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Blog Comments posted by ksmith

  1. I think all of this is I felt the same way about her stroke and her visual impairments those of us that have it. I do understand the challenge of staying positive you could try meditation or putting on your favorite music. I'm praying for you my friend I wish I had a magic wand that I could wave and make your frustrations go away revolve face those days it is a struggle but you're the only one that can pushed out of the way push through and no there is sunshine behind those clouds. Ranting is good for the soul once in awhile and you know all of us will support you in any way we can I'm sending positive energy your way. Jay

    Love your sent positive energy :)

  2. I ABSOLUTELY adore the time with Asha.  As she said,looking back on what she first told me now makes a lot of sense. I often felt, 'how could you see this as a positive?' She has got to be delusional but over time her words are more truer than most of what I was told be my doctors.  She is truly a genuine soul and I look forward to our days together... as long as no road construction lol  

  3. 100 things you may not know about me

    1. I am a twin

    2.my favorite food is pizza

    3.I really hate cheese

    4. I'm Lactose intolerant

    5. I love Vaudeville anything

    6. I started to study Buddhism after my stroke

    7. I love classical music

    8. I played the clarinet in school for 9 years

    9. I can play a little in the piano by ear

    10. My first concert was Siouxsie and the Banshees

    11. I've had my hair every color in the rainbow

    12.I was never good at math and my father was a math teacher... go figure?!?!?!

    13.I am a huge Florida Gator football fan

    14.I had a tummy tuck 

    15. I will argue till I'm blue in the face

    16. In my mind I'm alway right

    17.I really dig piercings and tattoos on guys

    18. I was asked to model as a child but mom said no

    19. I was going to attend Ford Modeling until I found out i was pregnant 

    20.I used to be really good at golf

    21. I used to be pit crew for my son when he raced dirt bikes


    23. I have started to enjoy cooking

    24. As a kid we had a Newfoundland dog

    25. I was the tallest girl in my elementary school

    26. I wasn't allowed to be in the same classroom as my sister...teehee

    27.I have always stuttered

    28.I have OCD

    29. I love all kinds of music

    30. scratch that.. i dislike country

    31. I loved working hospice

    32. I was raised Catholic

    34. I remember the Challenger explosion

    35. I can't make the rolling r sound with my tongue

    36. My favorite show was The Sopranos 

    37. I love going to New York City

    38.I took french in school

    39.I always wanted to be a coroner

    40. I have never been a good speller

    41. I worked with first time mommies

    42. I had to call DYFS on a mother who was a threat to her child

    43.I secretly want my parents dog

    44. I want a pitbull rescue

    45. I saw Benny Goodman with my father

    46. I dislike basketball

    47.I went to cheerleading camp at UF ( GO GATORS)

    48. I am afraid of the dark

    49. I believe in Ghosts

    50. A house near mine as a child was hit by lightning

    51. I used to go cow tipping near my house in Cape May Point

    52. I had to go to Pennsylvania when we were evacuated for a hurricane

    53. i survived Hurricane Andrew

    54.I've never seen a tornado

    55. I hope I haven't lost count

    56.I love watching Hannibal

    57. I studied Tae Kwon Do

    58. I am a 2nd degree black belt

    59. I was only able to spar men

    60. I was trained to fight

    61. I love to swim

    62. I have a fear of sharks

    63.I am an Independant.. 

    65. I was never asked out in High school ( Dad was teacher and football coach)

    66.I hardly ever get hit on or asked out

    67. My ex husband is still my best friend

    68. I secretly love nerdy shows

    69.I have always wanted to go to comic con

    70.I used to play on line RPG games

    71. I have Body Dysmorphic issues 

    72.I cant make myself burp

    73. I used to smoke

    74. I've been drug free for 25 years

    75. I went into drug rehab when I was 16

    76. I am an open book.. sometimes to open

    77. I am brutally honest

    78.I shaved off my hair for a friend

    79. I loved playing in the mud with my kids

    80. I still think every body of water in NJ has alligators 

    81. My cousins had me convinced the Jersey Devil was in their backyard..... IN PA 

    82. I have a secret crush

    83 love making people smile84.I belong to the ASPCA

    84 I use to throw jellyfish at my sister 

    86. I used to sing in the mirror

    87. My sister and I turned our basement into a skating rink

    88. I am OBSESSED with clean teeth

    89.I love watching trashy talk shows

    90. I watch Jeopardy 

    91. My sister and I were the only twins in our town

    92. I was close to my late grandmother

    93.I love chocolate too much

    94. I don't like swimming pools

    95.i can sit at the beach for hours

    96.i was a junior lifeguard

    97. I pride myself with the gift of gab

    98.i still dress up for halloween

    99. i can't believe I made it this far

    100. I can finally breath 

  4. May please tell you while reading your blog,honestly,I felt like a pink ribbon winding its way through every word. You exude happiness in your words whether upset or depressed. That isn't something you might expect to read after everything you just wrote but it was a pleasant experience.  I just wanted to share that.