Cindy J

Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Cindy J

  1. Hey dstraugh, yeah they are over-protective, well my mom is. My daughter is 21 and married, and my yongest, my son is 18 and in 2 weeks graduwating from high scool, and has his ohn life to liv. I am exsited about that. I am sur my shoulder will improves so therapy can continu. Thank you for the kind words.

  2. hey cindy:


    welcome to our wonderful blog world community. stroke recovery journey is slow & long process & every stroke is different from others. Though things come back in leaps & bounds first few years than it slows down to snails's pace. Important thing in the begining is to get as much therapy as much possible & try to get maximum out of your recovery. Try to be as independent as you can be. I know in the begining whole family rallies up, but later on it will be only very close family & you. so try to be as independent as possible. I too was paralysed on my left side though I worked very hard to get out of wheelchair & my independence. I have come quite far in my recovery. I walk everywhere without any assistance, I still can't use my left hand yet but that has not made me stop living my life to fullest.

