Cindy J

Stroke Survivor - female
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About Cindy J

  • Birthday 08/17/1967

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  4. Cindy J

    My Loss and My Gain

    Fred, I to am sorry abot your hand and arm, but, the leg is good news!!! What is the name of the doctor mabe I shold go see him. I will keep you in my prayers. And Selebrate the use of your leg!!!! God Bless. Cindy J
  5. I went to a brest canser stor. They have all sises and mesure to fit you rite. No underwires Ether. And I am with Jan, please fill us in on the 70 lbs you lost.
  6. Hey dstraugh, yeah they are over-protective, well my mom is. My daughter is 21 and married, and my yongest, my son is 18 and in 2 weeks graduwating from high scool, and has his ohn life to liv. I am exsited about that. I am sur my shoulder will improves so therapy can continu. Thank you for the kind words.
  7. Hey Asha, I do try to do it myselv but my family wants to run and do it for me. I am going to therapy, but becuz of my sholders they have to stop for a wile, but it will get better. Thanks for the confidense to do it. Cindy
  8. Hello everyone. I wood like to ask when it ends. I am 3-4 months into this, wheelchair bond, left leg no feeling, left hand ify and speek bad, but my problum is between my mother, and the rest pf my famly, an I know they are tring to help, they won't let me try anything. I have asked and yelled, demaned and nothing is working. Now I have to be pushed everywere becuz of my shulders giving out. What do I do??????