendy's. Then had to drop by CVS and pick up a couple of things. Finally home by 1PM. William and I are both exhausted. William is still resting and I am taking this time to blog. I will be getting ready for work soon. The weekend is coming up.
    WE had a great day today...Lots was done. I keep trying to have William activate the quads while sitting in the chair. I have him look at the muscle as it is activated.
  10. ruthpill
    Family changing room for families or handicapped persons only.
    All single users please use locker rooms or lobby restrooms.
    This is the best sign ever. Our local YMCA is closed for a week. William and I went to one on Clay Road which is a little drive down the beltday. They have a
    therapy pool. This pool is kept a little bit warmer than our regular YMCA. THey had the perfect sign on the door. IT addressed all of the issues. Especially
    the one regarding single users. The family changing room is made for families and handicapped people that have a caretaker of the opposite sex with them
    We had a great time in the pool. We met a stroke survivor that swims in the water without a belt. He just gets in and says that you are fine without use of
    the left side. William was inspired and said that he would have to try that next time. Using a different pool was good. I had william in water that I had to be
    on tiptoe to touch bottom. But, William was fine. Nice and elongated. I didn't tell him until we were in the car how deep it had been. But, he wasn't
    complaining like in our regular pool. The stroke survivor that we met said that the water was the best therapy. We had to learn a new shower. Everything
    was different. But, we managed. Then I set William up with a cup of coffee and I went to put our things in the car. I met another stroke survivor just
    getting out of his car. I started chatting with him. He told me about his electrical AFO. It has an electrical stimulator in it. It works well and He also has a
    saebo for his hand that he uses when driving. HE was going to the pool, too. I accompanied him inside and he and William started to chat. William was
    inspired by his story. After his stroke he went to the YMCA and worked out for 1 to 1-1/2 hours every day. Doing land based and water exercises. Again, I
    heard water is the best therapy. I and William are so blessed to have the use of the pool. WE tried out the pool in the Woodlands the other day. I like this
    one better. I told William that it was a good thing to be adventurous. We came home and had to stop at Denny's for a grand slam. We were starving.
    William had a grand slam. I asked if he wanted to eat and he immediately said a Denny's grand slam. Well you don't have to say food to me twice. We
    were on our way. WE both cleaned our plates. Starving we were...
    Well, if it doesn't rain then we will be back to the YMCA tomorrow morning. I work this weekend. So no more pool until Monday.
  11. ruthpill
    Today we had our home therapy intro. I will be working with William at home for a month or so and then reschedule some more PT and OT.
    I am told that the following exercises will help to re-educate the leg muscles.
    Start the exercises lying down. Next do them sitting up and Finally do them standing up.
    Start on the back---supine.
    1. Bend left leg (the weak leg). Place it on the bed.
    Right leg is straight.
    Push the left hip up then over as if starting to turn onto your right side. Do not go onto the right side. Just move as if going that way.
    The helper's (me) left hand on the left thigh (to stabilize the weak leg) The helper's right hand is under the
    hip(to help initiate the up and over movement).
    Repeat this 10 times.
    2. Roll onto the Right side then back.
    Repeat this 10 times.
    3. Lie on the right side. (left leg is on top)
    We will be working the hip. Not the hamstring (keep the knee bent to prevent the hamstring from kicking in)
    Place a cushion or pillow between the legs to support the upper left leg.
    Bring the hip and knee forward.
    Helper's right hand holds the left leg. Helper's left hand is on the hip or support under the knee.
    Then push back.
    Repeat 10 times. Working the hip.
    4. Lie on the right side. Weak left side on top.
    Support the left knee on a ball or pillow.
    Bend the knee and then straighten the knee. Be very careful. Do use the hamstrings...use only the quads.
    Start at the the point that you are. Leg slightly bent then slowly increase straightening the leg until you have it completely straight. This takes time.
    Keep you thumb on the tendon of the hamstring to relax it.
    This is a very small movement. Do not use the hamstring.
    5. Straighten the left knee (weak), by pushing back with the left leg. Do this in a wheelchair.
    repeat 10 times or as often during the day as you can.
    6. In a seated position..Prop the left leg on a stool or small ball. Push the knee down.
    The goal is to push down and hold for a count of 5.
    If you are able to are connecting with the brain. The muscle and brain are sending messages. Try to hold.
    7. Remember good posture. Head up. shoulders back, pelvis tilt. chest out. All of the sitting and standing exercises are easier if done in perfect posture and not hunched over.
    Bring the left leg up then move it to the left. This is a sidways movement. The helper brings the leg back to the starting position.
    Bring the left leg up then move it ot the left.
    Repeat 10 times.
    8. Sit to stand.
    Sit then stand. do this throughout the day.
    9. While standing. Pick up the left leg then move it to the left.. We are walking sideways.
    This is the same as in the chair. Pull the left leg up then move it to the left.
    William is exhausted after PT. But this will be our home program .... This is alot of work to re-educate the muscles.
  12. ruthpill
    On the way home from church I asked William where he would like to go for lunch. He said lets have a Rhueban sandwich at Jason's deli. My mouth almost fell open. But, yes. I am game. I did not mention anything about this not being vegetarian. I'm not stupid. I drive us there as fast as possible before William can change his mind. As we are driving into the parking lot..He mentions a salad. I suggest that I get a salad and he get a sandwich and we split. Great idea!! Well, I end up with the salad and William enjoys the Hot rhueban sandwich with lots of saurkraut. He said it was delicious. Then we topped it off with chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The sandwich was so large that I still have half of it in the fridge.
    I had almost suggested barbecue. I told William that he made an excellent choice.
    He was even ready to go to the pool. But, I said no. I will give you a shower and then you can rest. We will be going to the Hobby Center tonight.
    So Now is the time to rest.
    Monday...I will tackle the pool again.
  13. ruthpill
    I just started taking pictures of therapy...I realize now that I should have done this earlier. But, now I can look at the picture and now what the therapy was about. We will be starting home therapy since...the insurance is cutting down the number per year. But, it will be a nice break. I have learned alot...The pool is my primary goal. I still take William every day,,But,the pool will be closed for week. So I am coming up with a land based plan.
    William is glad for the break from the pool and the hospital therapy sessions.
    I guess that it is time. I thought that I would feel lost without the PT and OT sessions. But, I am not. I am sort of relieved. I need to have time to see how we can do on our own. I may end up being harder on William than they are. Look out William! Don't anybody breathe a word of this to William.
  14. ruthpill
    This is our 4th hand splint. Of course, getting a hand splint made take up the hour of OT. But, we need one. William wears his every day. We started with the ready made ones in the hospital. Each therapy place has made us one. We needed a new one today...because William hand keeps popping out of the splint. They tell me that this one has some wrist extension. They will check is weekly and modify it as needed by heating it and bending it. They also need to add the thumb part on next week. Didn't have enough time today. I am supposed to keep the splint on one hour and off the next and check for red spots.
    Red spots are OK if they don't last over an hour. If it is good then I will use it overnight on William.
    From what I understand range of motion if very important. It is also very important for the stroke survivor to try to activate the muscles himself. When william tries it is a small amount of movement...but a little is good. That is the beginning.
  15. ruthpill
    Friday. WE had OT at 8AM used e-stem. I took pictures so that I will know where to place the electrodes. I took pictures of using the massager. THe arm is really not coming back very quickly. It is downright slow!!!!but, we will persevere.
    He had Kathy for PT. He was in the lit gait and walked on the treadmill for 45 min. He was exhauted. But, he was able to do it.
    I was going to the YMCA after therapy. I was just going to use the shower. BUt, I noticed that the pool was empty so...we changed and went into walk the pool. We stayed about 15 min. because the hinges and twinges folks were starting to come in the pool. This is a huge group of older members who do moderate movements in the water. When William is able to walk by himself...I will have him join that group.
    I was amazed that WIlliam was willing to get into the water and walk. HE had forgotten that I said that we would only shower today. His stamina is getting better. Of course, he has collapsed and is sleeping now.
    He came home and had cantalope, figs, peaches, nuts and cherry limeade for lunch. He is eating healthier.
    I have left lists for the caregivers. I will be leaving for work at 3:30PM. Today. I have started on decreasing the caregivers by 2 hours. 1 hour when I leave and I hour before I come home. We will see how this works out.
  16. ruthpill
    I am glad to hear that William's appetite has come back a little. He is actually trying to eat. He finally admitted that the hospital did not like it when he did not eat and that he needs to eat to have energy.
    He is eating very healthy. He has yogurt for breakfast and some fruit. For lunch he went out with AJ to Paneras. Salad and soup. HE brought part of the salad home and had it for dinner. So soup and Salad for dinner. When I got home he had cachews and gatorade.
    Tomorrow is up early for the pool. We should be there by 6AM.
    Today we had OT and PT. We had PT first at 8AM. He had his special PT person. She is so good. She works well with William and is so encouraging. Really wanted him to practice bending the knee. She wants him to have a normal gait. Bending the knee is essential. So she had him walking sideways. I will try that sideways walk in the pool tomorrow morning. I had OT readjust the straps on the hand splint. OMG I forgot to put it on William. Let me go and do that now.
    I know why I like the deeper water. It forces William to stand nice and tall. The nice posture makes it easier for him to walk. I notice when we are in shallow water...he has a tendency to sink down in the water. But, it is not possible to sink in deep water. I'm 5"4 and I am on my tip toes and pushing Willia along. BUt, just barely. I never tell William that I am on Tip toe. He would never trust me. But, he does well. He is taller and is actually just walking along.
    I asked OT to start working on a Home exercise program for WIlliam. I need one that we can grow into. I got this idea from "stronger Afer Stroke" It is the best book. It suggests getting the therapists to make a home exercise program for you and can help you keep growing and pushing yourself.
    He mentioned an appt for home exercise programs at a later date if needed. That sounds interesting. I need to learn how to use the e stem more.
    WEll it is midnight and I need to get some sleep.
    William was so good. He even agreed to have a shower after PT & OT this morning. WE just had time to stop by the YMCA and use the shower. THen he was off to lunch with AJ. I managed to work in the hot tub and a swim. Then I hit Kinkos and made copies that OT gave me. I laminated them at Kinkos. I couldn't help myself. A Vietnamese noodle house was right next door. I had to have lunch. I had to order to go. BEcause I promised to be home at 1PM.
    My lunch was great. Vermicelli with pork and lettuce. The laminates are going to be used to teach the care takers how to help with therapy.
    Let's see how that goes.
  17. ruthpill
    William woke up in time to take meds and yogurt for breakfast. AJ came and took William to PT and OT. OT used e-stem on the hand. PT did not have a great day. OUr usual PT was not there. THe substitute was not as good. We went out to breakfast. Then I took William to the pool. He is tired. But, he kept going. Finally got home at 2PM. I let William take a nap. Woke him up and tried the e-stem. I was going to read the lesson for bible study. But, realized that I was exhausted. I had to to take a nap. So ...William took another nap. We watched a little TV. Then more exercies. I did some weight bearing on the left arm while sitting in a high backed chair. I used the massager on William's back and leg and arm. It really causes an itching reaction.
    We did standing. Managedd 4 minutes. I need to work up his stamina to stand for 15 minutes. We will try to increase a minute or two each try. I am really pushing ....but William is complying. This stroke thing is alot of work. constant work. I noticed that William's balance is much better. He can sit in the chair and not complain that he feels like he is going to fall off of it. Little improvements keep happening. He is able to walk for a longer time in the pool. He said that OT said to imagine that his arm is moving.
    William wanted a sleeping pill. I gave him a half of a 10mg Ambien. That's all it takes. I felt that he probably did not need one. But, he wanted one.
    I have warned him that tomorrow starts at 7AM. We will be at the pool at 7AM.
    William shared that he thought that he would have to die. BUt, I have done such a good job and his life is still good. He was really appreciative. He has never mentioned the fact that he was so distraught about the stroke before. I have always told him that he will get better. It is just a matter of time and lots of hard work. I am glad to hear that all my work is paying off. I am glad that William is not depressed anymore.
  18. ruthpill
    Up at 5AM. Early to the pool. Had a great workout in the pool. It helps that I prepare William the evening before for the early morning. He did alot of walking. I am trying to build up his stmina. I know that he was tired from the long day yesterday. He is snoozing now. In an hour, friends will come over and play 3 handed bridge with him. I get respite and will take off for 2 or 3 hours.
    William had such a great day yesterday that he could not wait to sign up for the trip today. The next trip will be to a murder mystery thing. We both volunteered to act in the play. I hope that William will get to act in the wheel chair. It is called Death by Chocolate. I will let you know about it next month.
    William is evening managing to do a lunge in the water. I have him bring the left leg forward and the right one back and do a runners lunge. I ask him to change the legs and he is able to do it. Simply amazing!
    I need to swift the floor and find the playing cards.
    More later.
  19. ruthpill
    We just had a long day... An outing with the YMCA. I took William in his wheelchair. We left the YMCA at 9:15Am. WE are loaded on the bus on the wheel chair lift. I stand on the lift with William in the wheel chair. We head downtown. William again says that I need a GPS. I have a terrible sense of direction.
    Headed for downtown Houston to the Federal Reserve. We go through one entrance. and enter into a compound. Now we all get off the bus. William and I are last. We take the lift down. This is the second largest...second to NYC. We got to tour the facility. We even left with a sample of shredded money. William enjoyed the tour emensely. Now back on the lift. This is not exactly easy. I have to manuver the wheelchair so that I can transfer William to a seat on the bus. Next stop Lunch at the ship channel. Oh, no. Off the bus again. Down on the chair lift. This restaurant has a makeshift ramp. We need to get down 3 steps. It is steep. Luckily the waiter pushes William up and down the ramp. It is too steep for me to manuever. I never thought about that problem. Next, the group of seniors. They all go and reserve themselves seats. But, since William and I are last. I have to find a seat at a table. Now it is not easy to manuever around chairs and tables. I wished that I had asked to have a place reserved so that I had easy access. But, those places were taken up. I found a spot, but the leg of the table was in the way. People are just not aware. I was not in the mood to lecture them. So I found another spot. People are not very considerate. I would have offered to move and given up my seat if it was needed by somebody else. Great salad and soup. Fits right in with Williams new diet plan. I was told yesterday to increase the coumadin to 7.5mg daily. We were taking 5 and 6 mg alternating days. Back up on the lift after lunch. Then off to the Natural history see the Terra Cotta soldiers. Back down on the lift. William and I had seen them in Xian China. IT was wonderful to see them again. I actually had William read a few articles on the internet this morning before the trip to refresh our memory of China and the Terra Cotta soldiers. Back up on the lift. Now, to Chik Filet to sample peach milkshakes and chicken tenders. Back down on the lift. The milkshake was good. Now back on the lift. We are headed to the car at the YMCA. Now back down on the lift. THe last time for today. That was alot of transfers. That is therapy. up and down. It is a good thing that I am agile. I had to stradle the seats and wheelchair to transfer William.
    Finally, 5PM and we are home. What a long day. I of course had to rush off to work. But, a caretaker was at home to meet us and take William in and care for him. That was alot of rides up and down the bus lift. William really did enjoy the trip and is already looking forward to the next trip.
    Tomorrow is an early pool day. I told William that we need to be up at 6AM. So he took a sleeping pill tonight and he complained of arm pain also a pain pill.
    Tomorrow is the day we sign up for the next trip. Since, we go early to the YMCA...we are usually the first to sign up.
    I shared with William that we have to work on the arm...or else they want to discontinue OT. I have been concentrating so much on the leg. that I have really not done as much work on the arm as I should have. I do have his care takers stretching and massaging the arm and fingers.
    I need to use the electrical Stimulus machine. E-stem. William does not enjoy that machine. But, I will use it. He will not the let the caretakers do the e-stem. I can understand why. I have shocked myself with it. It can hurt.
    We even managed all of the different public bathrooms. 3 different public bathrooms in one day. What a record. We managed just fine.
  20. ruthpill
    I am so glad that I am using a service for caregivers. I went to work at 7:30AM yesterday morning. I expected a caregiver to show up at 8AM. I had a lab appt. set for 8:40AM. I am at work and get a call from the homehealth company at 9:45AM. They tell me that the caregiver just called and said that she can't make it today. Luckily, I had gotten William and up and given him his morning meds and taken care of the bathroom before I left. I was almost going to leave all that for the caretaker. But, always in the back of my mind is the thought that they might not show up. Luckily, I was prepared. They missed the appt. The company talked to her and insisted that she come. They could not find anybody else at such short notice. Her friend was sick and in the hospital. So, she showed up. Luckily, William had fallen asleep while I was gone. He did not know that she was so late until she called and woke him up.
    Anyway, things turned out ok. He went to the lab and they worked him in. The caretaker was sorry and stayed the rest of the day. The company is worth the extra money. I just don't have the time to find people to take somebody's place when there is a problem. I have to do that at work ,as it is. My work environment has me hopping all of the time. I really do not have time to take care of personal problems like that.
    The vegetarian diet is working out OK for William. But, I will have him take blood work weekly until it is stable. I told him that he needs to consistently eat a salad daily...Coumadin patients need a consistent diet.
    yesterday was along day. I worked from 8AM o 10PM. Lo and behold, William was up at 5AM this morning. Ready and willing to go to the pool. So, I drug myself out of bed. To the pool we went. Next, we went to the store. He has been craving Key lime pie for a couple of weeks. I bought one. this morning. I said, do you want to go to the grocery store and get a key lime pie? Another excursion. He said yes. This means that I go and get the electric cart. I back it up to the car and He takes a couple of steps. I help the left leg move. But, once in the cart he goes. As you can imagine, at 6AM the store is rather empty.
    Finally, home by 7AM. breakfast and meds. William is sleeping. He did lots of walking in the pool. He was there for 20 minutes. Straight walking.
  21. ruthpill
    I was reminded about all of the things that I had to do to get ready for discharge.
    1. Go down to medical records and get release forms.. This is release Williams medical records to his new doctor;s. Cardiologist, Rehab, Primary care, Neuro. And I order one for myself. (I end up getting 10 pages of nothing for $64.00). I also go to a different dept and order a CD of all of his tests.
    2. Make appts with all of the new MD's . for about a week after we get home.
    3. Call home health to set up care. They will do medicare help. twice a week bathing and nurses come out for INR checks. Care for when I am work.
    4. Talk to the social worker and make sure that the wheelchair, cushion, potty chair and transfer board are ordered. Also a hospital bed.
    5. Make sure that the MD writes an order for a disabled parking sticker.
    6. I had all ready remodeled the bathroom. Wheelchair accessable on the lower level of the townhouse.
    7. Installed a ramp at the front of the house.
    8. Had the house cleared that the wheelchair could move around. and a hospital bed could be moved in.
    Once home. I had to run to the pharmacy and get the discharge prescriptions filled. i went to DMV and had the handicapp parking permits given to me.
    I went to the grocery store and bought some food. I had been living at the hospital with William for 2 months. So no food at home. I had a service come in and clean the house. Because I had not been around for 2 months and the remodeling.
    Doctor forgot to write for amiodorone. A heart med. I had to page that he could add that to the list at the pharmacy.
    Looking back it really doesn't look as daunting as it was at the time.
    Today was a good day at therapy for William. He walked again from the PT room out to the car. Then he went out and had breakfast and then went to the pool. It is my weekend to work so no water this weekend for William. He gets a break.
  22. ruthpill
    We started to read the CHINA Study. This is a study that advocates being a vegetarian. William really got into the book. I , myself, think that a little meat is OK. Well, as you know. Coumadin patients should have regular consistent diets. WE just had lab work done. William's blood was stable. Now it is too thick. I told the MD. I forget, to tell you. William has decided to be a vegetarian. This is OK. They just need to be notified. So, now we are back to more frequent blood work. We need to see exactly how this will affect the INR. I will take him again next week.
    So many things to think about. Chick peas are not good for coumadin. High in Vit K . I was thinking of makin humus.
    More to come as I learn more about vegetarianism.
    So far, William loves tomatoe basil soup and likes egg salad. He will possibly agree to fish. I have him eating sushi..without meat.
  23. ruthpill
    William is making progress. Positive. SLow by steady. I think that is the way that William has always been. Slow and steady. In therapy the PT has his walking with min assist each session. This makes William feel good. He is also walking in the pool. Everybody is watching his progress and they are all so supportive at the pool. We are part of the early morning pool gang. The handicapped need to get to the pool early to beat the little kids. Lessons start at 8AM. Today William was too tired to get up at 6AM. Since, I have the day off we can go later. We will heading for an 11AM date. Then a doctor's appt. at 1PM. Just a regular checkup.
    William was up at 8AM for meds and breakfast. OJ and cereal loaded with grapes and blueberries. He has definitely changed his eating habits. Now he wants to eat healthier than I do. No more donuts and junk food. Before William could not stop himself from eating junk and sweets. now he won't touch the stuff. Simply amazing. I had him do his self-range of motion exercies. I monitor and check off on my check list. I added pulling in and out with arms.
    I had him sit on a highback chair on a balance cushion. He did not like this ...but did well. He said that he felt like he was sitting on the top of a tall building and the wind was blowing. Next, I was going to let him rest. So to the bed. I had him stand up and put pressure on his left arm by using the walker as a support. While lying down he did bridges with both legs and one leg. Next , crunches. You can imagine...he is exhaused and snoring away. He has 30 minutes to sleep then up and dressed for the pool. followed by shower and doctor's visit. We might even stop somewhere on the way home and have lunch.
    Outings are exercise. too. Wiliam has to transfer from the car to the wheelchair. Then from the wheelchair to a chair or booth in the restaurant. It will depend how much energy he has after the pool and MD visit.
    I am a drill sargeant. I find that since I expend so much energy at home. I am not such a drill sargent at work. I would really rather let things go and relax at home. But for this time in our life. I am taking on a new hat. I don't even like hats. WIlliam is the one that likes hats.
  24. ruthpill
    Yes, we tried accupuncture. The accupunturist said that you sh0uld try it before 6 months post stroke. We did this for about 2 months. It did not seem to help and William does NOT like needles. WE discontinued the therapy.
    This was a very busy time. We had OT, PT, ST 3 times a week and accupuncture twice a week.
    The accupuncture would treat the unaffected side of the body. Hoping to open up meridians to get the flow of energy going to the affected side. We took herbal remedies for energy. William had his tongue checked for health. She would look at it each treatment. This was good. because in the hospital I happened to notice when William's tongue turned black. I was aghast! THe docs and nurses never looked in his mouth. I did because I brushed his teeth.
    This happened while he was on tube feeding and pureeded foods. I found on-line that this happens when patients are not on a regular diet. The lack of roughage allows fungus and bacteria to grow on the tongue. They gave him nystatin..swish and swallow. I started to brush the tongue and got a tongue scraper. It finally cleared up. The nurses and doctors were clueless. I found the answer on the internet.
    For some reason accupuncture did not do much for us. William did mention that he had a sense of well being after the sessions. It could help with pain but, luckily William did not have pain issues.
    In many of the books that i had read...many people had used accupuncture.
    Never leave any stone unturned. THis might be the one that works.
    It was very soothing and calming. Unfortunately it was not covered by our insurance.
  25. ruthpill
    While in the hospital. My son learned of the ROho cushion. He said that since William will be spending alot of time in the wheelchair, I need to make sure that it is comfortable. THe best in comfort is the Roho cushion. I asked the case manager and PT to order a Roho cushion for the wheelchair. I was expecting this upon discharge. A roho cushion is made up of lots of little cells that are filled with air. They have multiple kinds. Check out their web site. This particular cushion will ensure that you do not get any pressure sores on the bottom.(sitting area).
    I get home to find a regular cushion and wheelchair. I ask what about the Roho. THey tell me that medicare does not pay for a roho cusion unless the patient has stage 4 ulcers. These are really bad ulcers. I say that I want one before we get any ulcers. Stage one is redness...that is not good enough.
    Well, I go online to e-bay and get a new one. I got one that you can adjust where the air is. This is so much better. The cushion that they gave us....was horrible. William was slipping off the cushion and the wheelchair. The other thing...medicare does not pay for our stuff. William's primary insurance is Aetna not medicare.! Instead of fighting the system, I just bought it myself. Anything to prevent pressure sores. I have seen them...they are nasty and can be difficult to heal. The rojo cushion was a miracle. Now, William does not slip off the wheelchair. I have it adjusted so that the butt sits in a lower area and the front part is elevated. Sort of keeps you in the chair. It is much cheaper on e-bay. $200.00 or so... I got a brand new one.
    I even sit on the chair when William is not using it. It is comfortable.
    They other thing you can do. Is tell the doctor that the person is red on the bottom and needs something else. How many docs will turn a heavy full grown man over to check out his bottom? This is what my son told me. He is right. No doctor every did that. They just took my word. BUt, I had to check the backside for bedsores since the rest of the medical staff did not.