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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. Hi keili, my heart breaks for you, as you can not remember, and you can not go back. As your Son gets older he will be more understanding, I know this , my Son is 22years old, yes they are very selfish, but has they get older, they get mature, and start realishing that there are others sharing this Earth  with other people. LOL. 


    Enjoy your Son, and  how he has grown into a fine young Man



    they can be buttheads can't they lol

  2. Kelli, your story is beautiful and touching....hugs from me too!  By the way, I agree 100% with Sue being so strong and selfless, but do you realize that you also have these qualities in abundance? Lin

    i can't say how happy to see you back. I thank you for the words however I see we all have these qualities and radiate off of each otherxxooxx

  3. That was some experience and in a way I am sad you missed out on it. Sending you warm (((hugs))) Kelli, I, like you, get emotional sometimes but hey! that is what makes us warm and loving human beings.  Bless you.

    Many thanks Sue. You are the strongest and selfless person I know and I have learned many things from you. Your hug was what I needed :)

  4. All the best to you Kelli one day we all must go this way and since my birthday on 22 July turning 75 years old I figure there is not a lot of time I got left in this old body that is handicapped on one side as my memory is fading fast..... Not many in my family got this far in their lives except my mom she made it to 83 bless her soul........ My dad was in his early seventies and I was just 14 at the time.....

    I know you will live for a long time :) 

  5. Stay strong on this one Kelli, the rest of your life is for you and you decide what you do. He can work it out for himself.  It must be very difficult for you and the stress is not good for you. So smile and say :"It is not going to happen that way honey."

    you always know what to say to make all the sense.. thank you my inner conscious    

  6. ****update*****

    his new girlfriend and I went out to lunch yesterday and it was absolutely a  wonderful time. She and I share many of the similar health problems with neurological issues. She was diagnosed with   

    transverse myelitis  

    which is inflammation of the spinal cord and brain lesions. It's helpful for her that he did a crash course with invisible effects with me and she deserves someone with a kind heart like (my ex) him.


    SHe agrees that I need to start a new life in distance, not in anger,  but she gets it for she is divorced to. So I'm less upset with distancing myself along with your responses. <3 

  7. The dating world sucks.  I know how you feel.  I look at myself and wonder why would someone want to be with me. My ex has made me feel "ugly" and I know I am not.  But in the back of mind I think well if I am not ugly why can't I meet someone. Then there are times when someone does talk to me and I start thinking, maybe being single isn't that bad. I then just put it as another chapter in my very small book called my crazy love life.  Beauty is best when it's from the inside.  Beauty from the inside out is what helps us, but we have to learn how to let ourselves feel beautiful on the inside first.

    you summed it up beautifully 

  8. Know what you are feeling.  Life goes on, he has moved on. Time for you to move on. . It is great that you are good friends, but cut down going to his house, and the kiding around, this could be giving you false hope. Don't hang out where you know they will be.  Time is a healer.Each day is a day to accept that  that relationship is done.


    Wishing well



    i believe the false hope was spot on from me